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Posts posted by austin532

  1. I still miss the old NA and the vast archive but I admit the site was starting to feel clunky and outdated. I'm surprised how many new features were added to this site. Adding emoji's, pictures, and polls is so much easier now. Plus you get notifications when someone replies and you can now "React" to someone's post. The site designers clearly had a vision in mind.

    We are still missing a few veterans like Braveheart and a few women like Daria but hopefully they make the jump over.

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  2. So Youtube made a mistake but the creators are penalized.🤔

    That being said, I marked my channel as "not for kids" but what's to stop a random bot looking at my video of me unboxing a Mario game for example and say "Oh, Mario? That's for kids. This channel is in violation" I definitely can't afford to pay $43,530. I would have to sell my entire collection which I've been collecting for over 20 years now and I'll be damned if that's going to happen. I think I'd rather spend a month in jail then do that.

    Why someone would even get fined when they clearly marked their channel as "not for kids" is just plain stupid. That's no different than having a kid walk into a strip club which clearly states outside with multiple signs that it's for adults only and then having the kid's parent sue because the strip club wasn't kid friendly.

    I'm not sure if my unboxing videos would be considered "for kids" but I am a little concerned they might get marked as them. I think my only saving grace is I use a very sharp knife to open the games which I guess could be considered a weapon which means it's not kid friendly. Not really sure what I think of all this. I really hope I don't have to shut down my channel as I'm just getting started.😕

  3. I consider 1972 - 1983 to be like the Platinum Age/Beginning. Developers were learning how to make these new things called Video Games on very limited hardware and quality control was not a thing yet. It laid down the foundation for the next age. I would mark the early 80's as the start of the Golden Age but the crash completely killed the market.

    Maybe I'm misunderstood but I always thought the term Golden Age meant when something was at it's best/peak?

  4. 13 minutes ago, m308gunner said:

    So would that be inserting the butter knife down the front over the main flap or into the side at the top? 

    You want to lift it up from the sides. One side at a time. I just use the exacto knife as I already used it to cut the seal but a knife works as well. I do this in all of my videos if you want to see how.

    *cough* channel plug *cough*


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