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A podcast featuring VGS member Hoskat where he talks with two friends about all 80's and 90's nostalgia topics from video games, music, tv and movies.

Entries in this blog

#14 WWF Memories

The guys sit down and reminisce about the short period in their pre-teen years where their world revolved around professional wrestling. 



#12 Practical Special Effects

The guys sit down with actor and professional stuntman, Neimah Djourabchi, to discuss the art of special effects in the pre-CGI era. They discuss the most influential effects artists in film history and Neimah tells on set stories.



#11 Summer Vacation

The guys talk about the best time in any kids life, the three month summer break from school. Baseball, cookouts, swimming pools, exploring sewers like a ninja turtle, video games, eating junk food around a dumpster, saving firemen and all the things kids did before the internet.



#10 Movies of 1997

The guys discuss their top 5 movies of 1997. Special guest Suzy (Luke's wife) stops by to talk about her favorite movies as well.) Matt tells a story about a school pageant he was in and the gang discusses how great the year was for Jake Busey.



#9 TV Show Theme Songs

The guys reminisce about some of their favorite TV show theme songs and discuss the reason there aren't as many classic theme songs in the 21st century. There are a lot of great videos mentioned in this episode that can be watched at thelostartofpodcast.wordpress.com



#8 Land Lines

The guy's get together to talk about all things landlines and life before cell phones. Everyone tells their favorite stories and embarrassing moments while talking on the phone. Luke's wife Suzy stops by to tell some stories of spying on her brother on the phone.



#7 Video Games of 1990

The guy's get together to talk about their gaming memories from the year 1990. This was the last year the NES ruled the world and the gaming market began fragmenting into the Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis crowd. Matt discusses the time he met Weird Al Yankovic and the guys share similar stories of having to inconveniently hold the reset button in on the NES because someone got mad and tried to turn off their game.



#6 Action Figures

The guys bring on a special guest who has an extensive background in Star Wars toys. They also discuss Barbie, G.I. Joe, Ghostbusters and many other action figures and their impact on society.



#5 Mortal Kombat

The guys sit down to talk about Mortal Kombat and its stranglehold on teen boys in the early to mid 1990s. Matt gets sidetracked talking about the time he visited Ernest P. Worrell's gravesite.



#4 Music of 1985

The guys talk about their top 5 songs released in 1985. As expected, Matt and Luke have similar tastes and Jason likes songs Matt and Luke have never heard. Matt also tells the story about the time he met the other guy from Wham!



#3 Cassette Tapes

The guys discuss The Lost Art Of cassette tapes, listening to albums straight through, making mix tapes and other aspects of cassette tape culture. Matt tells a story about Lisa Loeb and the musical guest is a recording Matt and Luke found on an old cassette tape of their dad's band performing a 90's rap classic.



#2 Movies of 1988

The guys talk about their top five favorite movies of 1988 and what makes them so great. 



#1 Video Store Memories

In the premier episode of The Lost Art Of Podcast the guys introduce themselves and talk briefly about the history of video stores before diving into fond memories about spending every weekend browsing the aisles of their local small town video store.



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