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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. Alright @Splain I beat another dude tonight, that makes 7 of a possible 17 i think is the magic number. This is what the map looked like for the trials and I got the minigun and freeze gun and a bunch of other minigame unlocks or something to that effect. That is 22 missions beaten with 1 character at just over 90 mins. At this point, im just gonna 100% the game if I keep going. I would say maybe a good rule is play till you can't stand it anymore, which was about 5 hours ago in total for the playthrough I have done . But in all seriousness, maybe beat the game with the first 4 plus 2 others of your choice? I consider this game beaten. The guy i did prior to this had a whole other section above the top right, which was probably a total of 30 missions altogether. So.......Mark it off if you would, Im done, if you don't count this, someone else can have a go, its just so repetitive, i prolly killed 10 chickens, aka monkeys, captured 7 flags, pulled all the kills for my team matches, in the neighborhood of 40, and killed so many randos myself in a free for all match it was unreal. It is kinda growing on me as i unlock things, but really, like I said, at this point, I'm on my path to 100%'ing the game.
  2. dude, order 4, if u don't like them sell them to me. I can always use spares. consider this a money back guarantee. all u would be out is ur time! I get it I hate the brawler as the sensitivity is way too high on the joystick, these just feel right.
  3. https://store.kitsch-bent.com/collections/replacement-parts/products/n64-gear-sets https://store.kitsch-bent.com/collections/replacement-parts/products/n64-joystick-bowl you can buy joystick too but they are glossy, still works fine though @RH
  4. don't buy dirty ole Japanese controllers, just rebuild your own! literally 10 bux for everything I think is what I spent to rebuild 4 controllers.
  5. dude, kitsch bent, I think spelling, has great gears, bowls and sticks, look them up, like less than a dollar apiece and guess what, my worn out n64 controller is brand new after me of all people rebuilt it!!!!! no need to buy like new/new controllers when u can just replace worn out parts with basically oem, ok the sticks aren't perfect, but @drxandy says old stick are still fine, so just replace the guts and good as new.
  6. also, my retrotink does the hdmi thing, so if it's super expensive, no thank you!
  7. my only reason for getting this would be the pal ability. if the price is released, let me know and u can buy 2 and I'll pay u back minus shipping to Taiwan! also note, please make sure u have my right address before you do this. brawler sucks, og t Rex all the way!!!! do they have ports for og?
  8. love the visor and the goofiness of his face. I love the ripple shot with all options, seems to cover the screen for a shmup scrub like me! Thanks for the rendition!
  9. kinda my thinking, I will verify as much as possible and come up with a list that will hopefully be satisfactory of characters to beat it with to get a full sense of the game.
  10. Let me put it this way @Splain @OptOut, for the rank list, I'm done with this game , but to verify, I will tinker around and see. maybe im wrong, maybe im right, but not the best fps on the system lol
  11. well, maybe 15 required, but if u are trying to get all the extra lives etc. I know I did a metric shit ton on my last playthrough lol. maybe it was just my imagination but damn!!!!!
  12. I mean that is fair, and I know it's about figuring out the best way to beat each trial with the weapon set and the character, ffs, I thought I was boned with the raptor , no weapons......but your input IS appreciated and valued. I just don't wanna sell the end point and find out later I was wrong. I wonder how many stages in total there actually are as the last character I used had something in the 20 or 30 mission range. I will play another character and do some more research to see if I am missing anything in particular on levels. if not, then I think we can figure out a good stopping point imo.
  13. My only problem with the raptor endpoint is you get it after playing turoks campaign, which is the 1st one most people will go for, so I think maybe 5 or 6 clears would be a good stopping point because the last character I played was like 20 missions or something, encompassing the majority, if not, all of the levels.
  14. The main thing is @Splain unlocking everything isn't the main goal. We don't require 100% to clear, so I would say x number of characters. In that sense it would cover all the levels.
  15. I mean, as far as I can tell it basically loops all stages, just ramps up the difficulty. @OptOut can correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm sure he will. you get upgrades along the way, but if u watch any long play of it, or any gameplay like mine, @ikk can attest to the fact that I have played the same capture the flag stage at 3, 5, 7 captures and its literally the same stage. I would say maybe 5 of the potential 14 characters but let me play a bit more and see what is up with it. I'm pretty sure it's just same stages with different number of kills/flag captures.
  16. why u put this on me im not really sure, maybe ill tinker with it some more, but man its a time sink.......
  17. exactly, its a bunch of repeat........so imo its done, but i will refer to you and @Splain to hash it out. I can beat some more if u all want, but i dont know how much more of the same shit i can take, just harder..........
  18. @Splain they are unlocked as you beat it with another character, so.......i played as a raptor with no guns and beat it, if that tells you how the difficutly ramps up.......
  19. i dont know how many characters there are, but it is a pain in the ass . I guess if u require to unlock every character i can, but i dont know that i can beat at least one of the dudes i have im not sure if there are 14 or more characters, but either way it really is a ball ache when you only have 2 or 3 lives for something that requires 4 or 5 lol. i would say it would be complete, but u are the n64 guru/god here.........
  20. This has been 10+ hours. Let me know what you think, i think i have literally beaten every boss there is, but not sure.....not 100% though, and we don't require it. I can keep going if need be, but done for the night @Splain
  21. @Splain rage wars, what are the requirements as i dont see any credits on a longplay or two.......
  22. i think im gonna ride my bike, then stream some more body harvest, see if i can beat the next level.......
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