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Posts posted by MrPeaPod

  1. 2 hours ago, Tanooki said:

    Dude nuts, Sixshot still in the box amazing!  I've got that one complete other than the box, big toy compared to most.  What was the other you got and the Gobot?  Do you collect G1s or Gobots?

    I normally don't collect older toys but I couldn't pass them up for that price. When I was a kid, I had a friend that had a bunch of transformers and I was always jealous of it.

    It was Go Bot Grungy


    The other transformer was metroplex. I must have never taken a picture of it. I'll have to do that and I'll post it later


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  2. 11 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    Nearly done with SteinsGate, with some shorter games lined up behind it.  I'm thinking realMyst, Contra Rogue Whatever, or the Trine games.

    Still plugging along with my SNES stuff too.  I'd say 50 games left in the library that I still need to put some more time in before I can call my experience with them "complete."

    How is Steins Gate? I've been really curious about it. I started the anime but didn' get past the second episode

  3. Nes - Startropics. I've made it up to the UFO part of the game. Must be getting close to the end. 

    Snes - Brainlord. Just started it out. Okay so far

    Switch - Bendy and the Ink Machine. I'm up to chapter three. I really don't do well with the whole horror genre and this game has made me scream out loud more than once. I'm such a wimp with jump scares lol. I really enjoy the atmosphere so far. There hasn't been too much of gameplay yet though. Mostly just walking around and getting startled. 

  4. Nes - Super Mario Bros 1 2 & 3

    The first video games I ever played were the Mario Bros. trilogy. My grandparents had an NES in their second living room that they built. I would never mind going over there for a visit bucause my brother and I were able to play these awesome video games. They had a fairly nice stack of games. 25 years after playing them at my grandparents house, I'm still the owner of them. 

    The Super Nintendo - Super Metroid

    My parents bought the kids a Super Nintendo for Christmas one year. It was the bundle that came with Super Mario World and Super Mario All Stars. I think that playing the remakes of the Mario Bros trilogy on the Super Nintendo was the first time we were able to make it through the whole game. The save feature was a blessing.

    We then got the Donkey Kong Games. I remember in DKC3 that my brothers and I could never make it to the first save point in the Ice World. We tried for days but could never do it so my dad stayed up all night long and learned how to play the game so that he could make it to the save point for us. I still remember him showing us in the morning.

    The Super Nintendo never really took off for me until I was gifted Super Metroid for my birthday. I can't remember what year it was but I do remember receiving the game and the Nintendo Players guide. I played that game for the next summer. I beat it multiple times trying to go faster, getting 100 % of items, and even cleared ever single tile. It was the game that drew my love for video games and for playing them quickly. I've completed no other game more times than Super Metroid. Still the most influential game for me. My younger brother has the games from my youth. The only two I wouldn't give him were Super Metroid and Zelda a Link to the Past.

    N64 - Zelda Ocarina of Time

    After getting an N64, I still mostly played the Super Nintendo. I would play the multi-player games mostly. 007, Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing were the main ones I would play. The only game I truly spent any time with was Ocarina of Time. I always wanted Majoras Mask but never did until just recently. I have yet to start it

    PS2 - Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance and Xenosaga

    I don't recall where our PS2 came from. I think my older brother brought it home one day. My uncle owned a pawn shop, so each time we would come visit the store he would let us take a game home to keep. My brothers choose, Baldurs Gate and Downhill Domination. I choose Xenosaga III. I picked that game because I had just recently played through Final Fantasy X and thought this would be the game closest to it. I can understand how some people would be turned off by the hour long cutscenes but I absolutely loved it.

    My brother and I played through Baldurs Gate countless times. It is still the game we go to and play if he is spending the night over at my place for any reason

    Wii - Zelda Twilight Princess

    This game is special to me because I've played through every minute of it with my niece. She was always interested in my small Zelda collection so we started playing Twilight Princess together. At first she would just hold the nunchuck while I would hold the remote. It made the beginning of the game much harder than it was intended to be. Eight years later and we just finished the game. It's been a blast the whole time and to see how shes grown from the first time playing together


    My adult life has consisted of playing the video games of my youth or playing chess online. A co-worker got me interested in chess and I've been hooked since. In just over a year I've played 1500 games and rated 1200 in blitz online. Chess is everything I could want in a game. 

  5. Imperium is beat! I've included some boss pictures throughout the game.

    Most of the game is knowing which gun to use at what time. I play chicken for most of the boss fights and use the third weapon which always shoots in the opposite way your moving. It's slow for the fight but helps me to stay alive. The lazer is my least use gun. You would think it would be the strongest but I've found it to be the weakest.





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