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Posts posted by chromableedstudios

  1. It's definitely pretty great. Not one I played as a kid or anything so no nostalgia blinders for me, just a great tune.

    I'm also a big fan of gunnac and rad racer 2 soundtracks. (And also vi, dancoot, Sergio E and others! Lots of good chiptunes/vgm... Wtb anamanaguchi cart if anyone has one floating around 🙂

  2. On 2/27/2021 at 4:35 PM, Daniel_Doyce said:

    Ok... I'll bite. Which one and why?

    Crystal skulls...ugh.


    There was always some suspension of disbelief in ij movies/TV series, but Crystal skulls just tossed out the formula and went all history channel aliens meme. Almost makes the star wars prequels look like fine art. Almost.

    (Although in fairness to the topic, Crystal skulls was never good the first time, so maybe it doesn't qualify)


  3. Why would that never work? That was more or less the initial outcome of the msft anti trust case...

    I think the repair manuals might be a bit of a stretch, but for both the environment and the end user right to repair seems like mostly a good thing


  4. If I was starting out with a budget for what sounds like you want to build a new gvn, without current coding skills, I would look at a no-code/low code platform like msft powerApps/logicApps. Maybe pull data into an azure SQL. Front end is a mystery to me?

  5. fun but terrible ideas:

    Battle of the bands

    Science fair

    Dodgeball tournament


    Pick the highest number

    Nose goes

    Hula hoop contest

    Stadium events tournament

    Dance off

    Bake off

    Highest donation to charity in blind contest

    Yo yo battle

    Rock em sock em robot fight

    Wii bowling



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