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Posts posted by Bubbapauls

  1. I've never seen anything like that. The cover of the magazine is what was used to sell it so I doubt there are any posters or anything.

    The only thing I can remember advertising subscriptions to the magazine where game inserts and I think the Super Nintendo Kiosks had a sticker saying something about Nintendo Power.



  2. 1 hour ago, PineappleLawnchair said:

    Blinx was originally suppose to be the xbox mascot, but the poor cat was mocked so hard they dropped that idea.


    I remember him but had totally forgot until you said something.

    1 hour ago, Tulpa said:

    As for the first one, the original Space Invaders artwork might have featured the first.


    I've heard a lot of people on other sites thinking it was Pac-Man or at least he was one of the earliest ones.


    As for PlayStation it seems like they can never make up their mind. Polygon Man was their first, I remember Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, and Parappa the Rapper back in the Ps1 days. I think it's maybe Kratos now? Possibly Nathan Drake?

  3. I was wondering what some of the mascots where over the years for the big video game companies.  I know Nintendo has Mario, Sega has Sonic, and Xbox has Master Chief but what about the other companies. 

    PlayStation seems to have had a bunch of different ones. I’ve never heard of Atari having a mascot. I’m also wondering who had the first video game mascot. 

  4. 17 hours ago, LaC said:

    You should contact Marcus Simpson.  He was collecting every "variation" of system boxes. Including the retrofit stickers. He sold them all, but he thought he was pretty close to having "everything" so he might have pictures of them still.  

    I know I mentioned it in another thread, but keep in mind the ones with stickers were sent with games to employees to put on the already existing boxes, so they are retrofits and not really variations produced in the factory.  You could even find the same stickers placed on Control Sets and Super Sets. 

    These separate unused stickers appear on eBay from time to time.  

    Even the "sports" bundle sets were retrofit pieces of cardboard to put on the tops of existing boxes.


    think it’s a matter of scale and who approved the bundles. Sure they are just sticker add ons or “retrofits” but they made thousands of them and they were approved by Nintendo.

    It just depends on what your definition is but saying they aren’t variants because they didn’t come from the person they hired to print their boxes is strange to me.

    They were approved and put together by Nintendo employees and that’s good enough for me to call them a stand alone variant system bundle.

    My opinion on the Super Sets and Control Sets having the same sticker is just human error. Certain stickers were probably only meant for certain sets and they got mixed up.

    I’m not sure who Marcus Simpson is or how to contact him but it would be great if he would be willing to share his pictures or even a list of what’s out there.

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