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About this blog

So after a nearly year long wait, I finally got my TG16-mini, so I have been digging into some 16-bit goodness from this forgotten console.  

Though I would share some of my impresions and playthrus, the good, the bad, the weird.

I do own a Turbo Grafx back in the day, but I only had a couple games like Keith Courage and Darkwing Duck, so needless to say I missed out on much of the good $hit.  Some of the titles in this collection I have played elsewhere, but many titles this is my first time really sinking my teeth in.

Entries in this blog

TG16-mini: First Impressions and Playthrus

So after a nearly year long wait, I finally got my TG16-mini, so I have been digging into some 16-bit goodness from this forgotten console.   Though I would share some of my impressions and playthrus, the good, the bad, the weird. I did own a Turbo Grafx back in the day, but I only had a couple games like Keith Courage and Darkwing Duck, so needless to say I missed out on much of the good $hit.  Some of the titles in this collection I have played elsewhere, but many titles this is my f



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