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Posts posted by SniprKlr

  1. 4 hours ago, Code Monkey said:

    I did end up getting my money back. The seller was really nice.

    Good to see you got your money back.. Often the seller doesn't know or wasn't the one who did it. A lot of reseals come from liquidators too for which a seller gets and puts up on Ebay etc.. The fact that they worked with you on that probably means they weren't trying to scam you and just didn't know. 


  2. 3 hours ago, OptOut said:

    FYI wavy paper is usually caused by humidity damage, and this sort of damage CAN be caused while a game is still fully sealed.

    Not commenting on the validity of the seal in this particular case, but in general yeah I've seen wavy paper on legit sealed games before.

    That is usually if there is a small hole somewhere or if there is a enough trapped moister in the case while having sat in the sun or someplace really warm.. Usually you will not see this happen, and in most cases I would see it as a red flag for a reseal. however, the biggest issue here isn't that, it was the use of shrink wrap... 

  3. Yes that is a fake seal. Games from that era did not use shrink wrap but rather cellophane that’s folded and glued at the top and bottom. You can also see the warping of the manual / art in the case, and that either means heat from shrink wraping caused it, or that the game was most likely used as that would not happen in a factory sealed case like this..  That one is an obvious reseal.  If you can get your money back..., do it. 




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