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Everything posted by Crystalis88

  1. Thats what I would say as well if I had no better response! Youve been checkmated son!
  2. How about that 50% off sale at Goldin last night. No one talking about the drop on Mario 64?
  3. Those are some amazing high grades! Freshly graded too! What a “collector”!
  4. Low priced sealed games? Market manipulation? Any chance this eBay account name started with an m ended with an h and had an s in the middle lol?
  5. His name is pertinent to the story. If he posted his address then that’s definitely not cool.
  6. There’s a similar thread on the cgc forums and bronty is (indirectly)requesting them to close the thread down. Why is everyone so in love with censorship these days?
  7. I guess Bruce Willis showed up just in time or else he’d still be in the Wata office with the gimp and a ball gag.
  8. The ride up must have been fun for deniz and Jeff. People like that think they’re smarter than everyone else, and they pimped Dain like a 5 dollar hooker. Used his name for credibility and then dumped him like an OD’d crack whore with 0 compensation (as he stated above). I suppose this was known for the last couple of years but now it’s bigger news and I hope this goes deeper than it appears. Deniz looks like he’d make one helluva prison bitch and I’m sure he’d be racking up a high score emptying balls on the yard.
  9. That was my point. The person who bought your collection is an alleged opportunistic scumbag and I don’t doubt for a second that they may have had a hand in grading the collection.
  10. I’m aware lol. I wonder if he was in a position to negotiate the grades like someone else probably did.
  11. Different time. We’re in the Information Age. Harder to get away with stuff hence why all of this is coming to light so quickly.
  12. Capitalism at its finest?! You were just a cog and they utilized you and spit you out. They even bought your collection, had a pedigree assigned to it and paid you a pittance in relation to what it sold for. This happens in business all of the time but rarely gets exposed like this. I’m sure you have some info that could bury Deniz and Jeff but I suppose you’re one of the nice guys.
  13. Is there another hobby where a new grading company hit the scene and immediately became the authority. And that same grading company is in bed with arguably the most prominent pop culture collective auction house. And that the owner of this auction house bought an item froM his own auction for a substantial sum and then did a press release on this sale like it was special? and is there an executive from a grading company that has a god damn eBay store selling all high grade items? If this same phenomenon is occurring in another hobby please let me know!
  14. Many people post collectible purchases and achievements in various fb groups, myself included. I suppose someone wouldn’t want to fess up to paying 1.5 mil for Mario 64 and have everyone call you a complete dumbass. Totally understandable.
  15. I love how the description even says “4 million sold” mind blown!
  16. Where are the buyers of these high sale games? They had no problem announcing they bought the Mario for 100k but since then it’s all anonymous buyers?
  17. Do you think the Mario 64’s at Goldin auctions will be propped up beyond 1.5 mil? With this type of market all it takes is one high profile sale to underperform expectations to cause an avalanche.
  18. yea im not sure how he interprets that as a defense of wata lol
  19. I believe it is suspicious because he most likely did not want people to search his name from ebay purchases and discover the affiliation. Ive often looked for people Ive bought from if they have multiple items listed so that I can buy from them off of ebay. Just a guess though.
  20. https://sethabramson.substack.com/p/video-game-grading-house-wata-told?justPublished=true
  21. How does everyone feel about mark haspel running an eBay business selling Wata games ? Story dropped this morning
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