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About GiygasKaz

  • Birthday 05/02/2003

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  1. It's a lot funnier and less self serious than I was led to believe. Definitely not what I expected.
  2. Been working my way through Snow Crash. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, but I definitely didn't think I'd be getting almost dadaist levels of absurdist humor. It often feels like a post-ironic satire of the old internet from a modern perspective at times, despite having come from that era. Pays tribute to the campiness of old sci-fi and the political satire of Carpenter's They Live. Aside from a few moments that feel outwardly sexist or xenophobic in a way that doesn't quite sit well even as supposed satire, it's generally a very enjoyable experience and unlike anything else I've read.
  3. Dreadout 2. I'm a huge fan of foreign horror films/games and I loved Dreadout for how amusingly amateur it was, but 2 was flat out miserable. Despite being so short I've never had a single video game leave such a negative impact on me. Probably the worst game I've ever played period.
  4. Retroware has a decent track record that only seems to get better and better with their recently published titles, so I have confidence this'll end up being a fun time.
  5. 9. Although I'll always consider Super Castlevania IV the peak of the franchise as I prefer linear games, SOTN does as much as it can to justify the metroidvania formula and the backtracking is rarely an annoyance. Still stands as a genre standard for sure.
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