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Posts posted by Vectrex28

  1. The other day, I came to Switzerland to see my friends and family, but I also checked a few thrift shops as well. And I found an amazing deal on MM7 and ISS Deluxe - 60 for MM7, and 5 for ISSD

    Not too shabby I say!

    Also, I found out that I already have ISSD, so if you want to buy/trade, feel free to DM me 😄



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  2. 13 hours ago, Nintendo Workshop said:

    That old cornball game.     That original trailer video was hilarious.   Cant find it.  Looks like gocollect not showing anymore.   

    I prolly still have it over on Youtube, though I could've privated/unlisted it with Youtube getting stricter with censorship because well if you remember the contents you'll know why XD

  3. 4 hours ago, AdamW said:

    I'm not familiar with the area at all, but from what I read in the thread, it seems the "PCE Works" prints are not properly licensed reprints. As best I can tell the operation is run out of Germany by some guy called Tobias. If you Google around "PCE Works" and "Tobias" you'll get some context.

    PCEWorks crap are bootlegs and are absolute cancer

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  4. New game: Organic Growth!

    Stage 1 - You're at your favourite con, and there's sealed games everywhere! Snap 'n Slab 'em all up before that killjoy Youtuber catches you in the act!

    Stage 2 - Congratulations! Your WATA-slabbed games caught the eye of Jimmy Halps and Jeffy! Get as much money from auctions and become a WATA director!

    Stage 3 - It's time for the big one: Super Mario 64, 9.8 A++! Corrupt as many newspapers for headlines and sell as many shares of the game as you can

    Stage 4 - Uh-oh! You have been exposed. Time to make a quick escape to the Bahamas with all your illegal WATA money!

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Dain said:

    Fair enough, and I've never blamed anyone for feeling this way. I totally get it and I do have many things to add to this conversation I'll eventually write about.

    Hey I appreciate you taking criticism so well, which has become way too rare in this day and age. I'd love to read about your thoughts about all this, keep me posted 😄

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  6. 4 hours ago, karljobst said:

    Hi, I created an account here so I can answer questions.

    On the topic of Dain, I felt I was quite clear in the video that Dain was previously associated with the company but is not currently. That's why I said "the cherry on top, is that WHEN WATA Games was incorporated in 2017, Dain Anderson WAS the executive officer.". When I was talking about Jeff, I was using current tense (Meyer IS a director). I then further confirm that Dain was no longer with the business by saying "So this entire deal (when the deal took place) happened between 2 men that WERE or are directly involved with the company". I'm very careful with my words, and my words specifically mention that Dain was not a part of the company at the time of the deal taking place. I apologise for not stressing it more, and admittedly, I keep forgetting that it is very easy for people to misunderstand things.

    I've since spoken with Dain and nothing he did was wrong, I just felt it was important to mention for transparency. I will be doing an update and I will be making this more clear. I do believe Dain only had good intentions with everything.

    Jeff's statement suggests that I called him an employee. This is not correct (again, I'm very careful with my words). The reason I kept bringing up Kahn's quote was to stress the conflict of interest that arises when people associated with the company grade their own games and sell them. Being a Director is WORSE than an employee because you have more influence over the company, and there is more potential for fraud. A director grading their own games in a privileged way and flipping them without telling anyone they are a director is definitely grounds for fraud. At the very least, it should be investigated.

    There were a lot of assumptions about my motives or what I do and don't know (a lot of them wrong) but I would love to answer any questions you have.

    Oh, nice seeing you here! I really enjoyed the video.

    Dain may have had good intentions but there were a few things that could've been handled better, such as giving the mod team a bit more insight when selling the site to a for-profit cuz I remember this announcement being a bit out of the blue, which angered a few of the mods and was one of the catalysts that led to VGS being made. But then my memory is a bit fuzzy because I left the NA Mod Squad a bit before things were starting to get sour.

    Pretty sure I remember the founding of WATA as a few of the mods/admins were involved. Pretty sure I even bought games off of them (Kenny Thrower I do remember getting stuff from him, haha). But from what I remember dealing with them they didn't seem like scumbags to me. The real culprits in this whole ordeal are the Heritage guy, Jeffy, and all those scumbags that willingly create a bubble trying to profit off this silly little hobby of ours.

    I really do wonder how much of the shady stuff WATA does is genuine ignorance and how much is scumbaggery

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