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2020 Reflections



As we ring in the new year I can only think "wow what a year".

Some people will say this is the worst year, other will say it the best year, and then you have people who say "WTF".

Reflect back at the used game market at the start of the year when we were able to get games for a nominal cost. Then March 21 hit like a ton of bricks.  Everyone was locked down; all cargo was stopped. The world looked on as the second pandemic of the 21th century hit. 

Since March the "Second hand game market" (used games) has skyrocketed to a new high.  We see games that were $1 at the start of the year that are now going for $20 - $50.  Then we have games that have been on the market for years now "flood" the market.  Is rise artificial, i.e., caused by many collectors having to stay in lock-down with nothing more to do then shop. Or maybe older collectors look for new ways to make money.  Is this growth able to be sustained thru 21?  just looking at some examples of a few games that have skyrocketed to new and historic highs.

examples: this is form Ebay (services like FB Market, Mercri, Tradera, Yahoo Japan are not followed by GVN* or PC*)
Toxic Crusader Pre-March price $75-$99 current listed price for cart only $795 (currently sold $199 12/12/2020)
Pokemon Gold NFR from $99 to a high of ~$350 (currently $199 12/12/2020)
Lock N' Chase [Sunsoft Version] $250 - $400 (have no Ebay sales for the last 2 years) 6 now on market (a sealed CIB sold for $400 through Mercri)

examples of other sales
A Sealed copy of Super Mario Bros. for $114k
A Super Mario Bros. 3 that sold for $156,000

Now as we move into 2021 and the hopes of getting to "Normal" every daily life, or as we adjust to the "New Normal" daily life, will we see the prices start to return to normal or will we see an influx of new and old collectors ready to spend that "lock down money"?

Other reflection:

The demise of NA (yes the official close was in October 2019 but was really felt in 2020).
VGS hitting 2000+ members.
GVN only listing WATA game.
Heritage Auctions, GVN and WATA forming a powerhouse of market manipulations.
Go Collect introducing Comic Book collectors to video game collecting
2 record setting video games sales one for a sealed copy of Super Mario Bros. for $114k, and a Super Mario Bros. 3 that sold for $156,000
The rise of bitcoin to the level of craziness ($26,000).
COVID 19 deaths at 1.9 Million worldwide.


GVN* Game Value Now used pricing current game value
PC* Price Charting used pricing current game value


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