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Posts posted by NostalgicMachine

  1. On 6/1/2024 at 10:33 AM, DreamCuPS said:

    Yep yep, Im not sure I really played the arcade version, but, back in the 90s, I did it in co-op with a friend. I think we did not finished it, though. 

    Not a bad game in any sense, but it's not for me, either.

    Totally valid!

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  2. The video is part of our Good, Bad, Buggy series, where we take specific classic games and analyze them a bit closer and honestly. 

    We take a look at the three most popular ports of Mortal Kombat 2: The Arcade, Genesis, and SNES versions, compare the similarities as well as differences, and then go over some of the more prominent ups and downs.

    We did one for MKT and it sort of exploded; this one appears to be performing similarly.

    Lots of awesome discussion happening in the comments, too.

    People love their MK!

  3. 44 minutes ago, Rhuno said:

    Some good ones! I've never finished Dracula's Curse, I should remedy that soon. 

    It's really the last few sections that I get stuck on! I wanted to take all the paths to the end this time, so I had a few different games going at once. There are some hilarious exploits for some of the bosses!

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  4. On 5/8/2024 at 3:38 PM, srbossman79 said:

    I do enjoy the latter 3 on the NES, but whenever I want to get some Megaman going, I'm usually popping in MM3.  Some will disagree, but I think that one had the best mix of music/difficulty/playability and the slide rocks!! While it is indeed novel in it's own right, I just don't care for the charge shot in the latter games.  It throws off the whole flow of "jump & shoot". 

    I don't disagree with you. What's odd, is that even when learning about the objective coding and testing failures of the first three games, it doesn't seem to impact enjoyment. I love everything about the first six games, including what most people don't enjoy about the latter three. The latter three are my favorites.

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