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Everything posted by VideoGameGradersLLC

  1. Very true. And how many games can get graded in a day before an overnight hotel stay is in the mix. All things that could be worked out (like how to print labels remotely) most likely but like any business venture so many things in the mix that complicate even the greatest ideas.
  2. Certainly part of it and although very much worth exploring it’s much more complicated than a $300 plane ticket.
  3. I’m confused now (not surprising as it’s been pointed out how clueless I am) because the all powerful all knowing WATA defines it like this but I’m a moron because I’m not going to require the Nintendo Power subscription card or poster that might have been in a box 30 years ago.
  4. Hell yes they are (too busy at the bank to update the home page of the website even) but complacency can be the beginning of the end.
  5. And hey, you can all still be the first $7 donor! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-new-choice-in-video-game-grading/x/26014252#/
  6. Was looking for feedback not necessarily customers. I knew a few helpful, respectful responses wouldn't last from you. You can look down on people who don't know as much as this rather small group of super video game snobs but there is a huge market beyond this group and I've always known that. We will have a lot of resources on our website to informed those new to the hobby, not looking to take advantage of anyone - we are working towards offering a quality service to a growing market. Anyone in the KC area want to send me your resume? Let me know, happy to take a look. Hopefully your interview skills are better than your message board etiquette.
  7. We agree. Great idea but not viable for the Kansas City area most likely - seems more reasonable in an area with a much higher and more dense population although printing labels might be a bit challenging remotely but certainly not impossible. Interesting concept though. It's being reconsidered. As I said from the beginning, early in the process nothing set in stone.
  8. CIB is widely accepted as manual, cartridge, box - we are well aware of various printing changes and changes to codes, seals, etc... and will be following a similar model to WATA in identifying MMP (aka IMP) mismatched parts. Perhaps MMC (Mismatched Cart), MMM (MIsmatched Manual). Additionally we will list other inserts in games as part of the information about games. Absolutely. We have, are and will continue to do a lot of research. Yes. Still fine tuning our marketing plans for go-to-market but yes we we have a defined target market and plans to reach them. I assume you aren't asking me to share details of our research on an Internet message board. The concept of an exact budget at this stage is not realistic. Also, keep in mind we aren't seeking investors on this message board. It's a fair question but not something we are sharing publicly but we feel confident with our knowledge of the market that is growing. We'd like to finish our case design before we start talking exit strategy but at my age I'm not looking for a long term job running a company but do enjoy building (this won't be my first) and either sell or turnover to trusted leadership. At this stage I'm doing research and fine tuning the business plan. Agree that investors offer much more than cash flow. Not UKG yet but yes on WATA and VGA. Isn't that how ideas start - something people like and think they do. I certainly wouldn't start a business doing something I didn't like and didn't think I could do. I know how business startups work. I respect and appreciate the feedback from you and most others but am surprised (maybe I shouldn't be) at how many people have defaulted to anything I haven't specifically shared or outlined in great details means it's because I'm moron who doesn't know anything.
  9. Still here, everyone else got quiet. Still working on everything that needs to happen to make this a reality. But I appreciate your concern.
  10. Our thought process is two-fold. Our expertise is stronger with CIB including spotting fakes, we feel good about spotting bad fake seals but high quality fakes that got past us could be catastrophic to the business, especially early so bring on this option a little later makes sense. Additionally as I’ve expressed we are starting slow by design to make sure we don’t get buried and immediately be forced to break promises of quick turnaround times. Another factor is that we spent a lot of time developing our scoring system that is very much designed for CIB. All that said, everything is still in play and we agree that grading sealed from the grading standpoint is quicker. It may very well be in our best interest to reconsider, ramp up getting further educated on becoming experts in seals and reconfiguring the scoring system as needed. and yes we’ll open your games for you if you ask
  11. I think the only thing we disagree on here is I believe that is changing with video games CIB, you aren’t as convinced. People will decide they want to collect video games, see graded prices, then look for something they can afford which is CIB. And as the market grows graded is a must in this day and age.
  12. Also a potentially big market. Also a group that doesn’t care about my history or industry knowledge or if I know Deniz Kahn they want a quick turn at a reasonable price and a good fair grade. Some will do their research and for a while discover we are new but many won’t. Fishing is nearly a $10 billion a year industry in the US so the first aren’t that smart
  13. You are correct on my background. I do agree with you on intent of each market being different. But, this too is changing IMO. More CIB will be bought for future value, nostalgia, box art and not to play. There are lots of ways to play vintage games other than original equipment. So as we come full circle to grading the technical act of evaluating condition is not that different. It’s about imperfections and the degree of those imperfections.
  14. Gotcha, makes sense. Now. I think that will change as more people enter the hobby as sealed games price out the masses CIB will become more popular due to relative affordability and availability.
  15. Appreciate your feedback. To clarify we are only STARTING with all NES CIB not just Zelda and Black Box. We just have an added extras for those two. As for sealed vs CIB in the era of cardboard boxes (where grading matters most) CIB is a much larger market. Sealed is far more difficult to come by for obvious reasons and yes they are much more valuable which only reiterates their scarcity. So to start we will focus on the large market of NES CIB but are ready to expand quickly as demand dictates. Thanks again.
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