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Risk of Rain 2. Who's playing? Thoughts?

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I purchased the hard copy of Risk of Rain 2 for PS4 which includes a copy of Risk of Rain 1 and instantly was hooked on the first one. 

The second one is much harder in my opinion but I have literally just started playing the other day. I have to say so far I really enjoy the game. 

Anyone else playing? Any thoughts? 

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I really do like the second one so far but I have just started playing a few days ago. Literally have not unlocked anything because I keep dying LOL. 

So I cant answer the first question about easy replayability but your second question about getting frustrated the answer is yes. I am getting frustrated but only because this game has a steep learning curve like the first one. 

I also expected all the strategies I used in the first game to work in the second game but that is 100% false. Risk of Rain 2 is all about moving around constantly and the strategies and tactics are in my opinion completely different compared to the first. For example I find that flying turrets suck, the mushroom sucks because you have to stand still, which in the first game were both awesome items. Also getting every chest is not smart because you have to hunt for the right items and be as fast as possible otherwise the increasing difficulty of the game will crush you LOL. 

That is why I had a harder time than I should have because I didnt go in thinking it was a new game. All that said I had a brutal learning curve in the first game as well. Even more so than the second one because I had no idea what to do. The open world and aiming aspect of second one make it 10x more challenging and fun. 

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