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Andykin Skysk8r

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Posts posted by Andykin Skysk8r

  1. On Rise 2 I beat difficulty 11 easily, then went on to 12. I won all the matches until there was only 5 or so left. I played as Griller and lost my first continue to Suppressor, switched to Lockjaw and somehow got destroyed by one of those small ninja guys who are usually easy. So for my final continue I switched back to Griller. The game does a thing where when you pick your character its loading but it gives you no indication its loading for like 15 seconds. So naturally you start pushing buttons trying to select your character thinking you pushed the wrong button, and this soft reset the game and erased my progress. So I now hate this game and will never play it again. For anyone who wants to beat it though just use Griller and Lockjaw and use the poke strategy that works in most fighting games. Also most of the guys have the same dumb ai which does a forward jump kick if you walk towards it without attacking. You can abuse this and punish them repeatedly. 

  2. For Rise 2 there are 24 difficulty settings, default is level 12. I have beaten the game on levels 9 and 10. I will try 11 and 12, but in case I fail just know that this is an easy game you can beat in an hour or two, its just a matter of cheesing the AI. Its basically a dumbed down Mortal Kombat but with 20ish characters. 

  3. Lunacy is done. Every game like this that has come before it was extremely clunky. Lunacy is the first one that was truly enjoyable. Released in 1996 but with a graphics update would fit right in as a modern game. Great game. Btw, if you get stuck at a bullshit roadblock, the manual has a list of the bullshit roadblocks and helps you out with them. I got stuck for hours because I didnt think to *spoilers* - put the book back on the bookshelf, because why tf would you make me do that? 


    I saw the Louisa plot twist coming a mile away, still cool though. Instead of Fred turning into a beam of light or whatever that was they should have just made him fully remember a bunch of combat skills to have an epic showdown. 


    Since I had no idea that you have to get secret items to save the 4 people in the city of moons, the only one I saved was Mac, the watchsmith. I found the secret item to save Morse, but he had already died by the time I got it. No idea what I needed to save Hannah, Rose and the kid. Presumably I had to jump around a bunch of other teleporting paintings. I mainly searched the X O Clock towers for these but I probably should have searched the elemental towers too. Oh well, the game was seriously fun so I might just play through it again to try to save Hannah, she was always cool. Morse was an ass, dont even care he died though I might save him too. 

    Edit: Played through the whole game again and saved everyone. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Crabmaster2000 said:

    Had a really lucky run just now and R-Type is done! As usual had a flawless run up to Stage 6 and then promptly smashed myself into the first wall in the whole level. The last Stage is incredibly difficult if you don't have both options available and very easy if you do. I only knew about options on Stages 1, 4 and 7. Since I died at 6 I was expecting to go into Stage 8 with just one. I didn't realize that during the boss fight in Stage 7 that amongst all the junk that is getting tossed at you it can also throw the occasional power up. In fact I didn't even see it drop me an extra option during the fight and only when the fight was over and the game automatically moves you to the center of the screen did I pick it up by default. Boy was that exciting to go into Stage 8 with and thankfully I didn't screw it up. 

    R-Type - Ending.PNG

    Are you a streamer of any kind? Typically only streamers can just grind on and on for months like this.

    • Haha 1
  5. 20 hours ago, Crabmaster2000 said:

    Messed around with R-Type tonight to see what I'm dealing with. Not too terrible so far. Lots of power ups, 3 continues, additional options, can use the one upgrade as either an option or a shield on the front or the back. I made it to stage 5 without much trouble. Unless there's something crazy in one of the final levels it's just gonna be a matter or learning a few enemy patterns and knowing which power ups are the most useful in which areas.

    If I remember right the last stage has a bit of annoying slowdown but you should be fine. Have you finished Sinistron yet? Its not as bad as Sinistron imo

  6. 14 hours ago, Crabmaster2000 said:


    Did you beat it prior to this challenge then? I didn't see you on the list as having completed it. 

    Do you happen to have a link to video of either your playthrough or this Japanese fellows? I'd love to have some help through some of the trickier stages for when I get stuck. So far I haven't needed anything, but it sounds like it may bet rough from your description. I did a quick search and there didn't seem to be much info for Timeball online. 

    I did it in May 2020 so before the challenge started. The Japanese guy played on some obscure Japanese video website, all his videos had like 5 views. I made a video but only of the final level: 


    • Thanks 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Crabmaster2000 said:

    Not sure how I missed this comment, but I made sure no cheats or glitches (or third party peripherals) for any games. Originally I had used the stairs glitch in Ghostbusters, but I went back and did it legitimately because that didn't sit right with me. 

    I imagine Ikari Warriors was not fun lol

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Crabmaster2000 said:

    Started working on Timeball. Not sure how much the later levels ramp up in difficulty/time consumption, but I made it to level 30 out of 100 in about 2-3 hours, so not too bad so far. 

    The hardest levels in the game are from around where you are until level 89. So basically it seems the devs put a solid effort into levels 1-30ish, then started to run out of time so then worked on levels 90-100, and for all the levels in between you can tell they didnt have time to make sure there was a reasonable increase in difficulty and probably just made them all as fast as possible and just had guys working in shifts to eventually complete the levels to prove they were actually possible to complete. As far as I can tell I'm one of two people on the internet who have beaten this game and the Japanese guy who also did it changed the settings to make the ball move slower. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Crabmaster2000 said:

    Tangentially related to this thread:

    I'm currently working on Neutopia and when I'm finished with it that'll be game 47 for my personal list and half of the library done!

    Both it and its sequel are classic. The music is stuck in my head still all these years later. Still waiting on Neutopia 3, it'll happen one day!

    • Love 1
  10. On 10/14/2023 at 2:03 PM, Crabmaster2000 said:

    Beat Silent Debuggers. I played it a long time ago and don't think I really understood the game. Now that I sat down with it and figured it out, it was REALLY cool. Pretty deep survival horror game. A few weapons to mess around with, good sense of creepy atmosphere, the blocks of the station being attacked and sealed off if you fail to defend them is pretty tense (I had the block that controls the lights go out so I had to play the last couple stages in the dark which was awesome). Cool game

    I played on Normal, but I checked a Hard playthrough on youtube and they have the same ending either way. 

    Silent Debuggers - End.PNG

    Wow I totally forgot about this game. Huge win, this one is tough as nails. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Crabmaster2000 said:

    I've played through and recorded my footage of every NES game on orignal hardware. I plan to do the same for TG16. So I want to figure out a way to make it work legit, no save states or emulation or anything like that. 


    I have no problem with someone using an emulator, but I do feel like if you are using save states that's not in the spirit of this challenge to beat the games legitimately 

    You will have to go old school and leave the system on overnight, hope for no power outages, and hope no people or animals bump into it. 

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