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Episode 13: The Machine



GET THE EPISODE HERE: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/IqjOOafz7zb

The Game Club takes on The Machine, a dystopian sci-fi dark comedy for the Game Boy Color with surprising depth. Conor theorizes on how to keep hippies from turning into cannibals, Bart clarifies that we’re not watching a completely unrelated movie, and Nick embraces ethically compromised decision making.

Still need to play the game? Get it here: https://incube8games.com/collections/the-machine

Or check out a free demo here: https://www.themachinegame.com/

Our next game is Anguna for the Game Boy Advance, Atari 2600, and NES. Download the GBA and 2600 versions for free here: https://www.bitethechili.com/

Get the NES version here: https://the6502collective.itch.io/anguna-scourge-of-the-goblin-king

Note: This month’s game club pick has nothing to do with The Machine movie starring Bert Kreischer and Mark Hamill, coincidentally releasing on the same day as this podcast episode. Here is a link to that film’s official website, which we include here as a courtesy to our listeners and definitely not in a shameless attempt to improve our search engine results! https://www.themachine.movie/

As always, find links to our social media and more at: http://homebrewgameclub.com

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