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Posts posted by tbone3969

  1. 10 minutes ago, Hammerfestus said:

    I mean it’s about $100 but it’s been that forever.  Which is strange considering it’s long been considered one of the rarest long boxes.  And it’s also more enjoyable than a Psychic Detective or something...sort of.

    Checking eBay sold prices suggests it has started to surge for sure.  One just sold at auction on April 1st for $200 and a buy it now on March 1st for $250.  The only longbox version currently for sale is listed at $550.  Lets see if it ever sells and at what price as it has the best offer option.

    • Like 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, Hammerfestus said:

    Damn man.  It seems my Klonoa is staying disc only forever.  Should’ve picked up the last decent IB I saw for $50 years ago.  
    Also, I think Starblade Alpha has to jump up at some point it’s sat pretty much within like $20 of where it is now for a lot of years.  As long as I can recall at least.  I’d suspect dating back to the PS1 price crash.

    Starblade Alpha.....  That one sounds familiar.  Oh yeah I have it on the Sega CD.  Pretty low for that system still as well.

  3. 8 hours ago, yZoneFox said:

    I did the math myself. You have to do a lot of transactions for things to even out. It really depends on where the item is going because of taxes and / or international fees. In general, they take more. Again, it will depend on how much you sell and what the sale price is, but generally you could see fees taking 16% of what you sold. Before, directly via Paypal, it was somewhere between 11-13%.

    Since online sales tax became a thing everywhere in the (late 2019 in US), taxes were always part of the sold price, meaning Paypal collected a fee based on the total amount the buyer paid: sale price + transaction % fee + fixed fee of like 25cents + tax paid by the buyer.

    The tax was then remitted back to ebay for them to report on their IRS tax filings. You could deduct the taxes from your gross as ebay fees. If you didn't deduct, the government thinks you earned more then you actually did.


    The biggest pain for me is the roundabout access to money. It takes two weeks for me to have access to money the way I use it. That is, I want money in Paypal. Many commerce sites still offer Paypal as a payment option and it is actually beneficial to use it vs credit cards on certain sites. I have money going to a bank account, which can take 1-5 business days. I then have to transfer that money to Paypal. Since this change happened, I noticed transfers from that bank to Paypal taking 5 business days. Factor in weekends, and you're looking at two weeks for money to arrive in your Paypal.

    Prior to the change, for all intensive purposes, Paypal gave immediate access to the money even though the transaction between banks or whatever payment method the buyer used could take longer. Paypal was actually doing people a solid by essentially giving them a cash advance without fees.



    All I can do is look at my sales and fees.  I sell mainly video games and I can say the fees have been about the same or slightly less overall.  Honestly wish they just stuck with PayPal.  The instant access to funds via PayPal was much better IMO.

  4. 8 hours ago, yZoneFox said:

    Can you give me the benefit of using this Aspiration card or clear up how you use it? Do you link it as a bank account where the payment gets sent instead of a brick and mortar bank? Are payments immediately accessible? Do transfers to other banks take a long time?

    I would like a TLDR; 1. 2. 3. 4. etc. benefit list as the stuff you stated is nice but doesn't really address my concerns (not meant as an offense).

    10% back on debit purchases.  This sounds way to good to be true and I have learned when it sounds to good to be true is usually is.  This must be capped at a low amount or this card must be a scam.  How could they be profitable giving 10% back?  Just doesn't add up.

  5. 1 hour ago, Nintegageo said:

    That's actually on the Switch. Pretty dope.

    Can't beat the thumbstick on the Neo Geo Color though.  I also have the SNK to Dreamcast link cable for it.  You could link up to the SNK DC games to unlock some stuff.  I never tried it though.  Got it in a lot.

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  6. You can play this game on a US NES and it has been modified to utilize the extra sound capabilities found in the Famicom cart on an American NES.  Your NES would have to have the Famicom sound mod installed to hear the extra sound.  Or you could use the AVS to play it with extra sound like I did.  I only game on CRTs now and have the Famicom cart and system so I am selling this.  





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