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Lynda Monica

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Everything posted by Lynda Monica

  1. Hello everyone! I was looking around the web for a good video game forum, and it's surprisingly hard to find these days. Having looked around, this looks like what I'm looking for! The following is my history as a gaming fan. I understand if you don't want to read it, but I feel it will help you know me pretty well if you do. I'm 32 years old, and have loved Nintendo ever since I first played the NES. We got an SNES in 1994 with Donkey Kong Country, a Virtual Boy in 1996, and our NES broke in 1997. In 1999 we got an N64 with Ocarina of Time. My two older brothers and I had a single Game Boy to share between us, and we were frustrated about sharing one copy of Pokemon Blue/Silver between three people and one Game Boy. We talked to our parents, and we all agreed to skip the Game Cube in exchange for us getting our own GBAs, and own own copies of Pokemon games. My brothers and I played GBA games together for its entire life cycle, and it was so much fun. I was buying my own games by the time the Wii came out, and I played the hell out of the Wii and DS. I even bought a PSP 3000! I was so in love with that era of games that when the next systems came along, I was kind of sad about it. I bought a 3DS, PS Vita and Wii U as they came out, and had some disappointing years of gaming from 2011-2014. in mid 2014, I sold all three systems and the games I had for them. From 2014-2018 I went back to older game systems, and had tons of fun doing it. Some of the most incredible games I ever played was from exploring older systems. I could make a long list of all the wonderful experiences I had, but it'd be too long and tedious to read through. All you need to know is it was great fun, and I acquired a much wider range of favourite games. By 2018 I had been living on my own for some time, and my latest CRT TV died. I had to make a very hard decision, which was whether or not to get a replacement. Back in the day you could find CRT TVs on the curb for free, but now they're hard to get. I decided not to replace it, and I sold my old game systems and games. I even sold off all of my old portable games to make some extra money, and give myself a clean gaming slate. I used the money I made to buy some really nice furniture, a new desktop computer, and then I held on to the rest. I decided to come back to the current era of games, and I bought myself a Nintendo Switch. I played it from 2018 to mid 2020, but I was still kind of unimpressed by it. I then started to notice how cheap 3DS and Wii U games were, and i decided to revisit them. Suddenly I was having a lot of fun with them, and I discovered that I wrote them off too early. The later years of the Wii U and 3DS were apparently much better than the early years, and from 2020 until the current day, I've been picking up and playing 3DS and Wii U games. That's the whole tale so far! It's been a life long passion, and I hope that by the time I'm done with the 3DS and Wii U, the next Nintendo system will ready to launch. I'll be around the forums, and I hope to have some fun here!
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