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Posts posted by OptOut

  1. 8 hours ago, CodysGameRoom said:

    I mean it's a cheesy kids movie, I don't exactly expect Scorsese level dialogue here, lol.

    I think it looks way better and I'm looking forward to taking my girlfriend's kids to see it, they both thought the trailer looked awesome.

    Detective Pikachu was a kids movie, but it had great trailers with actually funny jokes, and it turned out well. There are loads of kids movies that are well written and great fun. This doesn't look like one of them.

    I will not be subjecting myself, nor my kids, to this one.

    • Wow! 1
  2. Sonic looks better, though still not even close to spot-on, but the film itself looks absolutely terrible. I didn't laugh at even one of those "jokes" in the trailer, so lame! Aren't they supposed to be putting their BEST stuff in the trailer?

    This film retroactively makes Detective Pikachu an even MORE awesome movie than it already was! Calling it, this one's gonna be a stinker.

    At least they gave the Coolio a break, tho, thank god, lol!

  3. You need the batteries in order to play the games! How could you possibly enjoy your Robotic Operating Buddy (also known as ROB) without a couple AA's? 

    Having said that, if you include batteries on the list, you also gotta include a CRT... ROB won't work without that either... Is the Sharp TV on the list?


    Edit: NOT on the list! Get the Sharp NES TV on the list dude, you gonna need something to actually play the games on, not just the system but a good CRT TV too!

  4. On 11/11/2019 at 11:20 AM, Gloves said:

    I like the thought of The Egg by Andy Weir. Not to say I believe in it strictly speaking but it's a nice thought. 


    Good God! Please no, NO! All of the lives? EVERY life? Please, I would do anything necessary, anything in my power, anything BEYOND my power to get out of that! Too much work, too much pain, argh!

    Great, thanks Gloves, now I've got a whole other nightmare scenario in my head to worry about when I die! 😖😭

  5. 13 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    You know it’s high when 2% of his ask would be a pretty good offer. 

    How so? Is it really possible to judge a price on this kind of item, when there are no directly comparable sales we can relate it to? Genuinely curious how such an item can be priced, when no other know examples exist. Is a million really out of the question?

    I have no idea, I just wanna hear your logic, seeing as you actually have experience with one of a kind items! 🙂

  6. Lol at people getting mad in these threads!

    This is clearly a unique forum member, posting his own lists in his own threads, I for one welcome contributions from his unusual perspective (admittedly with a little tongue-in-cheek)! The logic to what is included is clear, if you look at it with a particular frame of mind... Reminds me of the kinds of things I would think about when I was a kid listing all the Nintendo things I could think of in my head! 

    The lists are not complete, however, and OP is obviously open to suggestion and debate as to what should and shouldn't be included, so why not help him out rather than deride his effort! Maybe you can be a Video Game Master too! 😁

  7. 1 hour ago, Californication said:

    It is definetly an important piece of history, but what does it represen?

    I mean you had two video game developers who couldn't see eye to eye. And because they couldn't agree, Nintendo probably took some short term and long term losses, but overall the gaming industry is better because Sony and Nintendo didn't work together longer. 

    The moral of the story is if you don't get along with someone it will all work oit for the better?

    Competition > Synergy ?

    What you talking about, PlayStation sucks balls! Would've been better for Sony to release this SNES CD and then watch it fail and go, "Ah well, videogames ain't for us I suppose"...

    Every day for the past 25 years I have dreamed of a blissful PlayStation-free existence, every morning I wake up with the wretched pang of cold dread when I remember that world will never be. 😥

    #N64life 💕

  8. 3 million may be a stretch, but of all the videogame related items out there that might possibly pull down anywhere near that figure, this has got to be a contender.

    I mean historical significance is one thing, but before this unit was discovered it was practically a myth and a legend rather than a tangible object that it was ever thought possible to own. To hold the ACTUAL Nintendo Playstation in your hands still sounds like a fantasy to me, it really is that special.

    Add in the fact that this is likely one-of-a-kind (or as close to that as you can get), and yeah why not at least a million?!

    • Like 1
  9. **Trigger warning**:  I am talking about actual real end of life death here. If this can possibly upset or offend you, PLEASE do not read any further.

    This is going to be a totally real thing here I'm going to say, and I HOPE no one is harmed or offended by it, but it's just the way I have felt for a long time, and I really want to hear other people's opinions on it to either challenge or inform me.

    But here goes...

    I do not want to experience ANY further existence or any kind of sensation or ANYTHING else that I am consciously aware of after I die.

    Let me be clear. I do not want to die. I am not unhappy with my life, and I want to experience as much of life as I can while I am alive. There are a multitude of pleasures that I am aware of and can continue to enjoy while living, and by no means do I want anything to put a stop to that any time soon.

    However, once I'm gone, once my body is worn out and my brain stops receiving oxygen and no longer functions, I don't want any more. I don't want to feel any more, I don't want to work any more, I don't want to wake up anymore, I don't want to think any more, I don't want to live any more.

    It would be amazing to imagine that there was a heaven that my conciousness could go to, and live forever in bliss, or whatever, but sorry I don't believe that. I believe nothing.

    But, on the other hand I am actually properly fearful that my conciousness WILL live on in some way after my death, perhaps even reincarnated into another painful and suffering filled existence, so I have to do all this shit over AGAIN. YAWN! Please do not do that to me, DO NOT WANT! Lame.

    My worst fear is that I have to live another life as a human from birth to death, AGAIN. Fuck that, I'm so tired, please just let me rest and not have to bother waking up everyday over and over again for a million years...

     I have a sneaking suspicion that this WILL fucking happen to me. I will die about 50 or 60 years from now, fat and rich and surrounded by loved ones, and then like maybe a few years later I'm gonna be a fucking baby just learning how to walk and even though I remember NOTHING of my previous life, I'm gonna FEEL every fucking second of it... I already feel that way to be honest, I'm 33 years old and I feel like I'm fucking 500, so lame...

    Anyway, what do you reckon? Am I going to have to do all this shit AGAIN? Or can I just die and rest in peace and not even have to bother anymore?

    **Please do not be offended** This is not a joke it is a genuine question and concern. I actually am happy living, but do NOT want to live again. What are your thoughts. Peace.

    • Like 3
  10. I've already got Snowboard Kids 2, ken Griffey Jr. , HSV adventure racing and StarCraft, cart only of course.

    I was lucky enough to pick up StarCraft for 5 pounds from GameStation in Southend about 15+ years ago, so getting the others was trivial after that.

    As I said, not a collector so much, so boxes and manuals aren't my thing, but carts yeah I got em!


  11. Very nice little trilogy there GPX.

    I'm more of a gamer than a collector, but I HAD to complete my collection of Mario Party games for N64. US collectors don't realise how expensive those 3 games are in PAL land, especially Mario Party 3 which I had to spend 80 quid on! 😖

    Also, I felt naked without Sonic Advance 3 when I had the other two, so I bought that as well! Then again, all those games are great to play too, so win-win! 😄

    • Like 1
  12. On 11/6/2019 at 8:12 PM, ExplodedHamster said:


    A small number of stickers have those from when people ripped the sticker off lol. Must have caught part of the box and continued to rip. 🤣

    Geez, you think you'd stop when the tear reached, say, an inch or so?... Or at the most when it got halfway down you'd be like, hold on... NOPE! Just tear that shit all the way down, fuck it I got Clu Clu land to play damnit! 🤣

    • Haha 3
  13. Wooooooooo wheeee!

    Man, just when I thought this thread was running out of steam, BAM with the stone cold revelation from MrMark!

    I kept relatively quiet on my feelings about this whole pump and dump scam issue for many months after the NA buyout, sharing my suspicions only privately with a few of my close friends. It was only at the end there on NA when the sky was falling I just let loose because why not at that point.

    But, it was obvious really to anyone who was paying attention that the whole situation relating to the blowout sale prices of sealed games and the WATA/HA/GoCollect racket was all just hyped up bluster and bullshit from a bunch of interested parties and their noobish rube victims who can't tell a videogame from their arsehole.

    I must say I am glad we finally know the truth about where that smell was coming from, and I admit I was wrong about one thing... It wasn't the bigshot farts after all, it was the fishy business going on right in front of us all in broad fucking daylight.

    Thank you to MrMark and others brave enough to keep speaking out and keep digging, even when some big dogs barking tried to drown you out. Thank you.

    Only sad thing is, it's probably too late to avert the new collecting "hobby". Enough rich fucking idiots have already spent enough money to attract other idiots to join them in the money pit. My advice at this point would be to sell while the getting's good if you can, and then step back and watch all them fuckers drown, before chuckling to yourself and then going back to playing Nintendo.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, time for a popcorn refill and another beer, this thread is amazing! 😄

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    • Haha 2
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