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My rambling soliloquies about vidyagames...

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Top 10 Sega Genesis Shoot 'em Ups (Part 2)

Greetings, all. We're back for part 2 of my riveting journey through the top 10 shoot 'em up games on the Sega Genesis. If you didn't catch part 1 which covers numbers 10 through 6, you can find it on the home page of my blog, or on the bottom of this page where it says “previous entry.”  I'll reiterate here that the criteria of my top 10 is based on the North American releases for the Sega Genesis. I realize that there are many highly regarded shoot 'em up games which were released in foreign m



Top 10 Sega Genesis Shoot 'em Ups (Part 1)

Over the years, I have come to realize that the shoot em up genre is among my favorite video game styles, and quite possibly my favorite. And while I enjoyed some of the earlier arcade games from the 80s which I would play whenever I came across a cabinet at the mall or pizza parlor or wherever, I fell in love with games such as Gradius, 1943 and Captain Skyhawk which I could play at home on my NES. But by the early 90s when I received a Sega Genesis for my birthday, my love for the genre explod



Starflight (Sega Genesis) & the Art of the Deal

Shortly before the world descended into this virus-induced chaos, I took the family on a long-planned Disney vacation to Florida. We had an amazing time at the parks and whatnot, but naturally, as I'm wont to do when I'm somewhere away from my home town, I did a little google maps research and discovered a game shop that was within driving distance from the resort. And when the wife and kids were content in the pool one afternoon, I ducked out for a couple hours and hoped to get lucky. Now



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)

I've long considered the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game on the Nintendo to be my favorite of the series. The NES sequels are fun beat em ups, as are the Genesis and Super Nintendo games, but the first game is something entirely different. If you want to have a fun co-op experience with a buddy, you really can't go wrong with any of the beat em up games, but if you want to sit down by yourself and have a serious gaming session, the first Turtles game is the way to go. Yet for some r



Titanfall 2 (Xbox One)

I have a wife and 4 daughters, yes 4, you read that right. So being on lockdown, all couped up together in our house, working from home, with the kids' school and activities cancelled for the foreseeable future, I sometimes find myself yearning to escape into the world of vidyagames. Well, that and thankfully my good pal Johnnie Walker is there to keep me company in the evenings, so thus far my sanity has been maintained. I love my girls, but sometimes daddy needs a break. 😉  But being on the lo



Gale Racer (Sega Saturn)

After hitting up an arcade for the first time in ages recently, and enjoying the heck out of their racing games, I became nostalgic for an old Sega arcade from when I was a kid called Rad Mobile. I haven't come across the game since the early 90s, but I loved it back then and it has stayed with me in my gaming memories over the years. Well, after doing a little research, I discovered that the game was ported to the Saturn as a Japan exclusive release called Gale Racer. Well, spit! I quickly hit



Robocop vs The Terminator (Sega Genesis)

A buddy of mine picked this one up recently and was talking to me about it, asking some questions because he was having a tough time with it. Now I've had a copy for at least a decade and probably hadn't played it in about half that time, so I decided to fire it up for a refresher. Playing through the game took me a while, and a couple of tries, and when I finally made it to the boss in the Skynet level, I ended up burning through all of my continues and almost all of my lives before I finally b



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