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Gaia Gensouki

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Posts posted by Gaia Gensouki

  1. Can anyone help me with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? I'm on wave 9 and want to cross the lava for which you need to destroy some of these weird heads popping out of the lava so that they build a bridge. However, there aré never enough of them to form a bridge to the other side. I've been waiting for them until the timer runs out, I've restarted the wave like a dozen times and even restarted the whole game, but I always have the same problem. Is there some kind of trick to this? Or did I somehow softlock myself, because I used a warp or did something wrong during this wave? The walkthroughs on Gamefaqs don't say anything about this either, only that you should bring a lot of weapons with you by rescuing lots of children. But I'm still trapped and don't know what to do.


  2. 15 minutes ago, Daniel_Doyce said:

    I can mess around with Bard's Tale after I take a break for a couple of days. IIRC, it's not too bad.

    Looks like there are 3 Koei games left. I was trying to figure out who beat Nobunaga 2 and then looked at the list and remembered it was me a couple of weeks ago. Looks like my decline into senility is accelerating.

    About a day ago Khromak posted that he already started this game. Maybe you should figure this out so that the game doesn't get beaten twice?

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  3. Hook is done. This game is basically jank city, but at least it's the kind of jank that you can get used to. After adjusting to the controls and how this game functions I was actually having some fun. Considering how late we are in this challenge it could have been much worse. That being said, Hook isn't a particularly good game either.


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  4. I actually really loved Bravely Default and it still is one of my favorite games of the 2010s. Part of that is the amazing job system, but also the plot twist near the end. It blew my mind and the final boss battle was so amazing and satisfying. So I don't really get the hate.

    Also, don't most JRPGs stick the landing? Didn't know that was a thing. Or maybe we have a different understanding of what kinds of endings stick the landing. I have to think reeally hard about what JRPGs had terrible or disappointing endings.

  5. 3 hours ago, bronzeshield said:

    Speaking of randomness, did you ever trigger the weird cutscene in Level 3 that restores your health? I only ever got it once, but on this one occasion, out of nowhere the game cut to an exterior scene of a building or something like that, while the palette shifted to mimic a sunset. Then I was kicked back into the main area with full health.

    No, I don't think I ever got that one and I had to repeat Level 3 quite a lot. Would be interesting to replicate that however.

  6. Dragon Power is done. I started over from the beginning to get that power-up from Shen Long, so that I can have 250 max health. However, due to the randomness of the health items even that didn't help too much, because I just would barely get any health power-ups until I eventually died. Ultimately, I had a really lucky run just now where I got two cakes in the last level, i.e. restoring 100 points of my health each. So it was more dumb luck combined with a bit of skill, that made me win the game. The luck factor is definitely what ruins this game for me. It would have been an okay game otherwise, but this kills any interest for me in replaying Dragon Power anytime soon. Also, notice the shameless plug at the end.

    Dragon Power.jpg

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  7. I'm currently sitting at 99 games beaten: 80 NES games and 19 Game Boy games, although the GB games were mostly just short and easy palate cleansers after making my way through some tough as nails NES games. Unfortunately, almost none of them were on my backlog. I'm hoping for the NES challenge to be done a bit earlier this year, so that I can focus more on the backlog. We're currently at 601/677.

    That being said, I at least beat Destiny of an Emperor and actually wanted to do a write-up on it, but somehow kept delaying it more and more until I kinda forgot what I wanted to write. I would probably give it maybe a 7 out of 10. I had some good fun with this game most of the time, but it eventually became really repetitive and at times a bit unfair. I might return to this game at some point in the future, but it's no Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, which I can play over and over again.

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  8. Mad Max is done. What a tough game. Especially the final boss is still a run-killer for me. Even after having beaten this game two or three times already I'm still always on the edge when fighting him. And if you die during the fight you have to go back two levels and replay roughly 20 minutes or so until you get another chance against him.

    Mad Max.jpg

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  9. 1 hour ago, Crabmaster2000 said:

    Played all three Bonk games back to back to back. I'm kind of lukewarm on the first one, but they definitely get better as you go through the series. Good ones to end on! So with Bonk 3: Bonk's Big Adventure done that is the entirety of the TG16 library!!

    Congratulations! This is an incredible achievement! Lots of really tough games in the library, even though it's comparatively small. What were the toughest or most fun games for you?

    As for the next console, just choose whatever you like. But if you need some inspiration, there are lots of other completion threads out there. Or maybe the Turbografx CD games?

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  10. Air Fortress is done! This was a tough one. The second loop was indeed a bit more difficult at times, but at this point you have the game hopefully figured out, so that it's a bit smoother than the first half. During level 8 of the second loop I cleared the escape route again and I somehow got lucky, because none of the humanoid enemies respawned. It all worked out really well by the end.

    Air Fortress.jpg

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  11. I'm currently working on Air Fortress and managed to finish the first loop. I remembered this game being pretty good, albeit very difficult. However, I forgot just how difficult this is! Certain levels in the latter half of the game are just BS. The time limit for escaping is extremely tight in some levels and enemies are so numerous that they really gang up on you. On some screens I can't even make it out of the elevator, because the barrage of projectiles knock me back into the elevator. Then there are these humanoid enemies that absolutely devastate your HP within seconds if you're not careful. I'm using the maps on gamefaqs for orientation and I've started to write down the appearances of these enemies so that I can prepare myself and deal with them without losing too much HP. Still, it's so tough.

    For Level 8 on the first loop it seems to be necessary to clear the escape route (the green line on the gamefaq's map) so that you don't have to fight against too many enemies. Even if they slow you down for a mere few seconds, this can already be enough to not be able to escape. And considering how long and difficult these later levels are, it absolutely blows if you run out of time seconds or milliseconds before arriving at the space ship.

    A trick to move faster is by using the knockback that your laser weapon causes. So you don't fly in the direction that you want to move at, but instead you face the opposite direction and just shoot away like crazy. Also, don't forget to keep afloat, because when you're walking on the ground you're slower. This technique works especially well when you're navigating tight corridors.

    For one of the levels I've also used a different route than what they're recommending in the maps. In Level 6 (1st quest/loop) after beating the boss you have to take the pipe 8A that leads you to 8B. They then recommend going along the single path to the left and up. But I've found this to be too slow and dangerous. So instead I went back again into the pipe (3A) which sent me back to the start of the level (3B). This route is not only faster, but also safer since you've probably already killed all enemies there.

    Anyway, I'm just writing this down in case anybody in the future could use some of this as help. I'll grind through the rest of the game later. If memry serves me right the second loop shouldn't be much more difficult. I hope that my memory is correct.

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  12. 6 hours ago, scaryice said:

    I'm kinda shocked by this. I like City Connection, and I know the cats are a memorable part of it, but I had no idea it was that well known. Maybe the Japanese company that named itself after the game (and is basically modern Jaleco) has something to do with it.

    Whenever you crash into the cat, the game starts playing the flea waltz, which is known as neko funjatta in Japan and translates to: "(Oops,) I stepped on the cat." So it's not just the cat, but also the very popular song.

    The Japanese version of Puss N' Boots is Nagagutsu o Haita Neko. Koneko Monogatari, however, is a totally different property, i.e. an 80s movie called The Adventures of Milo and Otis. I've seen this game pop up occasionally on ebay stores from Japanese sellers and always wondered what it was until I researched it. This is what the cover looks like:


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