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Posts posted by VideoGameGradersLLC

  1. Appreciate the continued discussion and understand the desire for additional details but at this stage we have proprietary information that it wouldn’t be prudent to speak of in detail both for obvious reasons including it is still subject to change based on feedback and further refining. 

    What I can say and am happy to share and discuss further is that we have identified 10 specific areas of the box to examine, 8 on the manual and cartridge. With 80 for the box, 26 manual, 24 cart specific flaws we will be looking for and deducting points for imperfections. We start as the games started, perfect and work backwards for creases, wrinkles, dirt, holes, discoloration, etc... which we turn into scores and then to a grade. 

    I’m gathering from this great group that it’s this type of information we should do a better job of sharing as much as we can. 

    Thanks again for all comments on both sides of the aisle. I knew this group would be honest, direct and fair. 

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  2. Just now, FenrirZero said:

    The funny thing is that I tend to be one of those types. But this year I am trying out CAS with a couple of games they had never graded before. Because I prefer grading accuracy above a turnaround time the other grading companies cannot meet. 🤔

    Bottom line is simple for this or any business, consistently deliver a great product and you’ll have success. Fail to do this and the market will push you out of business. 

  3. I greatly appreciate everyone’s responses and especially those who have completed the survey. I want to address as many comments as I can. If I have not sufficiently covered your comments, questions and concerns please let me know. 


    As for the money being raised on Indiegogo it is not intended to necessarily fully find the business.  This is primarily due to the still in development process of creating a full website and high quality cases. 


    I appreciate the encouraging words and respect the contrary tones. 


    Starting with CIB is a tactical decision to manage growth and serve the bigger (but not everyone) audience at first. 

    Additionally the scoring system we’ve developed is geared toward the more challenging and extensive grading of CIB. 


    Interesting comment about grading what WATA doesn’t since they claim to grade everything. Of course they don’t as this group knows well.


    POP reports are important but must be handled responsible which we are aware of and will respect. If nothing else perhaps we force WATAs hand a bit. 


    Perhaps fast turnaround times isn’t a great choice of words but there is a problem with current options not being able to deliver in a timely manner. There are several steps in the process of receiving games through to completion and shipping back so the entire process can be faster without compromising grading time and quality. 


    What we offer that VGA and WATA don’t is another option in the market. Competition forces everyone to be better. We will also offer more transparency with our grading, publishing to each client our scorecards for each game.  And we believe our scoring system is a more fair and effective way to grade CIB. And for now we will hit promised turnaround times which neither VGA or WATA has done on a while. 


    Part of our business plan is absolutely to form partnerships comparable to WATA and HA. For now we can’t discuss that any further. But we understand the value of such partnerships. 


    $94000 isn’t random 😉


    The current website is a placeholder to get some initial information out there. 


    I can assure everyone there is nothing shameful about this effort. 

    That rolls into questions about me. I’m a business man and long time collector of many things very experienced in judging quality and have spent an extraordinary amount of time developing a grading system and business plan that takes advantage of a growing market and meeting a demand in the marketplace which is what good makes for successful businesses. 


    As for my sketches these are early renderings of the start of our ideation process that I thought people might enjoy. I assure you that although we still have work to do before launch we have progressed significantly since those humble beginnings. 


    A lot of talk about CIB only. And NES only. This is a starting point. We do not want to launch saying we grade everything and be buried in less than a year no longer offering consistency and great service. 


    Tyler why are you stealing phrases. 


    This is not a spin-off of someone unhappy with turnaround times. That would be an unwise basis to start a business. 


    Agree to disagree on Black Box games.  


    Comments on my business model, funding needs or employees are out of place as none of that is public. Only the amount on Indiegogo is public and as stated previously isn’t indicative of anything other than a goal on the platform. 


    Once again I do truly appreciate the feedback. And keep in mind this remains a work in progress. 

    Still a chance to be the first to donate on Indiegogo!

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    • Thanks 1
  4. I know that grading of vintage games is a hot topic and many feel strongly, some strongly.  And I completely respect that, totally understand that many do not want games graded for many reasons.  But other do, so for those in that camp - do we need another grading company?  

    I would greatly appreciate 2-3 minutes of your time to fill out a quick survey and share your thoughts  https://forms.gle/5MWGhQfGqCjfBPnj8

    You can learn more at https://videogamegraders.com/ and at  https://igg.me/at/video-game-graders

    Thank you for your time and consideration. 



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