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Posts posted by cj_robot

  1. 6 hours ago, fox said:

    You can’t interact a YouTube video weirdo XD

    Uhhhhh, obviously you have to click play to start the video, and also click pause every time you need a peepee break.

    Just call it "Super Mega Ultra Easy Mode." The kids will be demanding modes like this once they find out how brutally difficult Super Mario RPG's "Breezy Mode" is.

    • Haha 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, TDIRunner said:

    I read that it was designed for someone who was more interested in the story than playing the game.   

    Maybe I'm the weirdo, but I just don't get it. If you're not interested in the game, but you want the story, just watch a YouTube video. It's free and as low effort as you can get. I just don't understand buying and playing a game if you're not interested in the game.

  3. Finished Phantasy Star III with Aron's ending. This was the only mainline entry that I hadn't finished up until now. It's often regarded as the weakest one and, after finally playing through it, I must say I agree with that assessment.

    The dungeons are much smaller than in the previous game (which is good), but they are probably some of the most annoying mazes I've ever experienced in an RPG. Combine that with the painfully slow walk speed and the high random battle encounters and you've got a pretty awful experience. I resorted to finding maps for the dungeons to keep myself from going crazy.

    On the other hand, battles are ridiculously easy, especially compared to PSII. I did spend a little time grinding here and there, mostly to get enough money to buy weapons/armor, but not any more than I normally would in an RPG. Still, the game was a cakewalk, and I got through the entire thing essentially mashing the C-button on every battle. I never even used offensive one time. Never had to implement any kind of strategy, all the way to the final boss. Kinda boring, really.

    The generations gimmick is at least interesting, but there's no way I'm playing through this again to see any of the other endings, so kind of a waste. Sadly, I feel like there is a pretty compelling story buried in this game that just doesn't come through in the interactions with the characters. Oh well.

    Took me just under 15 hours to complete. Of course, using maps to avoid all the ridiculous dead-end paths helped, but even still it's pretty short. Not sure if that was intentional so you'd play to see the different endings, but no thanks to that.


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  4. 2 hours ago, Tanooki said:

    1) I've not seen people get a raging fit over that, I mean I can get why, but to be so utterly selfish with Dark Souls to not even allow it to be considered seems even more wrong. 

    My stance is that if the developer doesn't want to include it, then they shouldn't have to. If somebody doesn't like Dark Souls the way it is, then play something else. It's not like there aren't a million other options when it comes to video games. If they want to add easy mode, then great and I'd never complain about it. But I'm not so entitled that I'm just going to start demanding stuff. Like I'm not getting pissed when The Bluey Videogame doesn't have an ultra-hard mode so that I can enjoy it.

    • Agree 2
  5. 1 hour ago, RH said:

    Regarding SM  RPG having an "easy mode", I find that ironic because if it's "for the kids", well, many of us feel like SM RPG already was a solid, entry level RPG.  It was enjoyable for the experienced RPGer, but it was also easy enough to be accessible to young children who are at a competent reading level.  I'm not sure what "easy mode" will look like on this game.  Maybe more generous XP and fewer random battles?

    Yeah, that's what has me puzzled. Like, I get people wanting an easier Dark Souls, but what's the point with a game that is already easy to begin with? If you're just walking around, talking to townsfolk, and battles are reduced to just mashing the A button... I just don't see what enjoyment there is to be had there.

  6. So I just learned that the new Super Mario RPG remake will have a new easy mode (called "Breezy"), and it just got me thinking.

    I know that Easy Modes in video games has become somewhat of a contentious issue amongst gamers lately. I've seen people get downright nasty on both sides when talking about whether Dark Souls should or should not have one. Personally, including a seperate mode that I'm likely never going to touch doesn't bother me at all.

    I'm just starting to wonder why people play video games at all, though. If I just want a story, there's plenty of more accessible options for that. I play games because I want to do something: conquer a challenge, solve a puzzle, outsmart or outperform my opponents, use my skills, use my reflexes, use my brain, etc. I don't get that at all when the stakes are zero and challenge is non-existent. It's a completely empty experience. It's not even like SMRPG was a difficult game to begin with.

    Again, I have no problem with the option being there... I just don't understand why anyone would bother using it.


  7. 23 hours ago, a3quit4s said:

    I know it’s a different complaint, but New Game+ type games piss me off. Especially ones where you have to do the entire game again to get some unique thing you can’t get the first time around. Like I’m not playing this game again. I don’t care that it’s 10/10 game of the decade, once I do the play through once, it’s dead to me

    I don't get it. Isn't New Game+ in most cases basically just a bonus mode to mess around with after you beat the game?

    Like in Chrono Trigger, it's an easy way to play through a bunch of times and see the different endings without having to waste time on tedious stuff like grinding for experience and money to buy stuff.

    In The Last of Us, it was a way to experience the story again, while being able to finally max out Joel's upgrades and play the game as a badass. It's not the game's fault that you can't do that in one playthrough. It's specifically designed so that you have to make those tough choices on what to upgrade and what to skip. But, in the bonus mode, it's more about screwing around and having fun.

    I haven't played every game that has a New Game+ option, but I've never came across one that I felt absolutely obligated to play.

  8. On 7/1/2023 at 9:16 AM, MagusSmurf said:


    I bought this game from a flea market way back when. I actually thought I got a busted cartridge, because there was just no way I could believe that the music was really supposed to sound like that. 😂

  9. Beat a game of Baseball. About as basic a baseball game as you can get. I never got a good handle on pitching in this one, it seemed I could only either struck a guy out on three pitches or he would hit a double off me. But I survived for the win.


    Also finished Extra Bases. Man, this is one broken baseball game. Hitting is pretty easy since the CPU pretty much throws it over the plate every time. All you need to do is get the timing down and you'll consistently make contact, resulting in a hit about 30%-40% of the time. The CPU also makes tons of bonehead plays in the field which makes it pretty easy to get extra bases and score.

    I found a trick to pitching. With a RH pitcher, just throw the ball and hold right on the D-pad to throw a pitch that sails right of the plate. Even though it would definitely be a ball, the CPU batter will swing and miss on this pitch like 95% of the time. Once I found this I never gave up another run. My best performance was a perfect game with 27 strikeouts 😎


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