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Question About Media/Attachment Heavy Posts, Previewing Posts etc.


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Hello! I'm looking to create a topic inside of a club that has the potential to have hundreds of images attached. I like the idea of VGS hosting the images so we're not burned when another photobucket type situation happens down the line. This has me asking a lot of questions:

-When it says "Max total size 14.65MB" is that per individual posts inside a topic? Or per single attachment?

-Is there a way to pre-load the media before actually posting the topic? The "My attachments" area doesn't seem to have a way to manage our attachments in any way. What happens when it gets full?

-What about deciphering the direct link to an attachment beforehand so I could compose my topic on my local PC, then simply paste it here once I'm satisfied? For instance, I have one picture uploaded here to the site named "neo.jpg" but when inserted into a thread, it's source URL is made into the following (I removed https so it wouldn' paste the image): "//content.invisioncic.com/g290812/monthly_2019_11/neo.JPG.9078da3e26ac41c0cebe706aad3b1328.JPG" Or is there a way to see the direct code without image previews that I could paste to something like Word while I compose my topic over time?

 Could there ever be a way to change the sorting in the "insert existing attachment" window by name, upload date, or possibly have a name only/no thumbnail view? Similar to the "Details" view in Windows Explorer?


Thank you! -Aaron


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