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Posts posted by Rhino

  1. 1 hour ago, Link said:

    This one isn’t really my fight, per se. But here is why since you want to know.


    ”discover the undiscovered” great, a Christopher Columbus of cuisine.

    Chef Eddie Huang’s reaction

    So he's competing against locals, and has his own take on their food. What's the problem? That he thinks he can beat them?

  2. Just now, Link said:

    I don’t believe the answer for food is categorical. It depends on how. Rick Bayless seems like somebody who does it right. 

    Gordon Ramsay said iirc that he can cook any country’s cuisine better than the people from that country. I like him, and sure hes a good chef, but that’s a pretty dumb and insulting thing to say

    Why? You can be the best even if you weren't born there. That's like saying you can't be the best basketball player in the world if you aren't born in the U.S where basketball originated. 

    • Like 2
  3. 17 hours ago, Tulpa said:

    I don't doubt that Fox has more viewers than any single other news source.

    But that's still not most viewers out of all news viewers. Even throwing in CNN it doesn't add up to more than about 20% of all TV news viewers. 80% are getting their news from a source other than Fox or CNN.


    Most people get their TV news from local TV news. While less than Fox individually, in the aggregate, they are most viewers of news. 


    I don't think there's any getting through to you. Where are you getting these numbers from? It looks like most people actually get their news from social media now so we're both wrong and that really explains why everything is a mess. Social media creates echo chambers and has an incredible amount of misinformation. It's very dangerous if your only news source is social media.

  4. 1 hour ago, CodysGameRoom said:

    I'm just saying intelligent people tend to be on the right side of most things at the same time.

    However, I know plenty of people that have views on one subject that would be considered left, and on another subject that would be considered right. Kinda comes with the territory in Nebraska. Yea, some people are brainwashed by Fox News, CNN, FACEBOOK worse than most I think. But a lot of Americans have educated informed opinions. Including the majority of people in this thread, whether I agree with them or not, who you told to "get a brain". 🙄

    I don't doubt many people have educated informed opinions, but many data points backing up those opinions are manipulated. When you look at some of these incidents with police,  look at how the media covers them and what parts of videos or the story they conveniently leave out to back up their version of events.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tulpa said:

    From the Nielson studies, I've seen it pegged at 32 million total news viewers. That's still only 10%, not most.

    The others are getting it from somewhere else.

    And that's just TV news, not internet or newspaper (which usually draws from AP or Reuters for much of the national and international stuff.)

    There you go again trying to manipulate data to make your point. Out of those who watch the news, the most watched channel is fox, even from the source you quoted. Try harder.

    "For the fourth year in a row, Fox News Channel finished 2019 as the most-watched network on cable, according to Nielsen’s Live + Same Day ratings."

  6. 7 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    You literally said most people. 1% of the population is not most people.

    Most people who watch the news lol. This is exactly what I said. Stop being the media and twisting stuff. 

    "Too bad most people in the u.s only ever watch or get their news from cnn or fox."

  7. 3 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

    Yea because if you are educated enough to know that global warming is a serious issue, you probably don't worry too much about what a woman does with her own body.

    Lol. Can you be not racist and think global warming is real? All Republicans are racist based on the democratic branding of them. Can you support lgtbq+ rights and be pro gun? No no no. Make it stop. The intermixing of both party sides hurts. Obey. Obey. Must....obey....

  8. 2 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    Do they? The numbers suggest that only a fraction do. On a good day Fox only claims about 3.5 million. Out of 300 million people in the US.

    But how many people who watch news watch Fox and CNN. See you're doing exactly what the media does. Manipulating data points to fit your point. No way are 300 million people in the U.S watching TV every day. Your point makes no sense. 

  9. Just now, cartman said:

    I would argue that a 2 party system structure is suboptimal no matter where you get the news.

    True. That's a whole other discussion. A third party will take a lot of work to get off the ground with how well each side has branded themselves. You can't be pro life and think global warming is real. That's taking one from each side. Not allowed. That's a no no. How dare you have your own thoughts that mix the left and right.

  10. 24 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

    Oh and Trump does enough “us vs them” to cover the media cabal for 20 years. 

    All modern conservatism is “if you dont vote for us, liberals are going to take away your guns and make your children gay”

    And Democrats want to make you feel like shit and that you're the devil if you don't want the police defunded or you aren't pro choice. Both sides are horrible and have branded themselves with specific ideals that divide the parties in an us vs them mentality to keep you blindly supporting your party. 

    • Like 2
  11. 22 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

    So glad you came here to tell us that! Its definitely “media’s” fault.

    All the posts backed up with evidence supporting peoples points are just false flag operations funded by Soros 😱 

    You can back up anything you want if you find the corresponding data and ignore other data. Evidence is usually one side of the complicated story. Fox and CNN are terrible since they only cover their side and manipulate articles and headlines to get you to agree with their side.

  12. This thread is doing a good job of showing how divided the U.S. is. Don't let the media get to you. The media wants you to think it's "us vs them" when in reality most people don't truly think this. Don't let the media control your thoughts. Have your own opinion and brain. Don't be spoon fed everything, because it's twisted with bias and misinformation anyways.

    • Like 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

    Violence isn't racism though... your analogy doesn't equate.


    I can assure you that the media or my political leaning has absolutely zero to do with my stance on racism. I feel like that probably goes for a lot of others in this thread too but I won't speak for them.

    But hey, thanks for bringing a little enjoyment back to this thread for me! Crazy people going off the rails was the original reason this thread used to be so fun!

    Do you think chess is racist?

    • Haha 1
  14. All you social justice woke warriors are losing your f*cking minds with all this crap. Chess racist? How? The game was invented 1500 years ago in India. Racist because white pieces go first? Give me a break. It's getting ridiculous. The media wants you to stay divided so you keep backing the party they support. 


  15. You do realize not all cops are racist or bad, and not all people of a certain color are racist or bad right? All people are negatively effected by cops. You just choose to believe what the media wants you to think. Wake up social justice woke warriors. Have a brain and opinion for f*cks sake. Do your homework. Watch this video. 


    • Haha 1
  16. It took a little while for my funds to settle but they did last week and then I got an ISBC stock too. It seems they give a lot of ISBC stock out for free from reading the comments on that stock page. I deposited $1 and got $16.50 worth of stock for free. $15.50 profit for doing nothing basically. You can't beat that! Thank you again very much!

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