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Posts posted by T-Pac

  1. I’d say my ROM collection is pretty unique because, due to my views on piracy, every ROM I have was dumped myself from my own copy of the game (excluding digital releases).

    Not many people can say that when they’re emulating a game, they’re emulating with the data from their specific cartridge. I would say that makes me more of an “outlier” than a “pioneer”, though - since most people don’t share my opinion on piracy and I don't anticipate much of a "ripping your own games" trend in the future...


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  2. 21 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

    I can't imagine most people collect games solely based on another person's collection. Seems weird tbh. 

    I imagine most people start out collecting this way, though - since you can't really know what your personal tastes are until you've tested the waters based on others' recommendations to begin with.

    At least that's how I began my collection: watching "Top 10" videos on YouTube and picking up the most interesting / highly-regarded titles I saw in them.


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  3. On 3/5/2024 at 5:04 AM, Sumez said:

    Most pre-JAMMA games can be converted into jamma with a very simple adapter.

    Problem: Early 80s arcade PCBs are nonstandard and an expensive rabbit hole.

    Solution: Buy expensive adapters to play the expensive PCBs on the expensive new arcade cab.

    ...I think I'll stick to Namco Museum for the PS1 haha...


  4. On 3/3/2024 at 7:46 AM, Renmauzo said:

    - Gun-Nac (NES😞 STG, must have...

    - Sapphire (PCE Duo): STG, must have...


    On 3/3/2024 at 8:12 AM, sp1nz said:



    On 3/4/2024 at 9:08 AM, nrslam said:

    Studio II Bingo


    1 hour ago, SNESNESCUBE64 said:


    • Bosconian
    • Dig dug

    All great choices. You guys are making me think of this question in a whole new frame of mind...


  5. Super Star Soldier [NEC PC Engine - 1990]

    This isn't my favorite Star Soldier title, but I feel like it's the game that defines the series.
    Really glad I spent some quality time with this one...



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  6. Imagine you only have 5 slots left on your game shelf and you have to stop collecting once they're filled, BUT any game is theoretically obtainable for those 5 slots (price and rarity are no object).

    So ... what are your last 5 games?

    (And be warned - this is a dangerous question because it already caused me to make a couple of self-induced FOMO purchases last week haha...)


    • Like 5
  7. As much as I like to profess that all experiences are influenced by countless external factors, I'm with @Reed Rothchild that a game can be good or bad regardless of when it was released or how the medium evolved after it.

    For me, primitive graphics and simple gameplay are way more appealing than crazy immersive, high-res, massive experiences. And as far as my preferences go - stuff like Barnstorming stacks-up to Mega Man X and Super Mario Galaxy and whatever the newest Zelda or Halo game is, WITHOUT any platform or era qualifiers.

    I understand that's difficult to accept if you're personal preference is for more depth in games, but to me a good game is a good game no matter when it came out or what its technical limitations are.


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  8. On 3/1/2024 at 7:06 AM, RH said:

    This was going to be my next one!  Thanks!

    Glad I'm not alone haha!
    I know Altered Beast will probably get knocked-out in Round 1, but I've got a soft spot for it, and in my mind it goes toe-to-toe with Sonic as "THE Genesis game" if that makes any sense.


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  9. I think I've only seen about 20 of these, which is sad considering I work in the film & television industry haha.

    It seems like these days, the only movies I'm interested in watching are Showa-Era Kaiju films, which aren't exactly "high-tier cinema" most of the time haha.

    If I can get myself to prioritize watching classic films, this list seems like a great jumping-off point, though.


  10. I was interested in this when I first heard about it, but then I realized most of my favorite arcade games are pre-JAMMA and I really don't need to fall into the arcade PCB rabbit hole haha.

    Still think it's an extremely cool concept, though.


  11. On 2/28/2024 at 7:48 AM, TDIRunner said:

    I haven't played this game in a very long time, but I remember enjoying it.  I only ever played it casually, and I never knew about any of the goals.  I also figured it was the type of game that just went on forever.  It wasn't until @T-Pac's review of the game over in the T-Pac Arcade thread that I learned much more about the game.  Ever since watching that video, I've been wanting to give the game another try.  


    Thanks for the plug, dude!

    I didn't think I'd like Pitfall, but now I'm a fan of the game for sure. 
    The simpler, the better as far as I'm concerned.

    The only problem I have with Pitfall is that it doesn't have much replay value for me now that I've achieved my personal score incentive. But that's true for all my favorite Activision games on the 2600 (Sky Jinks, Barnstorming, Dolphin...) so it isn't much of a complaint since I don't feel that replay value is all that important for my gaming preferences anyway.


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  12. On 2/29/2024 at 3:23 AM, Splain said:

    My buddies and I used to "quote" the Starfox characters at random times while playing other games. "dip biddip dip biddip!" "mm-mm-dotta!"

    Haha that's hilarious! It's an infinitely quotable game for sure, although I was bummed that I never heard the famous "Do a Barrel Roll!" in my playthrough. I assume that must be in StarFox 64 or something...


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  13. With 10 clears, this is officially the 25% mark for my 2024 backlog! Woohoo!

    I'd say I'm ahead-of-schedule, but I've got some of the more time-consuming games saved for the end of the year, so I'm gonna try to keep my foot on the gas in the meantime.


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