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Posts posted by AirVillain


    On 5/11/2024 at 7:51 PM, Californication said:

    I don't want too, but it's really painful and it has taken everything in my life from me 

    Please get help.

    Call the police for the stalker and call a medical facility to help you cope with the problems you are having. Those people are there to help you.

    You can do this!! You can get help. You can get yourself back on track!

  2. 9 hours ago, Link said:

    I find this so interesting, because my feeling is the exact opposite, despite not being gud at games. I really like the challenge. I find it fun regardless. I'm not better than you, I think my top score ever is like 52K and typically land around 40... 20 on a bad day. But even here it's a little exciting rush nearing your record, and if it's good enough for a Gen X girl in a dark bar to make admiring noises over, idk what more I can ask (except for her not to turn out to be a horrible person).

    Anyway, yes it's tough. To be really good at higher levels I think needs the memorization skill required of Battletoads race levels, plus an extra dimension, and with different concepts of timing and watching. Mastering Pac-Man by Ken Uston is a good book. I can't find my copy right now but if I wanted to go real serious on the game, that would be my period reference text.

    As for holding up. I would tell never anybody they must love a certain game. But if you care about video game theory or history, or early 80s pop culture, I would put Pac-Man in the top 5 to pay attention to.

    Dang... you sound like a Pac-Man master! 20k? Shit... that's a struggle for me, haha.

    I get it, though.... You're correct.

    Never thought of the cabinet taking a bit away from the gameplay.... but yeah, I have played it on a full sized cab in the past.

    I certainly have never even bothered to look at any "strategy" on how to play it, so maybe a couple tips would make it less frustrating and difficult, haha.


    9 hours ago, Sumez said:

    Agreed on Arcade1up, but the game of Pac-Man is still the same.

    It's meant to be a tough game of course - you only get to hog the machine for as long as you can last a credit, and it's not designed around continues. Play longer to get a high score, you weren't meant to "beat" it.

    Buuut there's a bunch of well established strategies for high-level Pac-Man play, right down to specific patterns for going through the stages which, if you execute them well, require extremely little actual decision making and reaction.

    I don't know if that makes it a better game (some might argue the opposite), but if you're playing every once in a while at work, I think that's a good reason to look up some strategies on the internet, find some resources for high-level play - there's plenty out there. Get that satisfaction of conquering a game that seemed impossible, bumping up the personal highscore, and maybe even impressing your co-workers which how much of a nerd you are 😄 

    For sure.... Actually not working there anymore, so.... can't practice. 💩💩💩

    So the score will sit on that cabinet at least. But definitely somewhat interested to see what these strategies are. 🤔

  3. On 4/24/2024 at 9:56 AM, T-Pac said:

    Why is that a cop-out? Maybe I'm weird, but I could think of 1000 games I'd want in my collection more than an NWC gold.

    I'm honestly surprised how many people are just listing rare and expensive stuff if they only had 5 spaces left to fill. Like - wouldn't you want to fill those slots with something you care about and want to play, instead of a hype game? One of the titles on my own list was Star Parodier since it's my favorite cute-em-up and I've never had a physical copy - not crazy expensive and not crazy rare, but I couldn't imagine feeling like my collection was "complete" without it. (So I bought it when I posted this topic haha.)


    Hmmmm..... Others have touched on it.... but it's a "cop out" because NWC Gold is more like a museum piece, and having it is a literal Holy Grail.

    That could be the ONLY thing in your "collection" and it would be awesome. 🤷‍♂️

    I'm surprised more people aren't saying it.

    I mean, you do specifically state you need to stop collecting after these 5.... so I suppose downloading games for a Everdrive is out of the question.... Which is why I left it off my list and chose games I wanted to play.

    But alas... NWC Gold is a WHOLE OTHER level when it comes to collecting, so I just figured it'd be off limits since it'd literally be impossible for us all to claim it. 😆

    AND DAMN! Never heard of that game, but you have sold me on it already. 🤣  I'll see if I can find a copy before I have to lock in my 5. 😆

    • Like 1
  4. These are really neat!

    Gotta say, though.... Mega Man's foot scooch is one of the best/ingenious gameplay moves for NES ever.

    SO MANY games you can't move your player over juuuuuuuuuuust a touch when you need to get closer to an edge, etc. YOU NEED A SCOOCH! Mega Man has it. 😭

    Always loved it. Sometimes I do a little scooching just to dance. 🕺

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  5. Are we ALLOWED to say NWC Gold?  That's kinda a cop out I think.

    But alas... OP Does say price and rarity are no issue. For the record, I'll leave it off my list.

    I'm not even sure I have 5...

    1) Little Samson - NES

    2) Mega Man 5 CIB - NES

    3) Power Blade 2 - NES

    4) Final Fight 3 - SNES

    5) Magical Chase (Turbo GFX)

    There's probably WAY more expensive games I could have picked, but those are the games that I WANT for my collection to play.

    Well, play... 🤔  that's obviously a lie because I've snuck in the "CIB" on Mega Man 5. 🤣

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Brickman said:

    Well the superior SMB3 is on the SNES as well. So technically it can fall into a SNES discussion 😆

    Star Wars No GIF

    Haha... So much to unpack there... I'm not even sure where to start. Not even sure if I know where/how with this one. 🤣

    Actually... it's easy, I much prefer the NES controller, and I think you lose a bit of the "tightness" with the port/SNES controller. Whatever the reason is, I don't know.... but in SMB3 All Stars the gameplay feels a bit "heavier" for me. 🤷‍♂️

    Plus while I can appreciate the upgrade in graphics, sometimes I don't like change. 🙈


    11 hours ago, Brickman said:

    I agree with SMB3 but not with SMW, I still prefer the SNES version a tiny bit more.

    SMB3 with the extra Ecard levels is the best way to play SMB3 imo. Looks amazing and plays great. The new levels are some of the best Mario levels I’ve played.

    SMW colours are a bit messed up on the GBA which I didn’t really like. The save anytime was handy though. 

    I must admit, I have never played the ecard levels. 😨

    Mostly because I am not a fan of the button set-up on the GBA and find playing SMB3 awkward.

    When the A button is on an slight angle upwards I find in annoying. When I'm playing SMB3 on All Stars I can never play that way, I think it's weird.

    I also hate the Dogbone controller for the exact same reason.

    OKAY.... So just to see how the button configuration was handled I tossed in SMB All-Stars. It has been YEARS since I played it. So the button option comes before you start the game... okay. I chose Mario 3 and IMMEDIATELY was upset/shocked/disgusted.

    I uncontrollably said out lout "What the fuck is this!?!?" at hearing the music and sound in the opening. 🤮

    Big fuck up there.

    Then the music in the first world. Ugh. They try to get fancy with it and just ends up fucking it up. Gameplay feels okay, but still not as comfortable as NES.

    Graphics are neat, sure, but it fucks with the gameplay and feels "heavy" like I said above.

    And the tail sounds like shit.

    OG SMB3 FTW. 😎👍


    1 hour ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

    Up there for the best game of all time. Imagine making a game like Mario 3 and then following it up with Mario World.  I've always liked the world in Mario World better then Mario 3 and Dino Land overall is a scene that can't be replicated. And the cape is the best power up of all time. 


    This comment about the cape is just false. 🙈

    CAMMAN! We all know the Tanooki Suit exists, right?

    BUT... even before that.... the Racoon Tail is far superior to the Cape.

    Cape = One big jump and MUST move forward.

    Racoon Tail = Can fly upwards.

    Then when you're flying forward with the cape all you can do is go up or down, and you must do one or the other, there's not much room for maneuvering.

    Plus, when you have the Cape on, you can't fly while carrying a shell/item. You can jump high, but that's it.

    With the Racoon Tail/Tanooki Suit you can fly while you're holding that shell, baybay!

    Maybe I'm missing something about the cape that people love? I mean, yeah, you can fly through a whole level with it....

    I do agree that Dino Land is hella cool. Being such a SMB3 map lover, I can't say it's "better' than the maps, but I certainly do give much respect to the "world" layout and that in SMW.

  7. 22 hours ago, Mega Tank said:

    Without providing any evidence, @Sumezhas maintained his stance that this game is literally unplayable due to frame rate issues he claims to have experienced. Just look at page 1 in this thread.

    I see... Haha... Yeah, me too! What Sumez said!!! 😅


    On 2/22/2024 at 6:15 AM, Sumez said:

    I feel kinda bad giving it such a low vote, but I tried playing the game for the "Survivor" event thing going on on this forum a while ago, and it's just completely unplayable.

    I remember seeing my cousin playing it when it was new, and I thought it looked so cool. a Mario Kart style racer, except based around an adventure mode with a lot of cool things to do and find. It's appealing for sure.

    But man, the framerate and input lag just straight up ruins the game - for a racing game especially it's just completely impossible to control, and by the time you see stuff you're supposed to react to, it's already too late to react.

    I've only tried it on N64, but I've heard from a friend that even playing the game on an emulator with a solid framerate, it just ends up feeling equally unplayable, because the game was designed with the abysmal performance in mind.

    I guess this is a great example of a game that's desperately in need of a modern port, giving it a solid overhaul to make it playable at 60fps like it deserves. So does Mario Kart 64 btw.

    At least Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed exists.

    I get it now....

    At least someone agrees with me the game is basically unplayable at a certain stage. 🙈

  8. This is a good conversation....

    8/10.... because I typically categorize NES & SNES separately... so overall, compared to the SNES library SMW is definitely at least an 8.... could maybe even be higher. I would say, in an SNES discussion only, that it is a "great" game.... Even a 9 in this context because if you are playing SNES then you 100% should be playing this game.

    HOWEVER.... when we look at the overall Mario games and compare them, as others have brought up, I will go ahead and quote myself: "SMW is not great if you compare it to SMB3." 



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  9. On 4/11/2024 at 4:25 PM, Brickman said:

    I 100% this game when I was 14. You can do it!

    It is actually a pretty hard game though, it starts off so easy then becomes brutal. Wizpig #2 is very difficult. I spent a week learning that race.

    Haha, fuck, well that doesn't make me feel any better. I mean, at least you confirmed it's a "pretty hard game"... that's enough for me, haha. A week? sweet lawd, well done.

    It literally feels impossible right now... I'll give it a couple more tries, but damn.

    Then there's the SECOND adventure mode??? Lord...


    On 4/12/2024 at 5:20 AM, Sumez said:

    because you're playing at like half a frame per sec 😛 

    I'm sure this is funny.... but I just don't understand the reference. Meaning I'm slow?

    Because I am LITERALLY slow at the game?

    Haha... I'm sure it's a good zinger ( @Gloves thinks so? 🤣) as I do indeed suck enough at the game to find it difficult. 😅

    • Haha 1
  10. I live in the "path of totality" or whatever the technical term is so people around here were freaking out and there were a ton of tourists who came to the area.

    Unfortunately it was cloudy that day, so we couldn't actually see the sun. it peeked through the clouds a couple times, but for the most part it was a pretty cloudy day.

    BUT it was still a relatively bright day, so when the eclipse happened and it got dark for a few minutes it was really creepy and a bit eerie. All in all a neat experience.

    Pretty neat to just so happened to be right in it's path. 🤷‍♂️

  11. Okay so I played a bunch of Diddy Kong Racing.... But figured I would "beat the game" and complete the adventure mode. Didn't seem to insane to attempt.... BUT WHY IN THE SWEET JESUS LORD IN FUCKING HELL is the silver coin bullshit so annoyingly hard????

    There's 2 levels I can't get.... The town in Frosty Village took me forever, too, fuck. A couple of them too were ridiculous, in Windmill Plains no matter what I did the computer would ALWAYS be too far in front to reach.... but I managed to get them except the last 2 in the Dragon Forest. Greenwood Village.... can't do it. 🙈

    And yeah, the racing is cool, probably fun with friends.... but the Adventure mode itself is fucking annoying. 🤬

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  12. Hmmmm.... interesting question. It comes down a lot to personal preference.

    Someone can tell me a million times how amazing Chrono Trigger is and I will never like it because I don't like RPG's.

    So, any suggestions put in will be inherently biased. But still.... there's some I would throw in there:

    Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario 64.

    I know that shit is basic, but we are talking about games people HAVE to play... so kept it simple.

    For people who like Beat 'Em Ups or Platformers I would also suggest: Mega Man 2, Contra, Double Dragon 2, & Battletoads (all on the NES).


    On 3/19/2024 at 10:23 PM, T-Pac said:

    I'll caveat that these are my answers for games ANYONE should play before they die, not that just GAMERS should play before they die...



    Pac-Man (or Ms. Pac-Man)

    Space Invaders (or Galaga)

    Super Breakout




    I find this interesting because I play Pac-Man/Ms. Pac Man every once in a while.... Galaga too, actually. There's a cabinet at my work.... One of these things:


    At first I was like "Oh neat, some classic arcade games..." So I played it... but Pac-Man is fucking RELENTLESS. It's fucking hard, man. FRUSTRATINGLY and ANNOYINGLY hard. 🤬 So much so that I play it for like 5 minutes, get annoyed, and then stop. It's not a very fun gaming experience. 

    I can barely make it past the first 4-5 levels. I mean.... I am trying to maximize my points, so maybe I could get "farther" without effing around with the power dots, but each game only takes about 2 minutes, if you're lucky. My hightest score is like 40k or something pathetic, and that seemed IMPOSSIBLE for me.... I can't fathom getting it again.

    I can understand how it would have been fun "back in the day" because of the lack of games/differentiation, but I don't think Pac-Man holds up very well today. 🤷‍♂️


    On 3/19/2024 at 10:47 PM, Brickman said:

    Sounds like a great way for me to quit gaming 🤣

    Haha, yeah... just about all of North America did after that apparently.  🤣

    Thank god for the NES. 😅

  13. Welcome!

    You will find that many (most) people love the NES & SNES around here and discuss all sorts of topics about them.

    As someone who is unabashedly an "NES" person, SNES in second, I have *some respect for other systems as well. 😅 Master System I have for Wonder Boy, but looking forward to grabbing some other decent titles.

    Yoshi's Island is excellent, great you enjoy playing together!

    • Agree 1
  14. Just now, RH said:

    Yeah, I mean, good luck to @GamerSmith548 but he's tackling 3x systems-- NES, SNES and GB.  I hope this is a life long quest because I'm pretty sure that's what it's going to take to 100% well over 2,000 games.

    But I'd say it's not impossible, if he has the skillz and the dedication.  I'm personally in the idea of something like this but it'd probably take me the rest of my life to 100% just the N64 library (singled out for it's size) cause of how bad I suck at games.

    Regardless, if he just does it to enjoy the ride, I think he can get far!  I'll be watching/reading the whole time.

    AND NES?


    That's what the slow clap was for.

    Enjoy that ride! Moving at a hell of a clip right now...

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