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Posts posted by Gamegearguy

  1. Spent the last half-hour trying to beat a Donkey Kong Land level in level 1 with invincibility and infinite lives with Game Genie and my Game Boy Player. Now my thumb hurts. And the game is too hard.

    I have Paperboy, and now I bought Paperboy 2. I wanted to know the difference between the two. And, you know, collecting.

  2. Working on the main game now.


    So what I'm aiming for is (no pun intended) for the O to move around the screen and the X to shoot it. Sometimes the O will move in a straight line across the screen, sometimes the O will move up or down while moving across the screen, and sometimes the O will move randomly around. Right now, the O will only move across the screen because I haven't gotten to the random movement part yet. So it's basically Space Invaders without the invaders. Because I feel Alien Invaders Plus is way too hard with all those invaders shooting at you. I can't even get 1 point on it!

  3. Thanks for the help! I got a working code now. I just changed one thing.

        mov r0, #seed            ; Load seed address into R0
        mov a, @r0               ; Load seed value into A
        swap a                   ; Swap nibbles
        anl a, #63             
        add a, #48               ; Add 48 to scale it between 48-127
        mov r1, #letter_o_y_position ; Load y position address into R1
        mov @r1, a               ; Store new value at y position
        call gfxon
        call waitvsync

    I just changed anl #15 to anl #63 because I noticed that with it set to #15, all the locations were near the top of the screen. Changing it to 63 made some more in the middle.



  4. I'm trying to make a random number from 0-255 change to between 48-127. And I can't. The computer just completely ignores my code and does its own thing. Why does it ignore my code?

        mov r0,#seed
        mov a,@r0
        mov r1,#letter_o_y_position
        rr a
        add a,#30h
        mov @r1,a    
        call gfxon
        call waitvsync

    This SHOULD divide letter_o_y_position by 2 and then add 48 but it won't listen to me and the y position still is between 0-255, which I don't want it to be at!


  5. Hi all. I'm working once again on the Odyssey 2. I made a short video of what I have so far of this game I'm making. It's Tic-Tac-Toe basically, but that's a minigame. The other 3 banks of the game will be something different, but involving the letters X and O.

    I thought I found a bug when I made another video of gameplay, but when I watched the video there wasn't anything wrong. How weird. You can get the rom of the game at the official X Vs. O website.

    • Like 3
  6. Hi! I have been sharing my progress about the game on the Planet VB Discord channel.

    I'm surprised someone got 100% new parts so we can apparently quit cannibalizing old cartridges. I've been using VIDE and Programmers' Notepad, and that's been working fine so far.

  7. I am having quite the time trying to figure out who is who. If you could, PLEASE say your VGS username when ordering, as well as your address, so I can tell easily. I have a Scott who paid me, but I don't know his VGS username. Scott, if you could PM me, that'd be great. I am going to mail these sometime this week, most likely Thursday or Friday (I had an influx of people interested, so I need to make more cards, which meant ordering more paper, so I need that to come.)

    I still need payments from a few people, I will PM you if I do.

  8. 26 minutes ago, Gloves said:

    Do you have any information at all about the game itself? What are people actually buying?

    For sale here is a set of things needed to play a game I designed for the Magnavox Odyssey console. For those who don't know what that is, it's a different setup than buying a traditional game since the game uses cartridges in a different sense than each cartridge that has a game on it. Multiple cartridges control different things (the players, the missile, a net for the volleyball cartridge), so a cartridge can have more than one game to it. For more on the Odyssey console itself, here is a link to Wikipedia's page on it.

  9. Hello. I am going to have 17 copies of Six², a homebrew Odyssey game. NOT the Odyssey 2 or VideoPac, the original Odyssey made in 1972. This is an interest check/preorder thread. When the game is ready to ship, I will PM and/or email you telling you to pay. I'd like to sell all 17 of these, so let's make that happen! The game will cost $20. I bought the mailing tubes, so I'm pretty close to finishing this thing up. You'll recieve in your tube a fantastic overlay and all the stuff needed to play the game except cart #4. (And if you have an Odyssey, you'll probably have cart #4). Let me know if you want one of these and I'll add you to this list of preorders.

    I'm new to selling stuff on VGS, so if there's something I forgot to do, please tell me.

    1. VGCollectaholic
    2. Odysseus
    3. Stupus (via AtariAge)
    4. RPGCollector
    5. RetroGMR
    6. ianoid (via AtariAge)
    7. Grondorr
    8. retrogamer
    9. Blazing Lazers (via AtariAge)
    10. PsychedelicShaman (via AtariAge)
    11. ianoid (via AtariAge)
    12. NarrowEscape
    13. svlovinist


    • Like 2
  10. Hello, For the past year or so, I've been working on a game for the Game Boy called "Ugly Uppity Umpire."

    The game is now finished and I would like to see it published somewhere by someone. I won't go the same route asking incube8 games as they rudely ignored me the last game I finished (Frank the Fruit Fly) The game has 50 levels and is, IMHO lovely. It's 128 KB, and does not use a battery, instead relying on passwords, in an attempt to make it publisher-friendly. If you have the means of publishing Game Boy games, let me know and I'll send you the ROM.

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