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Lynda Monica

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Posts posted by Lynda Monica

  1. I'm not selling them off just yet, but I'm considering it. There are a few games I'd be pretty sad to part with, and that's been keeping me from pulling the trigger on it. It's a good system with lots of games, but I'm frustrated with the system as I'm not even able to talk about the games I like for it without getting slammed for it.

    I've tried to play some of the system's more popular games, and a lot of them just don't sit right with me. When I find a game that I think is cool and want to tell people about, I find out they were so reviled upon release that it's better to just not talk about them with anyone.

    I find myself wondering if there's something I just don't get about the system's audience, as it seems any franchise that tried something new and interesting was considered bad, but whenever a series played it super safe and boring it got perfect reception.

    There are a bunch of games I like for the system, but having nobody to talk about them with is frustrating to me.

    Edit: Sorry for being so whiny. πŸ˜…

  2. I picked up a couple more things for my Wii U collection!


    For the longest time I dismissed Zombi U as another brainless zombie game, but I was pleasantly surprised after watching the first hour on Youtube last night. It's more quiet and lonely than you'd expect, and it's a very refreshing take after years of games like Resident Evil 5 and House of the Dead Overkill.

    Hopefully it stays good for its entire run time, but that's something Wii U and 3DS games struggle to do.

    The Star Fox Zero guide was an impulse purchase, but I'm very happy with it. It was $9.99 at the game store, and for that price I didn't care that I had already 100% completed the game.

    I don't normally buy strategy guides, but now I'm thinking of hunting down some others for Wii U. There likely weren't many that even got one in English, so it should be easy to get them all for the games I own.

    That's it for me until Wednesday! πŸ‘‹

    • Like 6
  3. 21 hours ago, Lynda Monica said:

    It's definitely the last straw with 100% completion.


    You may be surprised to hear that it was absurdly hard to get the final 1%, as the game makes you do some uncharacteristically demanding stuff for a Kirby game.

    Guess I'm just a sucker for punishment. πŸ˜…

  4. I voted for the wrong thing as I didn't understand the question at first.

    Edit: Sorry, I'm still confused. The poll is worded strangely as it asks three different questions, so I'll answer all three as I first read them. πŸ˜…

    "When did video games become collectables?" I think games in general became collectables to the mainstream around 2010, as that was the year that thirft shops dried up completely, and it was no longer easy to get old systems and games for cheap.

    "When did you start building a collection?" I started hanging on to every game I bought with its box in 1998 when Pokemon Red came out. I loved the big artwork of Charizard on the cover, and from that point on I held on to all of my games for a very long time.

    "When did you collect more than game?" That has never happened to me. I always buy a game with the intention to play and beat it, even if the reasons for buying a game are collection based.

    For instance I picked up Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Xenoblade X because they're significant high profile Wii U games, and that appeals to my desire for a collection of the best Wii U games. Yet a rare game like Devil's Third wouldn't do the same for me, as I'd consider my collection worse to have an unarguably bad game in it.

    I've always bought games with the purpose of playing them, but the collector in me opens my options to popular games I might normally skip due to personal preference.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Makar said:

    I’m surprised this is the breaking point for a lot of people. They left out a LOT of characters, not just Daisy.Β 

    In the long rant I deleted, I mentioned that part of why it stings for Dasiy in particular is that the original Strikers was the game that fully established what Daisy was, and launched her from fun side character into huge fan favourite. People liked her before Strikers, but she skyrocketed in popularity after Strikers.

    It's frustrating that when they finally made a new game in the Strikers series, the original game's breakout character got left behind. It's not even the first time Daisy hasn't been included in a Mario spin off, as she didn't show up in any of the GBA games, (excluding one e-reader card) but to be left out of Strikers in particular is why fans of Daisy are really upset.

    • Sad 1
  6. 3 hours ago, drxandy said:

    Game and wario has skyrocketed in price and I'm sad I missed it when it was around the 50$ mark. Nice choices Lynda!!

    Thanks! 😁

    Yeah, I have no clue why it jumped so hard, but I was able to find it for about $60 a couple years back. In all honesty you're not missing much, as it's not that good of a game. πŸ˜…Β  WarioWare is a series that somehow sticks around, but I feel like the GBA games were the only ones that were any good. I feel like people just don't want to let go of the characters, so the series has survived on that more than its gameplay.

    • Agree 1
  7. I was feeling glum about my playthrough of Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, and decided to replay the entire game again in one sitting. This time around I ignored all the collectables, and had a lot more fun. Rainbow Curse is certainly one of the best Wii U games, and going for 100% almost made me think otherwise.

    It's definitely the last straw with 100% completion, as it's not fun to fall into traps that make you miss a collectable you get one chance at, and then have to replay the whole stage. Going for 100% almost made me hate Rainbow Curse, which would have been a big shame.

    When I play Sonic Lost World and Yoshi's Woolly World, I'm going to ignore all of the collectables from the get go.

    Since I didn't do it the first time, here's a photo of the final screen!


    • Like 4
  8. 24 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    Killing it @Lynda Monica.Β  Seems you made your list too smallΒ 

    That "agree" emote looks too smug. πŸ˜†

    Yeah, I probably should have added one of the big Wii U RPGs to the list, but I was underselling myself I suppose. Maybe I'll go back and 100% Tropical Freeze if I run out of games on my list. I still have to fully finish Rainbow Curse though, so I won't be starting the next game until I do.

  9. I finished Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, and I'm left in a weird spot about it. Much like a lot of Wii U and 3DS games, it has a really strong first half, and a much worse second half.

    My two biggest complaints with the game are the vehicle sections, and the recycling of boss fights in worlds 4-6. I get that Canvas Curse recycled boss fights, but that's the kind of thing you're supposed to fix in a sequel. Doing something lazy and lame the first time around shouldn't set a precedent to justify doing it again in a follow up.

    The vehicle sections weren't really all that bad to play, but I was angry about them simply because I didn't want to do them. World five has TWO vehicle levels, meaning you only get to play the actual game for one stage, and then fight a recycled boss from world two.

    For the most part the game was good, and I admit I'm focusing on the bad parts, but I'm frustrated about it since its high points reached timeless levels of quality, but its low points dropped it back down to just being "good".

    I have way more to say about this game, but I'll stop here for now. I'm thinking of doing a full review in the analysis section, so I won't clutter up this thread too much. I still have to go back to world 6 and 7 and pick up the rest of the collectables, but for now the game has been beaten.

    • Like 2
  10. Sometimes there's a marketing tie in so disgusting that it becomes hilarious. The best ones that make me want to preserve their shame forever are the ones where there's NO connection between the tie in and the product, making them look perfectly idiotic together.



    I like to think that at one point Buzz was holding a spoon in the picture, and they took it out because it wouldn't be fair to every other cereal box for having the funniest cover of all time. This was the first one I saved for its lunacy, and from that point on I started to keep an eye out.

    Oral-B's iconic toothbrush mascot was the second one I found, and I had a hard time bringing it up to the cashier with a straight face. I think this is the funniest one, as it's the biggest contrast between tie-in and product. I guess it's true that Darth Vader needed some dental care in his old age.

    Master Chief on a Pringles can isn't all that funny on the surface, but the hilarious shame of the tie-in becomes clear when you realize the tie-in was done because junk food companies see video game fans as their target audience.

    The fact that Tim Hortons allowed this tie-in to exist is a shame that needs to be preserved. Justin Bieber is an irredeemable little twerp, and to have his last name replace Tim Horton's last name as if he's just as important to Canada's culture, is probably the most shameful tie-in I've ever seen in my life.

    I still ate all the incredibly delicious sugar coated Timbits, but I was a bit less happy about it than normal.

    I'm always on the look out, but I wish with every fiber of my being that I could go back in time and buy the ridiculous pack of Duracell AA batteries I saw in the 2000s with Shrek and Donkey on them.

    • Haha 1
  11. One of the best games Nintendo ever made. The first game is so perfect as a stand alone story that its own sequels struggle to add anything meaningful to it. If you consider yourself a fan of Nintendo, you owe it to yourself to play the first Pikmin.

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  12. On 6/2/2022 at 10:02 PM, Sumez said:

    I like the generally nonlinear design of some of the stages though, but it's regrettable that trying to explore them never yields anything of interest. There's one with a somewhat sizable underground section that serves no purpose at all.

    These areas do serve a purpose though, which is to acquire enough money to get the best ending. There was a point in time where I had grown tired of the game for a lot of the same reasons you listed, but it becomes an entirely new experience when you're trying to track down every scrap of treasure to get the best ending.

    The end reward isn't much different, but the real reward is having more fun than you normally would just going from start to finish. It also feels more like the show in a weird way, as Scrooge absolutely WOULD put himself into more danger just to find a little extra treasure.

    The remake understood that it was how you were supposed to play the game, and instead of including an optional best ending at all, they simply redesigned the stages so you were required to do it. It's one of the reasons people tend to respond better to the remake than the original, since there's "more" to do.

    • Like 2
  13. Until recently I would have said the original Puzzle Bobble/Bust-a-Move, but after years and years and YEARS of that version not being available on anything, it FINALLY got ported to the Switch. The only other arcade game I played a lot of in the 90s was Snow Brothers, so I guess that's the one I'd pick. I'd rather it just get ported to Switch than ever own an arcade cabinet though.

    • Like 1
  14. You my friend happened to stumble into somewhat of a DSiWare expert! I bought a DSi back in the day because I was hyped for a game called "Mighty Flip Champs", and I played a lot of DSiWare.

    Here are the top picks from me!

    Mighty Flip Champs: Wayforward's first Mighty game, and easily the best one. Very inventive and fun puzzle platformer well worth picking up.

    Mighty Milky Way: Wayforward's second Mighty game before the series because exclusively restricted to Mighty Switch Force. This one is also excellent, though not quite as intuitive as Mighty Flip Champs. Both of these games are infinitely better than any of the Mighty Switch Force games, and you should pick them both up while you still can.

    G.G Series: Horizontal Bar: A two dollar entry point for a highly inventive, and fun momentum based platformer about spinning around on a horizontal bar, and propelling yourself to the next one. It takes quite a deal of practice to get good at, but it has extremely accurate controls that work flawlessly once you understand them. Highly worth picking up.

    99 Seconds: A really simplistic, yet highly stylish score chase game that originated on DSiWare. It was later ported to the Wii U! Very fun game.

    Gaia's Moon: Not as strong as the ones listed above, but still a fun score attack game. It's similar to the rocket barrel levels of the modern Donkey Kong Country games, but with many more things coming at you. It's simple, but lovely.

    Abyss: Also ported to the Wii U, this is a short, but wonderful underwater maze game that oozes style. Very much style over substance, but the style is worth the two dollar asking price.

    Dark Void Zero: Remember the Capcom game Dark Void? Of course you don't! Though many people remember this game, which was an 8bit parody game that pretended to be a long lost NES Capcom classic. Many people still believe the marketing stunt they pulled about it to this day, but a marketing stunt it was. Even still, the game is quite good, and has some kicking tunes too.

    A Kappa's Trail: A game that's essentially impossible to describe, mainly due to the creativity of its creators. Brownie Brown was responsible for A Kappa's Trail, and you may remember them from Mother 3 and Magical Vacation fame. It's a solid game worth owning, and any fan of the Mother series should support the developers other work.

    Trajectile: An extremely polished shooter puzzle game brought to us from Q Games. This is a must own, and one of the top titles on DSiWare.

    X-Scape: A sequel to the Japan exclusive Game Boy game "X", and a really radical DSiWare exclusive. Pick it up!

    Link 'n' Launch: One of Nintendo's most underrated first party games, Link 'n' Launch is on paper a simple tile puzzle game, but in reality is a really head scratching and fun space navigation puzzle game. It has incredible music too, none of which has been posted on Youtube. Pick this one up for sure.

    As for the original post, DON'T buy Crystal Monsters, as it's terrible.

    There may be more that I know of and have forgotten about, and some of the good games have already long been delisted, but if you want a bucket list of DSiWare games, pick up ALL of the ones I mentioned before they get delisted. They're fantastic little games that will be lost to time soon.

    • Like 1
  15. On 6/13/2022 at 5:30 PM, DoctorEncore said:

    I'm legit jealous that you get to experience DKC Tropical Freeze for the first time. It's honestly one of the all time great platformers out there.

    Well you'll be happy to hear I'm loving it. πŸ™‚ The trick with all Donkey Kong Country games is to ignore the collectable junk on a first playthrough, and just rampage through the levels. I sped through the first three worlds in one sitting. β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘

    Edit: I beat the game! Tropical Freeze was fun, but strangely bland. I'd rank it 6th place out of the twelve Donkey Kong games I've played.

    Edit 2: Started up Kirby and the Rainbow Curse today, and I can't believe I sat on this game for so long!Β  I'm In world 2 at the moment, and I'm going for a 100% file. Most of the challenge is designed around picking everything up, so ignoring it all would be pretty boring.Β 

    I think I should have added a few more games to my list, but maybe I can go back and 100% Tropical Freeze after I finish everything else.

    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Gloves said:

    You can have my Mario Tennis if you pay shipping. I don't seem to have the other two anymore.

    That's very generous, but I'd feel a little more comfortable paying through a service like eBay. Thanks for offering though!πŸ™‚Β πŸ‘

  17. This is my Wii U collection I've been building over the last two years. πŸ‘


    It may not look like much, but it's actually 14% of the the North American library.Β πŸ˜… I'm still looking for Mario Party 10, Mario Kart 8, and Mario Tennis Ultra Smash.

    Not pictured are Skylanders and amiibo.

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  18. This looks like fun! I'll put a little list together.

    Edit: Shhhhhhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone I added to my list as I didn't put enough on it.

    Wii U
    Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze: June 15th
    Yoshi's Woolly World
    Kirby and the Rainbow Curse June 16th
    Sonic Lost World
    Zombi U
    Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
    Nintendo Land
    Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
    Splatoon (Single Player Modes)


    Metroid Prime Federation Force
    Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash
    Pokemon X
    Paper Mario Sticker Star
    The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes
    Kid Icarus Uprising

    June 15th: As far as Donkey Kong games go, I'd rate Tropical Freeze somewhere in the middle. It was fun, but also strangely bland. It was way easier than I was expecting too. There were a ton of cheap shots that killed me on a first attempt, but not really any hard segments where I died over and over again.

    June 16: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse was a good game bogged down by its needless segments of variety, and frequent recycling of ideas and boss fights. While not at all a bad game, it was pretty disappointing to see a game start off so excellent and then start to crumble towards the end. I'd still recommend the game to Wii U owners in a heartbeat, but be aware not to get too attached to it early on.

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  19. 2 minutes ago, Link said:


    What's your latest discovery of a game you're really liking?

    The lastest big discoveries are all games that I guess were controversial when they came out. I've been really liking Metroid Prime Federation Force, Star Fox Zero, Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival, and Chibi Robo Zip Lash. I've enjoyed all of them a ton, and I even bought the whole set of 16 Animal Crossing amiibo. I don't really care for normal Animal Crossing, but for some reason the Wii U board game spinoff is something I like. πŸ˜…

    Star Fox Zero and Metroid Federation Force kick ass though. They're so outstanding, but I guess they do take some getting used to with the motion controls. Highly under loved games it seems.

    • Like 1
  20. Hello everyone! I was looking around the web for a good video game forum, and it's surprisingly hard to find these days. Having looked around, this looks like what I'm looking for!

    The following is my history as a gaming fan. I understand if you don't want to read it, but I feel it will help you know me pretty well if you do. πŸ™‚

    I'm 32 years old, and have loved Nintendo ever since I first played the NES. We got an SNES in 1994 with Donkey Kong Country, a Virtual Boy in 1996, and our NES broke in 1997. In 1999 we got an N64 with Ocarina of Time.

    My two older brothers and I had a single Game Boy to share between us, and we were frustrated about sharing one copy of Pokemon Blue/Silver between three people and one Game Boy. We talked to our parents, and we all agreed to skip the Game Cube in exchange for us getting our own GBAs, and own own copies of Pokemon games. My brothers and I played GBA games together for its entire life cycle, and it was so much fun. ☺️

    I was buying my own games by the time the Wii came out, and I played the hell out of the Wii and DS. I even bought a PSP 3000! I was so in love with that era of games that when the next systems came along, I was kind of sad about it. I bought a 3DS, PS Vita and Wii U as they came out, and had some disappointing years of gaming from 2011-2014. in mid 2014, I sold all three systems and the games I had for them.

    From 2014-2018 I went back to older game systems, and had tons of fun doing it. Some of the most incredible games I ever played was from exploring older systems. I could make a long list of all the wonderful experiences I had, but it'd be too long and tedious to read through. All you need to know is it was great fun, and I acquired a much wider range of favourite games.

    By 2018 I had been living on my own for some time, and my latest CRT TV died. I had to make a very hard decision, which was whether or not to get a replacement. Back in the day you could find CRT TVs on the curb for free, but now they're hard to get. I decided not to replace it, and I sold my old game systems and games. I even sold off all of my old portable games to make some extra money, and give myself a clean gaming slate. I used the money I made to buy some really nice furniture, a new desktop computer, and then I held on to the rest.

    I decided to come back to the current era of games, and I bought myself a Nintendo Switch. I played it from 2018 to mid 2020, but I was still kind of unimpressed by it.

    I then started to notice how cheap 3DS and Wii U games were, and i decided to revisit them. Suddenly I was having a lot of fun with them, and I discovered that I wrote them off too early. The later years of the Wii U and 3DS were apparently much better than the early years, and from 2020 until the current day, I've been picking up and playing 3DS and Wii U games. πŸ™‚

    That's the whole tale so far! It's been a life long passion, and I hope that by the time I'm done with the 3DS and Wii U, the next Nintendo system will ready to launch. πŸ™‚ I'll be around the forums, and I hope to have some fun here!

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