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Posts posted by themisfit138

  1. On 12/23/2019 at 2:49 PM, peg said:

    My rankings:

    Star Wars - 10/10 - I can watch this over and over again and I still love it

    Empire Strikes Back - 10/10 - Probably the best sequel ever made, incredible cliffhanger that leaves you wanting more

    Return of the Jedi - 9/10 - Fitting conclusion, loses a point for some lame shit on Endor but otherwise awesome

    Revenge of the Sith - 8/10 - I really like this movie, it has a bunch of dumb shit in it too, but antics of the emperor makes it endlessly rewatchable

    Attack of the Clones - 6/10 - Terrible acting and writing, but still fun to watch because of how bad and laughable it is

    Phantom Menace - 6/10 - Had it's moments, the kid is terrible but I don't mind Jar Jar as much anymore after seeing how bad things would get in the future

    Rogue One - 6/10 - Easily the best of the fan fiction era (Disney), stupid ending and forgettable characters though

    Solo - 5/10 - Mediocre but not offensive, wasn't expecting much at this point

    Force Awakens - 4/10 - The first 20 minutes are actually very, very good (intro to the characters) but it quickly goes downhill from there and the next movie throws away all the setups.   Initially I rated it more like a 7/10, but after the next film...

    The Last Coward - 0/10 - Turning Luke into a traitor and pissing all over the previous movies and characters makes me no longer care about "Star Wars" (Disney fan fiction)

    Rise of the Skywalker - ? - Haven't seen it, can't imagine it's worse than Last Coward

    Nailed it!

    I would give Rise of Skywalker a 2. It is a JJ Abrams movie after, he only knows how to make schlocky incoherent movies.

  2. 13 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    I think my game collecting (and serious enthusiasm) ends with the Switch.  I'm drawing an arbitrary line in the sand and will continue to try and play through all notable titles that were released up until that point.  But anything after that will be for my kids.  So I'll have an excuse to buy them a new console and Zelda, and maybe try it out myself.  But I'm out.  Otherwise the goalposts will only continue to move faster than I can keep up.

    I hear you. I am already mostly out of modern gaming. Only have a Switch and launch PS4. As Murtaugh said I’m to old for this shit. 

  3. 10 hours ago, DoctorEncore said:

    This would totally bum me out, but at least it's a game that has a ton of replay value if you're not totally disheartened.

    I will play it again. I have other games to finish now though. Then by time I get back to Outer Worlds maybe that glitch will be patched out.   

    • Like 1
  4. Almost completed Fallen Order. A pretty good game. Playing on a base PS4 it does tend to have the freezing while loading issue on Kashyyyk. Haven’t noticed this issue on the other planets. 

    Speaking of glitches I got to the final level on Outer Worlds and had to quit. When I came back a few hours later none of my saves will load. Even saves not on the last level. 

  5. 5 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

    This I get.  I can completely understand the distaste for that stuff, trust me.  I dont like EVERYTHING they did either, mostly the early stuff.  But for anyone to say they were overrated doesn't understand the extreme impact they had in all elements of music.  They basically help start the metal genre by influencing Black Sabbath.  Mainly Ozzy.  Theres a great clip from Howard Stern where I think Ozzy AND Paul McCartney are on the same show and when Ozzy meets Paul he gets basically starstruck.  


    Tony Iomi has also talked about The Beatles being an influence on them.  

    I voted 8 because I love their music, but there is a lot of filler. My most listened to albums are Rubber Soul, Abbey Road, White Album, and Revolver. I can do without Magical Mystery Tour all together. Then the first few albums are just ok for a radio listen. 

  6. 20 hours ago, AstralSoul13 said:

    Playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 on Switch lately. It's been pretty good so far. I love the diverse cast that they gave us.

    I thought MU3 was as good as 2. I enjoyed them both. Still not as good as UA one or X-Men Legends. UA 2 and 3 took away a lot of the customization that UA and X-Men Legends had. 

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  7. On 12/19/2019 at 3:26 AM, Californication said:

    We will play Majoras Mask together than. I haven't played because I couldn't pay for the expansion pack for one game on principal.  I finally broke down and bought The Collectors Edition for the Gamecube. I hope it is the Zelda game I have been waiting for!

    Good luck! Use a guide it helps quite a bit. I just recently played through Majora’s Mask. The last time I played was when it was new. The best I can say about the game is that it is weirdly unique.  

  8. On 12/18/2019 at 6:27 AM, jonebone said:

    Probably closer to 1, just did the math.  I drink about 8 16.9 oz water bottles a day (continually refill it) which is 135.2 ounces and a gallon is 128.  It's really not that much once you're used to it, I've done it as long as I can remember at this point.

    What I found was 4-5 liters is a pretty good average for me. I have a liter bottle that I carry around with me at work. I drink black(nothing added) coffee in the morning. 

  9. I am about to give up on Harry Potter. Harry is a total meat head, who can’t figure out the completely obvious even after experiencing similar happenings. The last half of Order of the Phoenix was just Harry angrily yelling at and creating drama with everyone. Currently 26 chapters into Half-Blood Prince and it is just more of the same high drama. Way too much drama for me. 

    Well back to continuing through the R.A. Salvatore books. 

  10. 1000+ is daunting, but Xbox and PS2 is mostly cheap. Around here you can still go to a used game and movie store and buy 5 for $10. That will go a long way to clean up commons. Some will even throw in extra sports games just to unload them. 

    That being said I do agree that you should not set collect disc based systems. Just buy the games you want to play. From PS1 on there was a lot of filler. 

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