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Everything posted by cromag27

  1. wonder how much this actually sold for... https://www.ebay.com/itm/324284574442
  2. and for the record i’m just talking here. i have no dog in the fight at this point. since i’m not a collector, i’m just trying to understand the process and logic behind it.
  3. if it sells for a penny less than their value, i’d be upset. lol!
  4. the extra premium is for return shipping insurance AND liability insurance while the games are in their possession. but the difference between wata charging a premium for insurance and a shipping company is everything we’ve been talking about - level playing field for all customers. shipping companies ask you what you have and it’s value. end of story. they will not create their own value and upcharge you.
  5. exactly. so did they guarantee the new “value” they gave it? nope n
  6. well not “up to” the declared value. it’s either the declared value or replacement value, whichever is LESS.
  7. i guess this especially blows my mind because they are charging a premium for insurance and they aren’t even licensed to sell insurance!!!!! they go so far as to even get into insurance jargon: we’ll pay the lessor of the declared value or replacement value. keep in mind the actual base cost for grading a game is the same at each level. what makes the price higher is the declared value and that’s for insurance purposes. but wait.... they’re a business and all businesses should carry “general liability” insurance. so are we basically paying their inusurance premium (plus some) for them???
  8. the stated value also covers their potential liability if something happens to the game while it’s in their possession. but my issue is - they have the right to increase the declared value at their discretion. which means they would then charge you more to grade your game. so if i pay them $485 to grade a game valued at $20k and they come back and claim it’s worth $85k, i then have to pay a lot more.
  9. they running the market! well them and ha. lol.
  10. same boat... not an expert. thanks for the info. my cello should be an A judging by the photos on their website. my corners are aren’t perfect. so we’ll see!
  11. thoghts as to why the smbs were graded so low? obviously box damage, but would you be willing to provide some details? dreading sending in my sealed lefty.
  12. ** Liability is included in the base price for games valued below $1000. Games valued from $1000 to $2499 are gradually charged more on a sliding scale for liability. Games valued $2,500 and up are charged an additional 2% of their declared value. If we find games on an order are undervalued we may have to adjust pricing on the order for correct liability costs. i'm having a hard time getting wata to explain how i should fairly value my games (really only one i'm concerned about), to avoid any unpleasant surprises. 'megan' has been emailing me and this was one of her replies: You can use pricecharting.com or gamevaluenow.com to look up comparable sales of your game. We also recommend ha.com -Megan ok..... but my game, in its condition, isn't listed on any of those sites. and wata doesn't allow phone calls, so i'm still lost. what if they value my game at $50k and charge me 2%, which would be $1000. if someone knows how i can fairly value and obtain proof, of a nes smb3 lefty factory sealed, please let me know!! unfortunately it's not a 9.2/a+ so ha.com won't work! i'm new to all this.
  13. anybody know if wata cares about these big, ugly price stickers? (yes, i know the cello is destroyed on this game!)
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