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  1. Hi folks! To clarify a few details: The original 1991 game paks can be used up to 15 players with no modifications to the code at all. The only things to keep in mind are: A.) Using old hardware (and especially if you use GBA Link cables rather than a custom solution), you're going to run into a lot of issues with old wires, dirty/loose ports, and bad connections. 1 bad connection kills the game. B.) If you're not using a custom solution, there is a voltage issue created when using more than eight systems/cables. This makes more than eight players unstable. This was corrected for in our custom adapter. C.) If you have 14 or 15 players, there are two maps that you cannot select. In very simple terms, there's "not enough room" to spawn everyone in (by the way the game spawns players in at the start. 14 players is hit or miss if it'll work on these two maps and 15 won't work at all. 16 wouldn't either, if it did work. D.) The 16 player mode that was intended does *not* work with 16 players in the original ROM/retail carts. Long story short (and the video being made will go into more detail), there's a bug in the code that essentially causes 16 players to be read by the game as zero players. That brings us to our patched ROM game paks. Our crew created two versions: The first one is the original, 1991 ROM with the only change being the fix for the 16 player code causing it to not read as zero players. The second was the original code, patched with the 16 player fix and the GBC "DX" hack that adds color and takes advantage of the faster GBC processor to increase the speed. With both of these versions, you still run into A, B, and C from above. Our crew was able to get a steady, reliable 15 player connection using the custom link hardware and fully original game carts - which is still a feat in and of itself that the game can support this. The game would have likely shipped with fixed 16 player support, however, the company that developed it (Xanth) had five employees and ten Game Boys at the time Nintendo nixed their custom adapter they planned. They left the code in, but just never fully tested it, since it wasn't going to officially be a feature. So, the tl;dr, Can the original Faceball 2000 for the GameBoy support 16 players? No*. *It _can_ support 15, 16 requires a bug patch, which isn't possible to do on original GameBoy carts. After SSFF gets their video up, more info about all this will be released. :)
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