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Everything posted by ProtonX

  1. I’ve repaired at least 100 of these over the past few months and got board building standard colors. So- I took random leftover parts and built this. What are your thoughts? Awesome or an abomination?
  2. Depending on condition looking to spend 750-$1k via PayPal good and services. Message me if you have one.
  3. This wasn’t really a repair, just more of a cleaning with great results. Got a few Hanshin Tiger GC controllers the other day and this one was scuffed up really back. Here are some before and after.
  4. Finally finished the next batch of gameboy games. I still have a seasons that won’t save- and I haven’t figured out how to fix that yet (got a Pokémon yellow with the same problem), somehow power isn’t getting from the new battery to the right spot… Anyways after a good bit of time and chasing dead traces- these copies of ages and seasons were brought back to life.
  5. This was one of the worst fixable gameboy games I have had in a while. All the chips needed have the solder connections redone, 4 pads were bad, 2 chips legs were rotted. I wish I had a donor for this, but haven’t been able to find these boards cheap for a while now. Anyways- wasn’t worth the time- but it was a decent challenge. Some of the soldering isn’t great, but I didn’t care- no one who buys this game is going to look at the solder joints…
  6. Lol- yeah, it’s not as cheap as it used to be to get nice batches of them anymore, and usually the easily fixed or battery replacements are already gone from the lot. I wholesale them to a local store for a fair bulk price, so I’m not quite getting max profits, but don’t have to directly deal with any customer returns- and can fix the warranty items without have to deal with shipping.
  7. Yeah- i love repairing things. I mostly enjoy carts. Here is a photo of the Pokémon carts fixed in just the last couple weeks.
  8. I’ve got to start taking before pictures. Here is a Pokémon Silver that wouldn’t boot. It had 3 bad traces and needed a new battery. Now it’s back up and working. I use a light to highlight the bad/missing traces- doesn’t work all the time, but it’s good to see the really bad ones.
  9. This one looks to have gone from something below 300 as on offer on eBay.
  10. Another large one. Thanks for your input everyone.
  11. Bought this on eBay just to take apart. Kinda funny how it had bolts for in place of batteries glued inside. Also it looks to be a modified regular Wiimote with motion plus. Not sure what to do with the now- if anyone needs a parts one reach out. We need a repair section on the forum for stuff like this. Anyways enjoy the photos.
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