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Posts posted by firetoad

  1. Hey everyone,

    After just over 2 months of working in silence, I finally added FamiTone5 support in my homebrew NES game. It was a piece of cake once I came to realize that most FamiTracker music doesn't use just the 5 NES audio channels and can't be used in FamiTone5 apparently.  It seems that GGSound also has the 5 channel restriction?

    I think I'm personally fine with this limitation. If I didn't want limitations, I wouldn't be into NES homebrew. However, eventually I'll need to collaborate with a musician who might want a wider sound palette to work with. I'm wondering what is required for a homebrew game to use expansion audio?  Namco 163 is just an example I found in a nice FamiTracker music sample; the question could be considered to be about any expansion audio.



  2. Thanks everyone! Yes, I’m using NesDev as a primary resource and I’ll look there for technical assistance. I’m currently thinking of VGS as a social component; a place I can let interested people know of my projects, and celebrate the achievements of others.

    I didn’t mention it originally, but the first project I’m working on to get familiar with home brew is a demake/ port of geometry dash.  I chose it because it is sufficiently complicated to be challenging (scrolling platformer) but I think it’s plenty doable wrt programming and graphics. Sound is TBD, since I’m not musically skilled. 😕  As I mentioned, it’s going okay so far but it’s just starting. It looks like it’s going to be very fun and well within reach. It’s also a bonding opportunity for me and my son. I don’t play geometry dash at all, nor any mobile games, but it’s massively captured my 8 year olds fascination, and he regards it the way I regarded Mario and Zelda when I was that age. He loves to give me insight into the mechanics of the game and help me prioritize features. 🙂

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  3. Hi everyone. I’m just getting into game development for NES and I’m very happy to be here.

    I’m a lifelong Nintendo fan, having grown up with the NES, and I’m also an experienced programmer, but not game programming nor 6502 assembly, so this still new to me.  I read ‘Racing the Beam’ and then ‘I Am Error’ a couple months ago, and promptly decided that my new life’s goal is to make my own NES games.  That’s going okay for now with the small time I’ve worked on it.

    I have been listening chronologically to early episodes of NES Assembly Line Podcast which recommended that I join NintendoAge in an episode from 2017, but it seems that that website is not what it used to be, so I found my way here.

    I look forward to being part of the community.

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