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Everything posted by TWarwick07

  1. if the 12th man is a knife thrower run at them until they retreat and hope a gripper pops up in the other direction
  2. probably the most rare and unheard biggie verse
  3. I have told this story before in the past contests but kung-fu is one of the most special NES games to me. It was the first Nintendo game I ever played on a M8 demo unit inside jc penny in the Monmouth Mall. I knew Kung Fu master from the arcade and couldn't believe how good this game looked because at the time I was playing Atari 2600. No one even knew what Nintendo was yet it had to be right after launch
  4. I'm to the point now that when I kick a dragon ball in the air before it lands I'm resetting the game
  5. I hit them with the sweep right at the floor and have gotten all three different scores
  6. The question I have is this... Is the scoring on the snakes completely random?? I have hit then with every move possible and it always varies between 100-400. But always random no matter what attach you use
  7. I got lucky and carried the 5K bonus through the boss on level 3 and far along on level 5 , I was very fortunate with my level 2 points and slaughtered everything moving... there may be another little bit of points left for extra health bonuses but i think 600K isn't attainable... What do you think @Bearcat-Doug
  8. @mbd39 i played that run into the second loop because i wasn't over 500 K at MR X
  9. Congrats on 500K @Bearcat-Doug. I'm going to have to get jump kicking this weekend
  10. was super mario bros. on the poster that came with the deluxe set ? ( after research i see that it was ) If i recall super mario was available sometime in the spring or summer after launch which was why it was packed in with the action sets not the deluxe sets.... Please someone correct me if im wrong this is all off the top of the head Im also pretty sure there werent any SMB guidebooks at launch either that would have been something marketed after the system took off .
  11. I believe there was a contest after I won but I didn't participate that year so I was never beaten for the title That Kung Fu contest was one of the greatest weekly contests ever. I think three or four people rolled the score that year
  12. Thanks Buddy, but you had Mr. X lower on the health than i did
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