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Posts posted by MeganJoanne

  1. Was playing Mystic Quest Legend for the SNES in french. Just beat it. My first time since, I dunno, uh, sometimes in the 90s. Yeah, a very long time ago. Really enjoyed playing this one again.

    T14:26 Megan NIV-33, Phébé NIV-34 (before the final battle)


  2. 784223581_2019-11-7mygamingstation.thumb.JPG.e0fdfbb132a7ea6f5e65c45ab43b6f1d.JPG

    HP 15-f272wm

    Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU N3540 @ 2.16 GHz 2.16 GHz
    Installed memory (RAM) : 4.00 GB
    System type : 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
    Pen and Touch : No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display
    Hard drive : 500 GB (452 GB actually usable)

    I know, it's not quite the impressive system, but hey, I can play Popeye, thank goodness for that, that I can play the old emulators (NES, SNES, Genesis, GB) though not so well full screen, and while it can sorta do N64, it struggles a little. Oh, and hey, VGS (Video Games Sex... err, Sage)! And got internet, pretty much got everything right there.


    • Like 2
  3. Ah, but are you certain you would be able to marry Flora/Nera? You may very well be transported to this game world merely as yourself and find that the hero has already done his quest and settled down and married either of them, or one died along the way or married another hero or NPC. But hey, look at that cutie... she doesn't have a name because she is an unnamed NPC but she's looking right at you. Oh wait, she's looking quite terrified in your direction as there is a monster right behind you. It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here.

    And this is most likely how it would probably end for most of us, game over, shouldn't stayed on Earth in our own dimension and just visited the game worlds the safe way with game in console playing on tv set. But hey, I can see the whole world from where I'm at, having been launched into the sky by a giant that clobbered me.

  4. It has been so many years since I last heard this song, any of these songs from the anime Zenki, but even after years I still remember the main theme song and was able to sing along with it without hardly missing a word. No, I'm not singing in this video, just saying, I was able to. A long time ago it was this very song that got me wanting to study japanese, such a long time ago. But as much as I try, my language learning has shifted, thus japanese while I still like it, not enough to keep up with old studies, though occasionally do try, different time, different interests, a time when anime excited me with Zenki, Bubblegum Crisis and Sailor Moon. Screwy thing, studying french right now, but listening to songs in japanese, c'est fou!

    And the second album... really enjoying hearing these again.


  5. 9 hours ago, Scrobins said:

    It really depends on the mechanics of the game for me, and what are the frequency of needing various functions. I look to the evolution of the Dragon Warrior/Quest games for reference. The “stairs” option was hilariously tedious, and “take” was duplicative when “open” did the job just as well for treasure chests that you had to stand on. Which brings me to another point, some functions are so common that a menu option is excessive: being able to talk or open a chest by walking up to the person/treasure and hitting A made more sense than opening the menu to talk or open. Dragon Warrior I also had a door function, and Dragon Warrior II made you use the specific key to open a type of door, whereas I believe future games just made opening the door automatic if you had the means to open the door.

    The same applies in planning a menu: figure out every action that can be performed, figure out how some can be collapsed into one another, and identify which actions are so common that it shouldn’t necessitate menu access in the first place.

    I remember when I first ever played Dragon Warrior it was a learning curve to remember to select that option to use the stairs, instead of simply moving to it and automatically going up or down, glad they fixed that with later games. I could understand if it were a text adventure, or something with a cursor like Shadowgate, but not a game where you were able to move your character around freely, so it wasn't intuitive having to use a menu to use stairs or open chests or doors when it could have been done automatically or with a simple press of an action button. Still like the game though, even if there are those few unnecessary extra steps needed for simple common tasks.

  6. 2 minutes ago, ookii_risu said:

    I think stereo and text speed needn't be options anymore. I think the game should be in stereo if the music is famitracker and the option for surround sound if midi. I don't know who would want the text to display slow as molasses. What I don't like is when there's autotext that appears on the screen for only a couple of seconds. I'm a slow reader, and stuff like that is hard to catch. I think that the dialogue text speed shouldn't affect the time the autotext is up, if you decide to put autotext in a game. I like @Br81zad's suggestion of allowing you to scroll through the dialogue.


    Same here, slow reader. I can't stand text in games that goes automatically and doesn't allow me to pause. When I was playing games on the 360 I was only downloading games that had a french language option, some are very reader friendly but most are not and have that auto text where they keep on talking no matter what and if you can't keep up, well too bad miss slowpoke reader, and this goes for games I've played in english too, I just can't take it all in that fast. Now if I chose to fast forward or skip it that's fine, my choice, but I really would have loved to be able to catch all that dialogue in some of these. Or there are those that when you do try to pause it puts a big ass "PAUSE" or something in place of the text, or some other screen completely, as if they don't want you seeing what you are supposed to and need to see, like someone stepping in your way while you are trying to read a sign or something, or they blur it out so much that you can't see it well. What is the big issue here? You want me to read this or not? This message will self destruct in 5 seconds. Timers are a pain sometimes in playing through some games, but it's part of the challenge, but text, should not be timed, I'm not getting points for being able to read it all and don't lose a life or get a game over if I can't keep up, I just miss out on what is said. I loved State of Decay because when I pressed to pause it the dialogue subtitles stayed right where I could see and read them at my pace and type them all out too in notepad, while ones like Just Cause 2 or Beyond Good and Evil I can't pause as still see it, thus miss a lot. And this has been the same for every gaming generation, some allow you to read and you press the button when you are ready to read more, others take you for a fast reader or believe you are paying attention and ready at every moment (Me : "Ugh, hold that thought, be right back, I really have to pee", Game : "Don't you walk away from me when I'm talking to you!", keeps on talking, blah-blah-blah...), it's not combat, nor real life, though unlike real life I can't always ask text to repeat itself, or I can't go back to that narrative because that would mean starting over or going back to a previous save or something, and narratives are almost always auto scrolling.

    Don't care about so much the sound type, so long as it sounds and like its supposed to, and let the tv dictate whether you want it mono ou stereo or surround, whatever.

    5 hours ago, Br81zad said:

    I'd like to see an option to scroll through the entire text of a given scene rather than the text appear in separate blocks that you cycle through (if that makes sense)

    Makes it feel more like a book, than: read a block, click button, read a block, click button, and so on.

    Yes, this! reminds me of online job applications, most have one screen after another, a little bit on this screen, press next, a little more on this screen, next, something stupid and useless on this screen, yep, next. Very rarely there have been ones that have the whole application in its entirety on one convenient page. Same thing with the games, give me more freedom to read it as I chose, be able to read at my own pace and scroll simply by pressing and holding down or up or something easy that don't require pressing an action button every few words. I got the Scroll Option...

    • Like 2
  7. Going to go with what I've been playing, Mystic Quest has a very easy to use menu, super player friendly, well organized with colorful nicely detailed clear images of itemsa s well as their name. Yeah, I know you're talking about options, I'll get to that. And to keep the game flowing at a good pace you can easily change weapons anytime using the shoulder buttons, and you can also change the secondary character from auto to manual and back anytime during combat, love both of these options (hey, they could have made you have to use the menus every time to do these so this is a massive plus). And the battle menus, just as easy to use as going into any of the other menus and option screen. What I love about this game is the neatness of it all, sure it's lacking in options (see 7th image) : type of health display (bar or numbers), control (auto or manual), message speed, and window color, that's it. It could perhaps use more, like customizing controller button layout (for those that would like to change it), but still, one of the cleanest menus there is, everything. As for the standard usual options I usually don't mess with any of it because the default is usually okay, though once upon a time I was always impatient when playing RPGs so I would set message speed at the fastest, and would quickly press through most dialogue thus find myself wandering aimlessly, clueless for a time. The least useful to me is the window color, I have fiddled with it a few times in some games, but mostly just stuck with the default.



    Hate ones like Secret of Mana, with the circular ring, as with any game that tries to makes things overly fancy which tend to make understanding and navigating it more difficult than it should be.

    They can ruin what could be a perfectly wonderful game experience when there's crap in a game that actually makes it less enjoyable or frustrating when it shouldn't be. Menus and items should be easy to use and navigate, options should give you a good amount of control of what you want or don't want to see during certain parts of the gameplay. Moving around and using menus or other options shouldn't be a learning curve nor awkward.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Mystic Quest Legend. It's been quite some days since I played this game. I need to feel like I'm accomplishing something, and just beating games is not enough nowadays, like with some of my 360 games, combination of playing a fun game but also learning a language, though may have to find something with more dialogue after this one is complete. J'arrive à la Tour Pazuzu. Niveau 30, le temps est 11:18.

  9. When I think Queen I think of Flash Gordon. Always loved this. Flash! Aaahhh, savior of the universe!

    Oh, and Highlander...

    But outside these two, I don't get into their music, basically I love Flash Gordon, and Princes of the Universe was a perfect song for The Highlander.

  10. While this time is the best time so far, I do have issues with technology, it frustrates me and find most of it overly complicated and unnecessary. But no way in hell would I want to go back to simpler times, well not completely. I love the internet, anytime I want to look something up, anything, right there at my fingertip within moments, always hated libraries and trying to find what I'm looking for in books which they may or may not have, research that took way too long and now, type that shit in, bam!, there it is. I've always hated phones, so cell phones, smart phones, it's not my thing and I would get flustered with it, no point for me since I only ever make a handful of quick calls out of a whole year, though it seems we are all supposed to have them since everybody wants your friggin phone number because somehow an email alone isn't good enough, even though they ask you for it. Heck, even having an email they want your phone number, for supposed security reasons, whatever. Touch screens, never liked them, I smashed two tablets because they pissed me off, I'll stick with my laptop with it's archaic keyboard and mouse. And I've always been simple with everything, so long as it does it's job, notepad and paint, perfect, all that MS Office stuff was just too much for me to handle. Self checkout, makes me uncomfortable, even as uncomfortable as I am with people, I still rather go to a cashier because I'm used to it. I can't work with GPS, my mom and I got one of those devices some years ago, ended up returning it a few days later because she didn't like it, was uncomfortable with the directions and roads it was taking her on, and was pissing me off because I'm used to finding my own way and use google maps and make my route, which is whatever route would be easiest for my mom to drive (she's the driver and I've always been the navigator). All these talking devices, Alexa this or what the hell are the other ones?, whatever, most likely I'd ask it something and it'd tell me it didn't understand, enough talk, fuck it, I'll look it up or do it myself. I'm not much a clear or loud talker and prefer not to have to talk to a machine, never did like leaving messages on answering machines. Self driving cars, fine, once they can drive better than people in nearly all scenarios, but aside from just a cleaner fuel, like solar powered or electric, the only thing I ever would like if one day I were to ever have a car (and can actually drive it) are roll down windows, the old fashioned handle that you crank, I really miss those, being able to roll down my own window when in the car without having the car turned on. More and more robots doing jobs that have always been done by humans, I don't much care for that, but I guess that will just create a different job for us... yeah, living batteries for the robots when they take over completely. Computerize your house, Alexa this or what the hell are the other ones again? Anyway, not for me, the less of that kind of stuff the better. Gaming, I'm a bit behind, have been for many years, was up to the xbox 360 but aside from downloading games to it, that's about as advanced as I've gotten, none of that online multiplayer stuff or whatever other stuff they offer now. I thought years ago with emails becoming a major form of communication that, well I was hoping phones would become a thing of the past, instead they've only advanced. Why even ask for my email if you aren't and don't intend to use it to communicate with me? Urgh. I'm a password person, I make really long complicated passwords that even I can't always remember but just like everything else, we got security questions, phone number, images, blood, soul, first born... okay not there yet, but hey, give it time, they always make things more complicated and want more from you. And I don't want a machine doing jobs for me that I can do myself and probably better, as is I don't like dishwashers and prefer to hand wash my dishes because I do a better job and that's old tech there, yet I prefer to do it myself. Depending on the type of technology, sometimes I'm okay with it, maybe even welcome it, but many other times, no, not going to do it. My problem with technology is that it moves too fast, for me.

  11. Nothing today, but last night gave Batman on the Gameboy a short whirl, losing first life in stage 2 somewhere, decided not to continue. Then played Castelvania II Belmont's Revenge, made it to Soleiyu Belmont and got my ass whipped over and over, over half a dozen continues and gave up. Love the music in that game, and some of the challenges in the stages are nice.

  12. Sooooo much better. That other shit was well, merde. Just that original cgi would have made the movie fail, now even if the movie still sucks it might do a little better, actually who knows, may actually stand a chance at being fun to watch. Though I have no interest in the movie myself other than I was on youtube one day, saw there was going be a Sonic the Hedgehog movie, watched trailer out of curiosity, cringed and though, yep, insta-flop, typical of video game to movie movies. Good to see they listened to the voices of fans and actually made the appropriate changes to make Sonic look and even behave closer to his game character. One thing that I've always hated with some fantasy movies from a favorite license though, why do they always have to come to Earth? That was the same issue I had with Masters of the Universe, sure I enjoyed it, always have but damn, keep it all true to the source material, fuck Earth, we see that every day. Anyway, hope the Sonic movie does decently well, after all they did go back and fix him.

  13. 2019-11-12
    Castlevania 5 (hack) - beat it with 4 deaths

    I didn't expect to play through this one all the way, I was just choosing something random out of the Castlevania hacks to retry, tried it before some months ago but had only played halfway through it then, but this time, I was enjoying it enough and making good progress that I decided to see it through to the end. First death a bat knocked me into a pit in stage 4. Second death was a mistake thinking there was floor to jump on but I ended up falling into a pit, this was in stage 6. Then I had two deaths against Dracula. What can I say about this hack, well it looks very different from all the others and Castlevania in general because the graphics mostly all redone have a cleaner, simpler art style, not bad though. The music is various tunes from several different Castlevania games. Level layout is good, challenge is just right, tough in a few spots without the right weapon, but not too much, about the same level as the original game. Bosses are a weird sort, first the big bat is redrawn, the medusa boss is turned into some slime/blob/ghost thingy, the mummies are now skeletons with swords that throw or shoot blades at you, the Frankenstein monster is still the boss only looks different and has an oversized head and has a blob as a backup attacker, Death is still death, but also redrawn graphics, Drac though is exactly the same as the original. I beat it, watched the ending, had some dialogue regarding the character and his ordeal, then restarted the 2nd quest but didn't play, just wanted to see what I would face if I played another round, big bats on the first screen, faster enemies, okay, maybe some other time. As for the title, sort of a step back given how grand the 3rd game was and the superness of the SNES one, but hey, whatever, a game doesn't always have to have some cool sounding title because the gameplay is what will make one remember it, and this one does okay.

    Had also briefly tried out another Castlevania hack called The Red Wizard, didn't make it far, lost all my lives on the second stage. The game has some cool subweapons which not only look different  from their originals but also behave differently too. But the enemies, it's like they all have rocket skates on their feet and the flying ones using jetpacks, they were all so fast I had a very hard time keeping up with being able to whip them all before at least one hit me like every group or every other group of zombies or medusa head. Crazy. It actually seems to have potential but the speed is way to high that I can't see me enjoying it even if I tried.


  14. Still looks like her, well a generic copycat, but hey, close enough. Whomever designed her was probably hungry at that time and was thinking, you know what, a Jill Sandwich would be good to have, thus this character turned out looking like her. After all that Raccoon / Umbrella / zombie stuff she signed up with another group that fights aliens, kept her hat, added some more body armor, got a bigger gun, after all, these are aliens, kinda shit that Schwarzenegger and Stallone fight in Contra. Game looks like a blast though, for those short fun fast paced romps.

    • Haha 1
  15. Currently going through a bunch of game save states, had never logged down when I beat a bunch of the hacks I played earlier this year because I hadn't been doing the logging details thing anymore (well, am now), so now have exact dates of when I finished some Metroid hacks based on my last save points, at least I still have those. So now my game beaten log is more accurate. Though since I didn't keep log at the time nor kept any of my recordings I can't quite recall if I may be missing a game or two for Metroid or Castlevania hacks that I may've beaten but not remembered that I don't have any save files for. Hmm, in due time I suppose.

    So I did try to pick up where I left off on one of the Metroid hacks a little while ago, Metroid Captive, a hack with some really hard puzzle solving. I was in the final area, but now remember why I rage quit on that one back in July because when you die there you lose half your energy tanks, so I had 4 of them, lost battling the Mother Brain, got resent back to the beginning of the area with only 2 tanks. Don't remember it being like that for the earlier parts of the game (just checked, nope). Yep, turned that shit off, wasn't about to put myself through that stress again. Got a save state at the door before the Mother Brain with all zeebetite destroyed but I only use save states in place of passwords or for quickly revisiting a part of a game for whatever, not for legit victories, thus this game still sits unfinished all because it pissed me off far more than it should. Kinda like Wart's Invasion, got close to the end, go to shoot the statues, the Kraid one (I don't even remember what was in his place, Mouser I think) doesn't raise even though I beat him early on in the game, so when I re-downloaded many of the hacks recently I decided to pass on that one. Sometimes hacks start out promising, kind of interesting but then start to feel like the same thing and drag on for too long so was the case of that one and because of the linear design backtracking or reloading to that early point to have to go through it all again wasn't going to be something fun. There were a ton other Metroid hacks, but sadly, most weren't very good, except for the ones I actually beat because they were good enough to keep me going to the end. And Castlevania, even worst, though entertaining to at least give them a quick try, though will say Holy Relics was great, Stairs of Doom was fun and the gun hack was very much like how I played my subweapons only attempts at Castlevania, using a gun in place of a whip. Oh, played several Zelda and Zelda II hacks as well, thinking of which there was at least one of them I may want to try getting back to sometime, but most were either too hard to be fun or uninteresting.

    NES games beaten 2019

    January :
    Metroid (beat using keyboard, second time I ever did this, and without dying)

    March :

    April :
    Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

    June-July :

    Castlevania The Holy Relics (hack)
    Castlevania Stairs of Doom (hack)
    Castlevania Gun (hack)
    Castlevania Bloody Adventures (hack)

    Metroid Incursion (hack)

    Over the Moon (hack)

    Metroid : Samus - Mother Brain Returns (hack)

    Metroid Inceptroid (hack)

    Metroid Revival (hack)

    Metroid Rogue Dawn (hack)

    Castlevania - 9 deaths / 1 continue used, mostly all subweapons

    Castlevania - 1 death (against Dracula's second form), subweapons only game except for an accidental single hit on the Frankenstein Monster and Grim Reaper each (a failed challenge but still a damn good playthru)

  16. Always enjoyed looking through them, mostly at the pictures, Nintendo Power in general, always enjoyable back then. The ones that were like larger expansions of game manuals were always good for a refresher when it came to items, monsters or with maps to find your way around. The Official Nintendo Player's Guide was my favorite, little bits of this at that for various popular games and summaries of all of the other games that were out at the time. A very nice companion to an NES game collection.

  17. Skyrim is a very dangerous world, there are bandits and monsters everywhere as well as a wicked mages and necromancers and vampires, and dragons, can't forget those. It would be a horrible place to live. If anything like this world and my role here, I would not be the heroine of the story, just some random NPC trying to survive the normal day to day struggles which would be far worse than our own world. Though, I could be the heroine, maybe even the Dragonborn, though I would most likely shirk my duties, but then I would get an extra beating from Grelod...


    Oh yeah, spank me harder! 🤫 Shhhh... it's a secret to everybody.

    But if I did have some sort of skills or powers, I would excel in fighting, or magic, better yet archery, yep, I've always been good with the bow (okay in real life never used one, but hey, I teleported to game world and chose this role and what I'm good at, which actually would probably be everything) or something other than the Dragonborn, I would maybe be okay with living there, there are plenty of places I've called home even if the game doesn't recognize them as such. Patch up that wall there (after clearing out all falmer and the huge bug problem), clean up the bloodied bodies, fix that leaking ceiling, that lighthouse would make a great home (one of many), or kill all of the evil witches in Darklight Tower, clean the place up, get some better lighting in there, but keep the nasty decor outside to deter unwanted visitors. Nope, too big. I'd settle for the alchemist shack or better yet that shack near the waterfall close to Helgen, fix it up, add a door, closing windows, flooring, proper roof, plant myself a little garden, build a strong wall around the joint, always wanted a little house to call my own and hey fresh water from melting mountain snow for drinking and bathing, brrr that's friggin' freezing. But there would be none of the luxuries that I have now in this world, everything would have to be done the hard way, well unless there's a spell to accomplish it, or something. But being as I would excel in melee combat and or archery and hopefully know a few useful spells and have no issues about killing things (actually rather enjoy it, kind like real life version of video games), and with plenty of monsters and bad guys around, finding work wouldn't be an issue, since I could be a treasure hunter, bounty hunter, monster slayer... at least I wouldn't be bored.

    But would I live in Skyrim or any other place in Tamriel or on that world, ugh, probably not. But then again, powers, real magic, I dunno, kinda very tempting. At least it isn't Fallout 3, who in their right mind would want to live in that kind of world?

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