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Everything posted by Sky125

  1. View Listing Wtb Stadium Events NTSC - non graded This is the face my son made when he found out I was one licensed game away from a full loose set. Can someone help him turn that frown upside down? For reals though I am looking for a loose copy of Stadium Events NTSC. I dont need it to be mint but I also don't want a beat copy either. Id be very appreciative if someone can help me finish this set thats been 13 years in the making. As far as a price is concerned it really depends on the condition. But it would be in the $10k to $13k range. Thanks!! Lister Sky125 Date 07/31/2020 Price Category Wanted
  2. Down to my last three nes games for a licensed set. Don't have the dough for Stadium Evennts...yet but I do have the monies for Hatris and Cliffhanger. Would like to have good labels - will be shipped out to California (95407) Thanks!
  3. Man if I met Fred I'd have him sign my breast...i mean dreamcast lol
  4. Thanks man! Honestly a dream come true!
  5. SO I don't seek people out to sign stuff nor do I consider my self a collector of signed things but sometimes I meet people and its fun to have something to remember those moments by. A few things I have: Various Shantae games as well as a original drawing by Matt and Erin Bozon (creators), Sonic 2 and Sonic Spinball signed by Tom Payne (one of the main artists) who I met at a garage sale, Sam and Max book and Sam and Max dvd set signed by Steve Purcell (he came into my store), Psychonauts signed by the dev team and Monkey Island signed by Tim Schafer (double fine games) whom I got to meet with a couple friends while touring the studio. Oh also I think I have Marc Erikisen autograph on a poster (most famous for his mega man 2 art. Anyways just thought I'd share - some cool memories attached to these! Do you guys have any cool stories associated with signatures? Oh I suppose I never met Dan Gable but I would love to shake the man's hand lol
  6. oh very cool! Yea have her come down or if your ever in town it would be good to meet ya. Currently we are closed...for some reason we aren't considered essential lol
  7. Wowzers! Really jealous - I use to have a decent sized room but when we moved I got a much smaller room. I plan on turning the garage into a game room but that's a work in progress!
  8. hey! Hmmm what to say...my wife and I opened it in November of 2018 and we've had a blast since then (well up until this Covid mess). The day we opened Marc Eriksen (megaman 2 cover artist amongst others) did an in store signing which was really fun. Steve Purcell (Pixar artist/Sam and Max creator) said he would also be willing to do a store signing - so that is something I'm also looking forward too. If you're interested you can follow us on fb or Instagram @nostalgiaalley
  9. Thanks! I was pretty excited to get it as I'm pretty sure I'll never own the cart this is something cool to have from the era.
  10. hey all! Finally made time and created a profile here I've never really been good with forums but I'll see if I can change that here. Little about myself I've been collecting since 2006 and got really into it around 2010. My main squeeze is NES closely followed by turbografx/pc engine and vectrex. I also own a store near San Francisco called Nostalgia Alley (located in Petaluma). Been a blast being able to talk to so many gamers in person on the daily. Anywho looking forward to chatting with everyone! Recently picked up a NWC regional semi finalist shirt! Jason
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