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Everything posted by Domuhnator

  1. Non CE is 10-1 In my opinion. Not really any difference in price yet but there probably should be.
  2. Not many of them are. The best one I was able to track down was a 9.0 two years ago.
  3. I don't believe you can see completed listings yet. But it is coming.
  4. Im so sorry about the technical issues you had. We are working very hard to fix them This was only the second auction on a brand new platform and as we scale up the auction size from that last one there were some issues that we did not see coming. But we are working round the clock to address them. As far as your item reach out to info@goldinauctions.com if you have not. It should have reset to the price it was at before the second extended period regardless. I beg to differ. I care very much about this job and the people who work with me. These issues made me sick to my stomach. I want to bing the best product and experience possible. No one at goldin feels good about the issues we have had. But we are going to improve with every auction and do our best. If you think we're just here to get rich your gravely mistaken. Both Jared and I love this space and this hobby and these people. Also I apologize for not checking the forum sooner. I flew out directly after the show for C2E2 Chicago and the convention center has zero service.
  5. It just gets people in and bidding early. Thats just how things have been done. Pretty much what I tell people is if you see something you would buy at that price place a bid. Don't wait till the last minute. If you do that you wont miss much.
  6. Just a reminder. Auction ends tonight at 10pm. You have to have a bid placed PRIOR to 9:30Pm eastern to be able to bid on any lots after 10PM.
  7. Right! Super Super rare. To be 100% honest I have no idea. Im just going off of what they told me. I have zero experience in the field. I built my PC and can handle hardware fine but website building is out of my wheelhouse.
  8. Yes. The categories and sub categories are lacking. They will be better in future auctions but the Dev team has a lot on there plate right now and cant add and more for this auction unfortunately. I already tried.
  9. We are open for bidding! https://goldin.co/buy?view=list&number_of_lots=24&page=1&Category=Video%20Games We have these as well as 400 more video games and related items for you to bid on all with a $100 starting bid! If anyone has any questions feel free to reach out. Please keep in mind anything you want bid in the extended portion a bid has to be placed by you prior to the last 30 minuets before auction close! There are a ton of rare/cool items I think you guys are going to like! Here a few cool ones. Auction close date is the 8th of December!
  10. People Sent me that screenshot this over the weekend but it was the first I heard of it. I was unable to watch the video as well. But we ship an unbelievable amount of high end cards with no issues so I don't even know how something. like this would have happened. As far as the games go the shipping team and I personally came up with packing procedures for both graded and ungraded games. I expect zero issues on that front.
  11. https://goldin.co/buy?view=list&page=1&Category=Video%20Games 461 games in preview currently. I believe this is it. We might add a couple last second, but it will be 1 or two if any.
  12. Hey all! Just a heads up. Our auction preview is live now! We did end up doing a longer than normal preview. If anyone has any questions or concerns please let me know! - Dom
  13. Soon! We're working on titles and making sure everything is migrated over properly. Typically we launch the preview the day before the auction starts. But im working to try and get a longer preview. But its not something Goldin has ever done.
  14. Im sorry ifs its confusing. Our starting bids are normally a fraction of what our rough estimated final value is. There is no item we value at $1000 that will start at $1000. Every item in our last auction got bids and im sure they all will in this one too.
  15. Correct, Nothing will start at $1000. It's just our estimated value. But like I said there is going to be a-lot of stuff that im sure wont hit that mark. We have a lot of new products and unproven items in auction.
  16. Our company policy is not to accept single items we feel will not hit $1000. There are alway exceptions and we get large collections from time to time with lower valued items but its a general rule.
  17. Just because we have a $1000 min doesn't mean that everything always hits that. We'll give some borderline or new stuff a shot from time to time and sometimes lower prices items come in with bigger consignments. I would recommend for everyone to look though the auction when it goes live and assign your own values to lots. You and everyone else bidding decide where the final value is. We just procure the items for your consideration.
  18. There is a chance it changes in the future with us, but as of right now in auction setting its a $1000 minimum. Its actually more for you than us. We don't make any money on items that we don't sell. Its not like we don't want to generate more business. But to be honest our current bidder base does not respond well to items under $1000 and they tend to undersell when we have tried them. If our bidder base changes and more bidders come in who will respond well to items in the $200-$500 range I expect that will change. We never said that Heritage is not a premium auction house. But they do sell a-lot of non premium or cheeper items.
  19. We can absolutely get games graded for you. We will front the grading cost and take out of your auction proceeds. We do this for a-lot of consigners. We might adjust it for certain categories that are not as developed. But at the end of the day we are a premium auction house offering premium product. So for games the $1000 minimum most likely wont change.
  20. Lol, Not quite. But we value all members of the community wether they are consigners or not. Oh you guys are a treat compared to some of the other forums!
  21. Not at all! Thats why Im here! He wanted to make sure everyone here was taken care of. If he doesn't build the auction theres no auction to have and were on a pretty tight timeline.
  22. Jared is good! We work very closely together. He is very very busy building the auction so he asked me to step in here and take care of you guys.
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