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Posts posted by shauntendo64

  1. I have absolutely no experience in NES development, but am a huge fan of homebrew games and enjoy collecting them.  My hesitation of games made exclusively with NESmaker is that we get a flood of cookie cutter games that are all very similar in mechanics and style.  This would really take a lot of the fun out of it as I appreciate the wide variety of mechanics and games people come up with in the homebrew community. 

    I understand that almost all homebrew developers are using some sort of tools to help in coding and creation of their game.  I don't really understand why using NESmaker is considered "worse" than using any other tool that is out there. 

    If a game was made exclusively with NESmaker with minimal to no modification to the coding, I'd want to know that before buying it.  If a game was made using NESmaker as one tool (among other tools and coding), then I don't really care, and don't think that should be looked down upon in my opinion.

  2. What about adding a section for discussion of reproduction games. I’ve found the nintendoage forums to be very helpful in learning to make games in the past. I was thinking a thread to ask questions/discuss reproduction builds. I could possibly create an nes wiring guide if there is interest. Also a thread to share labels or case art the community has created for use with reproduction games. 

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