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Posts posted by Estil

  1. Here's a few off the top of my head:

    Good grief!  Peanuts turns 70!


    What's up, doc?  Bugs Bunny turns 80!

    On Lincoln's Birthday in 1990, the US finally gets Super Mario Bros 3!  30 years ago already!

    Also on 1990, the Super Famicom is released in Japan, which like SMB3, the US must wait quite a while (about a year and a half?) for the SNES to arrive.

    The original Playstation turns 25 this year!  Hopefully they'll celebrate it right instead of that stupid mini-PS1 garbage from last year.

    The Playstation 2 turns 20!

    The original Final Fantasy came out 30 years ago in the US

    Back to the Future is now 35 and the "future year" (2015) will already be five years ago!  Great Scott!

    The World Wide Web (or Internet as we know it) turns 25...at least as far as my local paper is concerned as it didn't mention it at all before that year (1995).  Believe me, I looked it up (newspapers.com)!  I'm probably among the last generation that remembers the pre-Internet era.  Here are some neat Internet firsts:


    And the first ever picture posted on the Internet, back in 1992:


    YouTube (and me and my wife's anniversary too!) turns 15...the first ever YT video...


    I'm sure there's plenty others you guys can find...remember only ones that end in zero or five please!


    PS: And last but certainly the least...this is the year (March 22) I'll be...*glup*...FORTY. 😞 

  2. 7 hours ago, Wandering Tellurian said:

    We didn't - but I remember looking at a guy who lived in an apartment across the street dumping like 50 gallons of water out on the lawn on New Years Day.  That was pretty awesome.

    Planeteer Alert!!!  There's nothing "awesome" about wasting perfectly good water 😞


  3. 4 hours ago, NZCollector said:

    Ha wish I could've experienced it! 

    I was born September 2000, so missed it by quite a bit. From looking at the Y2K hysteria, it would've been an interesting time for sure. 

    I was born March 1980 (so you know what's coming for me then... 😞 ) but indeed it was!  I was at home watching the then new South Park movie on my parent's TV the evening before the ball drop while I was home on Christmas break after my first semester at UK (sadly I bombed by two computer science intro courses so I ended up changing my majors to history and political science, which I ultimately did graduate with) and they and their friends were out somewhere getting drunk at a party or something.  As for the Y2K hysteria, maybe it did in fact help bring attention to and fix at least some of the non-Y2K ready machines, ya know?  

    • Like 1
  4. Go Kentucky Wildcats Blue I hope! 🙂  But I'll be doing the usual stay home and watch the ball drop...forgive me but I'm the boring teetotaller of this group.  I've got no issue with anyone else enjoying adult beverages if they're of age and they're not stupid about it, but I just personally think they're nasty and maybe that's for the best.

  5. So I guess I narrowed it down to three main goals for the 2020s, in order; I like to call these my learning sorts of goals/resolutions 🙂

    1. Continue reading my Britannica Books of the Year - I started with 1961 sometime last year and I'll be starting the new year with 1976, our bicentennial!  I did the World Book ones from 1961-87 back in 2017.

    2. Continue reading my local newspaper archive at newspapers.com - I started with 1990 (turned ten, moved to town I'd live in for all the 90s); I'm now at mid-May

    3. Resume learning to read Japanese - I currently have to help me the Rosetta Stone program, My Japanese Coach (DS), Japanese From Zero, and Japanese For Dummies

    And the good part about the above three is that they're the ones I can do without hardly spending a penny (besides the newspapers.com subscription).  I can just use what I currently have.

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  6. I visited my own local mall for the first time in several years (it's quite a distance away and I can't drive) and I couldn't get over how lifeless it was...half the store spaces empty, at least have the ones there have way too much empty space (if you get what I mean)...I mean I grew up right around the golden age of teens/youth hanging out at the mall when that was the go-to place to do so (80s/90s)!  And it was at UK (Lexington) I got to ride on an escalator for the first time (yeah I live in what my wife likes to call "HIcksville USA" where our mall is only one story and thus doesn't get escalators). 😄 

    I mean I'm super guilty as sin of contributing to the decline of malls/traditional stores (hey it's not my fault most of what I like must be bought online/Ebay/etc because you can't find things like that in stores/mall!!) but seeing it for myself was still kinda sad...even or perhaps especially since it's been inevitable for several years now.

  7. I was just explaining to my Bostonian (Malden to be exact) wife how the Patriots dropped to the third seed and now must play/win an extra game...and then like last year must beat the Chefs at Arrowhead...

    ...but this time that won't be enough.  They must then beat (most likely) the Ravens at Baltimore to make the SB.  Sure it's totally doable (didn't a sixth seed win the big prize a few years back?) but it's gonna be more difficult than what the Patriots are used to!

    And of course I just couldn't resist teasing her about how people outside of New England are sick of the Patriots (they did make it to four out of the last five SB's after all) and hate them just as much if not more than the Yankees in MLB and how it'd be such a breath of fresh air to see someone else in the AFC make the Super Bowl for a change!  Naturally she didn't buy it 😄 

  8. Every console since the SNES and every handheld since the GBA has had a Mario Kart.  There is no good reason why the Switch should not have one (and no the remake of Mario Kart 8 and especially that stupid phone-only Tour game doesn't count!!).

  9. On 12/25/2019 at 5:45 PM, ninjistar said:

    This has been on my list for a long, long time. Far too long, honestly. I haven't stuck with it long enough / dedicated enough time each week. I've found the hardest part to be finding other people who are truly dedicated to the task AND available/willing to work at it in a way that makes sense for all parties. It is doable though and I encourage you to keep after it! Are you starting with listening and learning to speak, or have you jumped into reading/writing first?

    My main inspiration is to be able to read JP-only Famicom or Super Famicom games...so I MUST get the Hiragana and Katakana down cold somehow someway...I can't get by with just romanji.  I'd like first to learn the numbers/colors/days of the week/months since everyone uses those.  My wife got me the Rosetta Stone program (all three levels) and I got the My Japanese Coach on my DS "Everdrive"...I hope those help

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