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Status Replies posted by guillavoie

  1. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      The small words that are used all over the place are sometimes the hardest to master in the long run. Obscures nouns, once you check them 4-5 times, you usually remember. But using correctly, fluently and with creativity things like the logical connectors is where the true challenges are.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  2. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

  3. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      My pleasure to help a little Megan! Now try to have the whole thing correct and I'll double check.

      Next time, you could send me a whole paragraph of yours in French, and I simply underline where I find errors, you try to correct them, and then I comment if there's anything to comment.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  4. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      « Hmm, google traduction, Linguee, Reverso, wikipedia et plus d'autres sites pour rechercher quelque mots français. Il me faut de vérifier beaucoup de mots, il prends de temps. Mais, je lis assez bien. »

      « et plus d' » : Here, using « et » and « plus » one after the other is repetitive. It is complex to explain because you could have used many combinations of all the three words to convey the same idea; « et d'autres sites » is sufficient, cause you're already stating that you mean 'many' by having « autres » in the plural form; « plus d'autres sites » would mean pretty much the same thing, « plus » being used in a similar fashion as « et », but it is more accepted in verbal form than written form; « et plusieurs autres » would have been another way to put it, « plusieurs/many » replacing « d' = des in this context ».

      Then « quelque », you need to conjugate it properly with its noun!

      « de vérifier »; This verb in present infinitive form is usually constructed with no preposition.

      « il prends de temps » : 3 errors in there! First, you are using the 3rd singular person pronoun « il », but what you need is simply a demonstrative pronoun (no reference to a person), which would be » cela = that ». Second, you need to conjugate the verb corectly (I'll let you do it). Third, you need to use « du » instead of « de », for many obscures phonetic reasons, but in this case it is also because you can't count up « temps » (it is invariable in number). Let replace « temps » with « livre » :

      cela prend un livre
      cela prend des livres

      cela prend du temps
      I could add more exceptions, but that would be too much now.


    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  5. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      « Quand j'ai commencé à télécharger des jeux vidéo pour la Xbox 360, j'ai téléchargé State of Decay tout de suite en Decembre, une semaine plus tard j'ai découvert que je pouvais changer la langue de ma xbox et que le jeu avait également remplacé la texte d'anglais à français. »

      You made two little errors with « Decembre », I'll let you try to find them first.

      Got the wrong article for « la texte », review the word « texte » in a dictionnary and you'll find easily the mistake.

      About « d'anglais à français », I'll tell you, you could write it this way and it would be okay in almost any linguistic context. But if you'd be in a context where the quality of expression is important, it would be more correct (and elegant) to say « de l'anglais au français ». In this linguistic context, « au » doesn't mean 'at', but is rather a more proper way to say 'to'.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  6. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      LOL, that was just one sentence, I got a few more remarks, but this was the most interesting sentence to correct, stay tuned for the rest...

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  7. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      « De toute façon, j'ai créé des personnages Bretons et j'ai décidé de les rechercher certains noms français, puis je me suis soudainement intéressé d'apprendre le français, juste comme ça »

      Good call on « personnages » instead of « characters ». Simple confusion since in English you use character for « personnage », but you also use a homnym to say 'Terry has a lot of character', just like in French we would say « Terry a beaucoup de caractère », but there's no homonym for « personnages ». It is a common problem known as « Faux-ami langagier (false linguistic friend).

      « j'ai décidé de les rechercher certains noms français.. »

      Here you got a repetition of plural article. Putting « les » before « rechercher » refers to « les personnages », but that's not what you searched for, you searched for some French names for your characters. So « les » here is unnecessary. But « certains » is correctly used, as you meant « some among many others » French names.

      « puis je me suis soudainement intéréssé(e) d'apprendre le français... »

      The « intéressée » is a tricky one for an English, because in French we conjugate perfect tense in gender and number when used with the auxiliary verb 'to be (être)'. So in this case, since you are the person that 'is interested', and that you're a female, you have to add an extra 'e'. If it was a group of females, it would be « intéressées ».

      Then « d'apprendre », you used the wrong preposition, and oh boy this one is a hard one to explain, because it is simply that French present infinitive verbs are constructed with no preposition, or with a certain preposition (most commons are « de » and « à »), or with a multiple choices of prepositions that can slightly alter its meaning in context 😫! So let's focus on your error, and you used « de » when it should have been « à ». The best way to learn and remember which preposition to use with which verb is by experience honestly, in the long run you'll just know which one to use.

      Now, review your message so there's no error, I'll double check after just in case🙂

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  8. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      I'm getting back to you this evening when I can sit down! I see you catched some good ones!

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  9. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      If your mindset is to learn the complex and harder flaws of the language, you'll be pleased of my help. I'll give you some good advices for sure (despite the irony of saying 'your' instead of 'you're' in my last message). I'll give it go tomorrow, but for now, good night and take care Megan!

      P.S. And stay alive for christ's sake, the fun is to be found here and not on the 'other side'!

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  10. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      Do you mind if I give you a detailed correction of the few French mistakes you've done in that last message? This could be fun, and I would do it in the sake of you learning the language. Your doing very well, but I wish you'd do even better!

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  11. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      Tu écris très bien en français Megan, depuis quand tu l'apprends? 

      Je comprends, ce sont également des problèmes dont tu nous parlais il y a quelques années sur NA. Je ne suis évidemment pas psychologue, mais ce que je fais personellement quand je suis déprimé, oui, il faut être capable d'exprimer son malheur, mais il ne faut pas non plus trop le cultiver. Il faut aussi essayer de se trouver des raisons, aussi petites soient-elles, pour retrouver la joie, parfois de simples joies, mais des joies quand même. Si on ne fait que trop penser à nos problèmes, on s'y soumet. Aussi, soit forte, comme je sais que tu peux l'être🙂

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  12. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

    1. guillavoie


      Je t'envoie des ondes positives Megan, j'espère que tu iras un peu mieux!

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

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