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So cheap/ ftp mobile classics, how do you feel about them? Recommend any?


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So I was wondering, I know for many and still I'm kind of on the fence about it because it's on iOS (or Android) but has anyone here dug into the various classics ported to these devices? Sadly enough of them seem to only support touch, not an external choice.


That aside though, I decided to grab a few that were either FREE (Sega stuff w/add removal being $2) or $2 (a trio of capcom classics.) I was curious how you all feel about those Sega Forever games and perhaps the old Capcom stuff (GnG, GnG 2, 1942?) So far the GnG's are a bit nasty, but 1942 works well. I tried out so far Golden Axe on the Sega side and it played remarkably well to my surprise.


Has anyone popped down the $2 for the ad removal on the Sega stuff or picked up some others? I know the Megaman 1-6 are bad from Capcom but the others work. And I do have various SNK arcade(Neo Geo) games and they work quite nicely too.


Perhaps some of you have a few suggestions?


For the sake of argument, let's pretend you can't APK load roms and emulators on Android if you have one of those devices, pretend you're stuck in an iOS walled garden.

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