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Blog Comments posted by SwordDude

  1. 3 hours ago, Sumez said:

    @SwordDude I actually have a lot to say about this, and considered making another post on the subject, since it doesn't really fit into the TTYD review by itself. I do touch on it slightly at the end of the review though.

    Basically, after playing every Paper Mario game aside from Sticker Star, I think the stuff that you're talking about, the stuff that makes people shy away from the new Paper Mario games and long for the early ones, started making more sense to me. Despite still having more similarities than differences (IMO), they still clearly feel like different series, that's definitely true.
    But I don't think the way that you and other people lay it out is completely true, or fair to the newer games, but I think that's probably heavily influenced by Sticker Star. With the next two games following the rails laid down by that game it might be easy to overlook just how unique and creative they actually are, simply due to the fact that they are that in different ways.

    Yes, the Mario universe has become more tightly controlled since the "Mario Sunshine" era around which the first two games were conceived (with one being released slightly before, and the other slightly after). But I don't believe that means it can't go off the rails in similar ways.

    The thing is, TTYD has its own identity, but it isn't necessarily any more "wacky" and "creative". And calling the story "good" and especially "deep" is a massive stretch. It was serviceable, and had an interesting world, and that's all it needed.
    In my opinion Origami King goes all the way with that, and it does so despite using mostly toads as NPCs. I do miss some of the aspects of the original Paper Mario games, but at the same time the game's creativity doesn't suffer from it. The sense of humor is incredible, and the crazy ideas just keep coming out. Like I say in my review, TTYD is really a much more traditional RPG adventure that doesn't do nearly as much to shake up the formula as even Color Splash does.


    have you seen the super paper mario designs? that might be even less of the mario universe than thousand year door was.

    Those might be even more creative than a thousand year door and that's well past sunshine. 

    Super paper mario wii still had an amazing story. arguably the deepest story in the series only brought down by it's inferior gameplay. and just in comparison as a fan of the older series, origami king still doesnt have great gameplay and not a great story. at least super paper mario kept the designs and the interesting story that made past games so great. even with origami king I can't say the same. the only thing that's left is the paper mario art style and exploration. also if where ignoring rpg elements anyway, I actually enjoyed super paper mario's more action based real time battles allot more than even origami king. They should just drop the turn based battle system already.

    Again like I said though, modern paper mario games are about the paper gimmicks  that do indeed stretch up the formula allot. it's the reason why they wanted to get rid of the rpg and story elements in the first place. And yes I agree in terms of paper art both color splash and origami king are nice. and sure they do swap up the gameplay most definitely wich especially in color splash was really boring. even the boss battles where bad in color splash. I've never been so bored of koopalings.  origami king with it's battles definitely swaps up the gameplay it's creative but I can't say it's more fun. It's better than color splash but color splash was pretty bad. 

    Still though if paper mario just had the mario & luigi rpg style it would literally make zero difference to me. the paper art style is cute but those designs could easily work with the mario & luigi art style aswell. The paper gimmicks are not the reason what made these games good in the first place. 

    if you like action packed gameplay especially origami king is an improvement. but where not talking 3d mario here. for me personally i don't like it to much. it's middle of the road really slower paced action adventure game story ain't that complex. Switching up the gameplay was imo not for the best, only the boss battles are somewhat entertaining in origami king.

    If I want action I'm playing odyssey galaxy sunshine 64. Paper gimmicks while nice visually in terms of the actual action is not that interesting. There is definitely a market for it but for me it isn't a great action genre. While dropping the rpg aspect and more serious story from previous entries that actually made it so good. 3d mario always keeps the exact same gameplay. the paper gimmicks could have worked the same way as 3d mario did it. galaxy sunshine and odyssey all have different lvl design and power up gimmicks but the raw 3d platforming and movement options are still present unlike paper mario in wich the battle system is just changed completely. story was pretty non existent in sticker star and color splash. that part has seen a bit of a recovery in origami king at least.

    In terms of story origami king was definitely an improvement over color splash absolutely. but moments such as bobby are rare, and it's still a far cry compared to super paper mario wii or thousand year door. it's still ironic how even a mainline 3d mario games has more unique character alterations than the current paper mario games.

    Exploration could argubaly be better, but the more standard mario designs do lessen the experience for me if they stuck with the creativity of the OG trilogy the games would have been amazing. The characters do have funny dialogue from time to time but it's not as good as the OG paper mario trilogy



    Speaking of thousand year door

    in terms of more complex topics vivian was a transgender in a paper mario game suitable for a kids I'm just saying. Dialogue and story in thousand year door and super paper mario was just so much more interesting to me. but again I definitely see modern and classic paper mario as different genre's it's only logical. your right though the older games might have less whacky stories because they are actually a bit more serious while having funny moments aswell it's all about preference at the very end of the day. Paper gimmick jokes where a bit to much in color splash though. 


  2. Thousand year door had better character and enemy designs, in paper games since sticker star it's mostly your standard mario fair plus objects.

    It's a miracle that they finally can give them toads some different clothes and use origami characters to bypass the not altering existing character rule. such a stupid rule in all honesty why would they do this. paper mario got miyamoto'd big time.


    Paper mario was known for it's whacky designs until sticker star that took all that creativity away. bosses are objects or koopalings. ever noticed how even in origami king the standard enemies are pretty much all standard mario fair. npc's and bosses are downgraded designs aswell it's not even a contest. This entry they just camouflaged it by them being origami folds. as I'd like to say the new super mario bros look.







    Thousand year door had a more interesting story and side objectives that touch them finer details and have depth wich could easily be missed, origami king while massively improved compared to color spash while entertaining lacks it allot. 

    Sticker star onwards with origami king clearly being the best of them 3 games pretty much dropped the rpg element and story aspect and have more focus on being an action adventure game. especially in origami king

    Aside from the paper gimmick art style it's hard to compare old and new paper mario games

    Thousand year door is an rpg with an interesting story that has complex side topics at times

    Origami king is all about the paper gimmick art style and visuals, not to mention a more action packed battle system with puzzles, it's easier to pick up and play. why don't they just turn it into a super paper mario game already it has some non turned based battles after all just drop the turnbased system already if you want to drop the rpg genre anyway.

    paper gimmicks are nice and all, but paper mario 64 and thousand year door just so happened to have a paper gimmick art style, most older fans don't really give a damm about that, what they loved was the story and lively world and the rpg battle system. if it had a paper art style or not would make zero difference.

    Modern paper mario took all of that away and only focussed on the paper gimmicks art style literally ignoring what the older fans liked about paper mario in the first place. as myiamoto liked to say who needs a story?


    At the very end of the day it's all about preference because old and modern paper mario are pretty different. aside from the paper gimmick art style and exploration while losing creativity in character design thanks to restrictions by nintendo, allothas  changed what people liked so much about the original in both content and actual gameplay.

    if you like an actual rpg slower paced game with an interesting story 64 and especially thousand year door are for you

    If you like a more action packed game, a less deep but satisfying story and a game that looks nice origami king is for you


    again modern paper mario has turned into an action adventure game with a simplified story that is accesible for all ages, Thousand year door is an rpg with a cool battle system and finer details in it's story and side quests. 

    This ain't about nostalgia I've played the game years later past it's release different genre's really.

    I could definitely see why people either hate or love origami king but both are different genre's of games I'd say. Can you really compare the two. Paper mario has turned into something else really. Unless you where in it for just the paper gimmicks exploration since the beginning I find it hard to imagine how you could compare the games.

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