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Cartoony Gamer

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Posts posted by Cartoony Gamer

  1. You are like me, I have the whole list, save for #34 and 42! I am constantly on the hunt just for the knowledge of the titles. I’m fine if I never get them. Playing on my old quiz wiz has been fun. Handing it down to my son. Amazing! 
    I had noticed to the two different names for the Book #9 and thought it was just me! Like, maybe I’m just that ignorant of sports to not see the two mean the same thing 😂. Nice to know about the grey booklet for #1 being different from the OG. Because I’d bought the grey one, and it has the cartridge and booklet. And my old one I can’t find the booklet for it. So I figure we could JUST use the one from the grey one. However, if it’s different, then that’s a different story! That sucks. But, cool at the same time. I never liked when they rebooted to grey. Looked cheap. And after having a grey vs the black. I stand by that! And I especially hated when they designed it the third time and it was just an open-face design. It’s so cool to see the love of Quiz Wiz is still alive. That thing held so much entertainment for me during so many boring family events. Or long car rides! I loved that toy! That was some awesome technology! I learned with it!

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