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Everything posted by Crabmaster2000

  1. Got around $7,000,000 in King of Casino out of the required $10,000,000. Hopefully can finish it up either tonight or tomorrow.
  2. Had time for one more today so I took down Moto Roader as well. Fun little top down racer with some neat upgrades
  3. Tiger Road is done now too. It was essentially bad Ninja Gaiden. If you play the game on just a Turbografx16 system you only get 3 continues. But thankfully I was using my Turbo CD (it also works with the Turbo Booster) so I could use Back Up and essentially have unlimited continues, of which I used many.
  4. Keith Courage is done. How was that one not beaten before now?
  5. Dr. Bomb (stage 22) has been defeated!! Bravoman is done. It's not a good game at all, but it was very silly at least.
  6. Got to stage 17/22 on Bravoman. It's the last shmup stage and it got the better of me, but I feel like I can beat it next time. Making good progress
  7. Played some Bravoman the last couple of days. It's very janky feeling. Been making some progress, but there is an enemy type right in the middle of the game that is eating up all of my continues. It's these two little red and blue robots that encircle you and shoot lasers at you. They do a ton of damage and are super hard to hit. I've only made it past them once and that was because I got lucky with a power up drop. Gotta figure those things out to be able to do this.
  8. Had a run of KLAX get to Wave 95 so that was encouraging enough that I did another run and was able to clear Wave 100 this time!
  9. Yeah and hope I don't mess up the run 20 hours in. Its mainly the recording part that I need to figure out. I can't leave a recording setup running for 5 days straight or more.
  10. Finished Jackie Chan today with several continues left to spare! Much different than the NES one. I was expecting a straight port
  11. I've played through and recorded my footage of every NES game on orignal hardware. I plan to do the same for TG16. So I want to figure out a way to make it work legit, no save states or emulation or anything like that. I have no problem with someone using an emulator, but I do feel like if you are using save states that's not in the spirit of this challenge to beat the games legitimately
  12. Been playing some KLAX the last couple days. That's going to be a tough one. The levels from 80 onwards have pretty steep requirements to beat and I've never played KLAX before so I'm getting used to how the game even functions. Also did a couple runs on Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu yesterday. First run went very badly. Read the manual and took it a bit slower on my next attempt and made it VERY close to the final boss on my second run. Hopefully can finish that off today or tomorrow.
  13. I just checked out the Ris'Hary guy's stuff that posted in here a while back. He originally "beat" the game by just beating each of the 4 mini-games. He did go back and go for the billion points though and has a clocked time of 33 hours to do so. I'll take longer look at his video later to see what his scoring strategies are, but even at 33 hours that's rough without no way to save or stop the machine. I typically record all of my videos for these completions, but I can't record 30-40 hours straight so I'll have to figure something out for that to make it feasible.
  14. @RetroMichel For the Notes/Requirements column on your list you've got Boxy Boy listed as Beat Level 100, but it should be Beat Stage 250. I've been taking notes of all my completions so far. Here's the ending requirements or any notes from all of the games I've beaten so far if you wanted to add more information to the chart. Bomberman - Beat Round 8-8 (defeat Black Bomberman) Notes: Has 2 Continues Bomberman 93 - Beat Round G-8 (Defeat Black Bomberman) Notes: Has 2 Continues, but also passwords Boxy Boy - Beat all 250 Stages Notes: Passwords Chase HQ - Capture Ben Johnson on Stage 6 Notes: 3 Continues, but using continues greatly diminishes your ability to earn points by a multiple of 1000 when capturing a suspect. 5 Million Points required by the end of Stage 5 to access Stage 6. If you don't have enough points at the end of Stage 5 the game will loop back to stage 1, but keep your score total so that you can possibly reach the 5 Million point mark on your second run through the game. Chew Man Fu - Beat Round 50 on the 10th loop of the game Notes: Unlimited continues, Passwords awarded every 50 levels, 10 loops required for final ending Cratermaze - Beat round 60 (defeat Zenzombie and save your last friend) Notes: Passwords, Same ending whether playing on Normal or Difficult Dead Moon - Beat Stage 6 (giant Skeleton boss) Notes: Unlimited Continues J.J. & Jeff - Beat Stage 6-4 (Knucklehead Boss) Notes: Unlimited Continue code mentioned in games manual, warps available in at least 2 spots in the game Magical Chase - Beat the 6th Seal on Bumpy (Normal) or Rough (Hard) difficulty Notes: Unlimited continues, Playing on Breeze (Easy) only makes the first 3 stages of the game available Samurai Ghost - Defeat Yoritomo in Zone 7 Notes: Unlimited Continues Shockman - Defeat Ryo Notes: Unlimited Continues Soldier Blade - Defeat AD2092 Zeograde Notes: Unlimited Continues Sonic Spike - Defeat Super USSR Team in Tournament Mode & Beat any team in Play Mode Notes: Passwords, Can change your players stats before starting a game, MASSIVE jump in difficulty for the final two Super Teams Super Star Soldier - Defeat Mother Brain Notes: Unlimited Continues, Can earn immediate respawns for every flashing Smart Bomb you collect (as opposed to respawning at the beginning of the stage) Tricky Kick - Beat all 10 Missions for all 6 Characters Notes: Passwords Veigues Tactical Gladiator - Destroy the 5km Warship Core and escape the ship (Stage 10) Notes: N/A World Court Tennis - Defeat the Evil King of Tennis in Quest Mode Notes: Passwords
  15. Also just noticed that we crossed the halfway mark for the whole library!
  16. None of the playthroughs on youtube hit a billion points. They all just set a highscore and then drain the ball. There is one PC Engine video that is less than 2 minutes long that shows the billion and he claims it took him around 40 hours to achieve.
  17. Yeah I didn't have the patience or brainpower to figure out the puzzles from 100 onward. Some of them are so big and complicated it would have taken me day to figure out some of them if at all.
  18. Beat two more over the last 24 hours. Did Cratermaze last night, which is incredibly easy on the normal difficulty (I checked a playthrough of the harder difficulty and the ending was the same). And this morning I sat down and hammered out JJ & Jeff. Man that final stage was something else. I played for 2 hours and 45 minutes and 2 hours of that time was just on 6-4. There is a warp in 3-3 that takes you to 6-4, but it doesn't give you the key to trigger the boss fight. Which means you still have to beat 6-4 and then get sent back to 6-3 to find the key and then do 6-4 a second time. That's a mean warp point!
  19. Finally finished up with Boxy Boy. Pretty rough game to try and beat. I had roughly 30 hours into the game to get to the end and somewhere around level 80 the puzzles got so long and convoluted that I just started looking up solutions to most of them (unless they were small stages which happened like every 10 or so). Figuring out some of those puzzles on my own would have taken several hours per puzzle from 100 onwards I'm sure. I usually like these kind of games quite a bit, but this was a bit too extreme of a puzzler for my tastes.
  20. Got to level 207 tonight. Pretty swamped tomorrow and Thursday so not sure I'll have time to play again until Friday
  21. I get why Boxy Boy was abandoned. I've 80 levels deep into it now and it's been like 12-15 hours of play. Only 200 more levels to go.....
  22. The JJ and Jeff manual states that there are "8 levels of this uproarious detective adventure", but I've watched 3 videos now and they all end at level 6-4. Anyone know if there is a way to open up 2 more worlds locked way somewhere or is it just simply a typo or translation error in the manual? EDIT: Checked the PCEngine version as well and also seems to end at 6-4.
  23. Once this is done (or while we are doing it) we should compile a list of ending requirements like the NES thread has. There is so little TG16 information out there when it comes to actually playing these games it would be super helpful to know about multiple loops or special ending requirements and have all of that information handy in one place.
  24. Played some JJ and Jeff last night. Never realized that it's basically Adventure Island. It's a tougher game than I thought so I'll have to give it another try later in the week.
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