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SuperNES Paul

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Everything posted by SuperNES Paul

  1. Nice upcoming releases. I hope the Shantae game receives a physical Switch port at some point. It's a good thing i don't collect vinyl, but they got me with the TMNT CD releases . I'm surprised there was no mention of Rondo on Turbo.
  2. First time to be receiving an officially licensed physical release in North America https://nintendoeverything.com/gimmick-special-edition-switch-physical-release-detailed/#:~:text=If you're interested in,open on May 16%2C 2023.
  3. Everyone is different, but having a "cut off" for what you collect is very important. I have my focus, but the cutoff for full sets (in my opinion) is the PS3/360/Wii+Wii U era. I haven't decided on what to do with Nintendo Switch, but I will continue to purchase the quality titles for now. I try to limit on what i pick up for modern stuff, but it's hard to say no when games are released on a Nintendo platform for the first time or if a game has been a japan exclusive, but finally comes over to the west.
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