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Posts posted by Quaze

  1. On 5/4/2023 at 1:15 PM, Richardhead said:

    Now here are some of the interview questions asked. Ones that I thought were particularly dumb. Followed by my answers.


    “Tell me about a time you received constructive criticism, and what tools you used to overcome it”


    Criticism is never constructive.


    “where do you see yourself in 5 years”


    No way of me knowing.


    “Tell me about a time that you had to deal with adversity in the workplace and how you overcame the situation”


    I dealt with adversity everyday, I just rolled with it and didn’t let it ruin my day.


    “what are your salary expectations”


    What you posted on your job listing.


    “What critical feedback do you hear most often”


    I don’t hear critical feedback.


    “Are you willing to fail”


    Of course I am. If you don’t fail you’ve done something wrong.









    You stonewall your interview questions like this, and are surprised you're having a hard time finding work? Brother I say this from a place of *constructive criticism* (yes, there is definitely such a thing): You are trying to give your interviewer answers that will satisfy them, not shut them down dismissively. The constructive part here is that I'm trying to give you a pointer that will help you for the future while pointing out what likely didn't work. That is what constructive criticism is.

     I'm responsible for hiring at my company, and if someone answered my interview questions like this, I'd just thank them and end the interview there. I'm looking for engagement and interest. If you don't have that, you're wasting both of our time.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 10/18/2023 at 9:13 PM, Tanooki said:

    You should be, looks fragile.  Be happy that the cargo plane didn't do a barrel roll.

    Actually you'd probably be surprised (I was!) with how sturdy Fox is constructed. The 3 Mario statues I have are all much more fragile-seeming to the touch than Starfox, he seems like he'd survive more abuse than any of them.

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  3. On 6/10/2023 at 2:07 PM, SailingWiimote said:

    I'm also happy to see you didn't feel the need to buy the New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U game, as you already had both individual games. I know some people might have felt the need to get it too, but I never see the point in that kind of thing for game collections. The people who think that kind of game is necessary for a complete set just tend to yell the loudest.

    Variant collectors = loudmouths now? Such a random and specific crack at those people lol.

  4. On 8/21/2023 at 10:48 AM, Reed Rothchild said:

    As the system Zoomers and/or your grandmother loved, where the best games were all (eventually, hopefully) ported to the 3DS/Switch/Switch 2 because no one wants to collect a system that's 97% shovelware and had a bunch of wires and sensors and waggling and shit.

    This is essentially my answer. sucked in tons of new gamers with the same gimmicks that turned "hardcore" gamers off. Plenty of solid titles, but 20X more garbage titles. Slowly but surely seeing all the best games ported to platforms that people will play more (and still crossing my fingers for a Super Paper Mario rerelease sometime in the future).

  5. Anybody watching that new Netflix series "wrestlers"? I watched the first episode on OVW last night, it was pretty good. Made me feel kinda bad for Al Snow seeing him in the limelight of the business, and then later in his career running an independent promotion on an extremely thin budget. Looks like a cool series so far, anyway

    • Like 2
  6. On 7/27/2023 at 8:46 PM, Estil said:

    I noticed that these seem to be going for some good coin and the money for them could really help me out.  I got all five MegaMan Star Force 1+2...all five are in CIB (sorry they don't have the white health warning booklets...just the game manuals) and I'd prefer to sell all five in one package.  Any takers?

    I think $500 for the group (or $100 per CIB game) would be fair?


    • Agree 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    We make fun of the speaking styles of the South, the Midwest, Texas, the Valley, Minnesota, Boston, the Bronx, Juggalo nation, Eddie Vedder...

    Oh man, I've been doing the Eddie Vedder accent for years (aka jutting out my lower jaw and turning every vowel to A, Creed style)

    And of course I speak fluent Juggalo, ninja! 😆

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