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Everything posted by JmasonSolsticeGuy

  1. Glad to help out! A follower of my Solstice project forwarded me the link to this post, and I happened to still be awake. Good timing! Also, if you've never seen the video, it's available on YouTube. It's short (and very corporate), but a fun watch for the gaming history.
  2. I have a couple of these, but I also have a massive Solstice-specific collection(https://www.facebook.com/StaffOfDemnos/photos/?ref=page_internal). They're fairly rare. The making of video was part of the "Solstice Player's Pak" and came sealed along with some extras including stickers and "score cards" (like the ones you have pictured, but there were about 9 of them with various images) inside the video cassette box. They were available only by special order form, which could be found on a couple of magazine advertisements that started running just before it was released. Here's an image of the order form on the ad: https://64.media.tumblr.com/3aa9f2b369276da65686e44e33056e1a/tumblr_p69sjwqKFb1rkrwaco1_500.jpg They were shipped directly from CSG Imagesoft (even had the CSG Imagesoft logo on the cardboard box shipper they sent them in). I suspect no more than a couple hundred went out, and probably only a few dozen still exist. Complete sets or sealed sets are even rarer. It was in the genre of marketing materials, and folks tend to throw that stuff out over time. The poster you have pictured is actually the poster that came with the game in North America. It had nothing to do with the Player Kit. Both the game cover art and that poster were painted by Mike Winterbauer. The Sony ad at the bottom of the poster (as well as the "player kit" push for the 8mm video) was because the CSG in "CSG Imagesoft" actually stood for the Japanese-based "CBS/Sony Group". A few other releases after Solstice and they changed the company name to Sony Imagesoft. -- Justin, the Solstice guy
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