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Bringing back a dumpster RType cabinet


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So a couple months ago I picked up an empty RType cabinet. I got it for free because it was going to be thrown in the dumpster because of how much work it needed. It was as empty as a cabinet could be then some.





It's not in super great shape with chunks missing. But I suppose it's a good opportunity to get it back to it's original condition.

I identified it as an RType cabinet despite it missing the serial plate because the cabinet is an original black Vs system style cabinet (only playchoice singles and RType came in black) and it was lacking the holes required for mounting the timer display in the screen area.

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So I've started taking it a bit more seriously with the actual work. Ovee the weekend I crafted a new base for it as it was missing it's original one.


I think it is a little shorter than the original, but I bought this lumber from the 70% off bin at home depot. It turned out just fine and matches the other nintendo cabinets.

The next step is to start addressing the separation on the back. It is making the cabinet unstable and it needs to be fixed anyway.



Some wood glue and screws should accomplish what I am hoping. Currently waiting for it to dry.

The next step is going to be making the new bottom piece that is missing. I also mounted the coin area shroud.


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